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This story is a sequel to The Chase

As Hearth's Warming approaches in the city of Ponyville, heated love threatens to melt away the snow.

Inside of Bon Bon's candy shop, a proposal takes place.

Reading The Chase is helpful, but not required. This is a stand alone spin off.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

In the wake of the battle with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle becomes fixated on restoring Golden Oaks Library. After all, it was home for her little family of three. But as her attempts to repair the books and tree continuously fail, her friends must take matters into their own hooves. Discord, as the good friend he is, tosses Twilight and her extended family into an unexpected adventure while Twilight's other friends get to work on the new crystal palace.

All together, they'll do everything to ensure Twilight and her family have a place to call home when they reach the end of the road.

Chapters (15)

Presenting Princess Celestia, fair and beloved ruler of Equestria, and her daughters, Luna and Twilight, heirs to the Equestrian throne.

Wait, what was that last bit?

Due to an unknown spell, Princess Celestia must take care of her new young daughters as she fights her stronger-than-ever motherly instincts while finding a way to return everything back to normal.

Now with 20% more cover image thanks to the wonderful LevelDasher!!

It was featured again while cancelled lol (19/10/20)
Thank you, everyone!
This was adopted from TheFaceOfMercy

Chapters (10)

An Inky Jay Story

In an odd turn of events, Rainbow Dash realizes she doesn't know the pony who writes her favorite novels. As it turns out, neither does any other pony. The author of Daring Do has kept her identity a secret since she began publishing, but Rainbow Dash is convinced she can unravel the mystery once and for all.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Chase

Reading The Chase is quite helpful in understanding what is going on in the background and is recommended...

Born a lunar pegasus, a strange foal seems to be changing into a unicorn shortly after birth. Called in to to investigate the magical curiousity, Princess Luna is asked to take the foal into her custody. After first mistaking the foal for a lunar alicorn, but then learning the truth, Luna agrees to take the foal into her care.

Luna learns the hard way that foal care is not her forte and the immortal alicorn is quickly laid low by the newborn foal.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Academy

Nighttime. Stars. The moon. A midnight snack. An adventure past bedtime. Ivy and Luna spend some quality time together in the Foal Mountains, with Luna giving little Ivy some vocal instruction.

The night will never be the same.

This story takes place at some point during the Alicorn Academy. A delightful little side story, one of many that I hope to release. I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mail Order Orphan

Celestia discovers a new magical prodigy. When she takes on Hoodwink as her personal student, the other Alicorns find themselves taking on students as well, with each Alicorn having a different lesson to teach as they exchange their students among one another.

Climbing Ivy returns from Mail Order Orphan, and is now part of a much larger story arc. For other characters, like Brimstone, it is important to read Delivery Interrupted. Everything will all tie together eventually, so I suppose all of it is important.

Enjoy reading.

Important fact to note. There will be no new alicorns introduced into Equestria. This is not that type of story. Don't get the wrong idea. Thank you. Have fun, and pleasant reading.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to The Chase

Reading The Chase is helpful but not required! This is a stand alone adventure.

Four foals find themselves without adult supervision quite suddenly.

In fact, they are all alone in the world. No adults, no other foals, just themselves.

And stuffed animals that don't quite seem right...

Chapters (3)

Sugarplum takes pride in doing her job, finding a home for foals and delivering them by train. But this job is one that she is having trouble doing. The foal in question has a destination, but it isn't one that Sugarplum wants him to go to. A terrible future awaits the foal after the tragic accident that left him an orphan. Sugarplum meets Glowbug, a unicorn, who makes her an offer to change the foal's fate, causing a terrible conflict as Sugarplum must try to figure out what is right for the foal and right for other ponies.

A side story to Mail Order Orphan and part of a larger still expanding 'verse.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy, feeling that motherly need, secures herself a mail order orphan. Will she be up for the challenge of mothering one of Equestria's most unique creatures that defies classification or description? Will her friends be there for her as they always have? And what about Discord, Fluttershy's long time friend and the one indirectly responsible for all of this confusion... Will he find something that he wasn't aware he was looking for? Will Spike finally find somebody he can relate to? All of this and more...

An important note. The stories in the sidebar all tie in with this story, providing background elements and filling in characters and settings. Reading those will cause a number of things to make a lot more sense.

This is mostly going to be a slice of life story, with elements of fitting in, finding your place in the world, and the need for unconditional positive regard.

This takes place in an alternate verse, at some point in the near future. It is going to start out rated "E" for everyone, but might get some interesting humour in there later, which may require a "T" rating. We'll see. Tags will be added as the story progresses.

Beware when checking a box that states "other."

I'd love for some feedback. Thanks! And I don't have a good cover image. I'm sorry.

Edit: There is now a side story. Delivery Interrupted.

Chapters (17)