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This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Young Kukri Doo faces the greatest crisis of her young life. Worse than the time her ship was chased by pirates. Worse than the time the Equestrian Intelligence Service took her prisoner. Even worse than the time a Primal Changeling tried to turn her into its next meal.

It's Sunset Shimmer's birthday!!! And despite being the Shimmer-mare's personal apprentice, Kukri doesn't have the first clue where to get the perfect gift for her or what that gift even is! Her parents and friends simply fail to grasp the gravity of this unfolding crisis, or the terrible consequences of failure. Who can imagine what horrors might be unleashed if Kukri can't find the perfect present before time runs out?!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: More Equal than Others

Sunset Shimmer had grand ambitions upon becoming Freeport's only magus, most importantly helping out the citizens of Freeport itself. When she hears of an outlying farming community in danger from a horde of undead, she knows she has to help them. Even if they can't pay her fees, it's the right thing to do.

However, this new challenge might be too much for her to handle. These zombies are unlike anything she's ever seen, and an old enemy is mixed up in the middle of all of this. Sunset has no idea what dark secrets the undead horde hides, or the danger posed by the necromancer behind it.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Sunset Shimmer has established a good life for herself in Freeport. Sure, the city might be horrendously corrupt, but she makes a very good living as the Freeport's only officially sanctioned unicorn magus.

All that goes down the drain when somepony robs the richest bank in Freeport. And most baffling of all, after the heist the crook went to the poorest part of town and scattered the loot for all of Freeport's poor and deprived citizens. Now Sunset has to find the thief, and figure just why someone would rob from the rich and give to the poor...

Reading The Freeport Venture is not necessary to follow this story's plot, though you'll certainly enjoy it more if you have. Plus you should read the previous story anyway, because I'm quite proud of it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Moment in the Sun

Sunset Shimmer is on the run. It's been six months since she left her life as Princess Celestia's student behind, but she can't escape her own past. Her parents are offering a reward for her safe return home, and Celestia's agents are watching her every step. She might have gotten out of Canterlot, but the runaway student is still a long way from freedom. Especially since her education with the Princess of Equestria didn’t cover things like how to make a living wage with her magical skills.

However, there might still be one place where she can escape all of them. The infamous island nation of Freeport has long had a reputation as a haven for pirates, criminals, and exiles, but there's no better place in the world for somepony who wants to disappear. The only question is whether Sunset will live long enough to pull it off.

Chapters (14)

As the eternal regent of Equestria, Princess Celestia's knowledge of magic is without equal. Over her long life, only a few gifted ponies who had a great destiny before them have had the honor of learning at her side. Sunset Shimmer was one such pony: one of Celestia’s best and most promising students. As she learned at Celestia’s hooves, their bond strengthened until they became far more than student and teacher to one another.

Sometimes those closest to us are the ones who can hurt us the most.

[Note: This story does not directly tie into Equestria Girls]

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight's Profoundly Peripheral Protector

Storm Kicker has faced many challenges as part of her duties as bodyguard to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and despite some initial difficulties, she has managed to adjust quite nicely to her new role.

That is, until she she faces the most terrifying enemy of her entire career in the Royal Guard: an unholy prankster alliance between Sparkler Doo, her own younger sister, and Ponyville's premier prankster Rainbow Dash. Can Storm and her princess face this threat and escape with their dignity intact, or will they become the laughingstock of Ponyville and all Equestria?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Dresden Gets Schooled

Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden's life has been even stranger than usual ever since he first got involved with Equestria. However, after his last adventure sent him to some strange high school dimension, things have finally settled down into something approaching normalcy. Or at least as normal as Harry's life ever gets. His new apprentice Sunset Shimmer is proving to be quite a handful, but Harry has experience with handling headstrong young women.

However, things take a turn for the worse when he learns that a new threat from Equestria has made its way to Earth. And naturally it's up to him to stop the Sirens before they rock the world's foundations.

Cover art by Pon3Splash

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight's Profoundly Peripheral Protector

Big threats were nothing new to Storm Kicker. Even before entering the service of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Storm's career had brought her head-to-head with some of the worst Equestria could offer, and more still—from water monsters in Canterlot to the changeling invasion. She knew when she agreed to be Princess Twilight Sparkle's bodyguard that it was probably only a matter of time before some new ancient evil broke loose, and she would need to be there, at her princess' side.

When Tirek began his assault on Equestria, Storm was ready to give her life in the service of princess. What she wasn't prepared for was Twilight sending her away. However, regardless of her princess' orders, Storm swore an oath to serve and protect her princess, and she will do what she must to fulfil it. Even if it means putting her life on the line in a hopeless battle against an enemy she cannot possibly defeat.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Denarians

A year has passed since Harry Dresden, wizard-for-hire and Winter Knight, rescued Equestria and the Elements of Harmony from the clutch of the Denarians. Why wouldn't he jump at the chance to return to Equestria to visit his (very) colorful friends in a totally peaceful and uneventful vacation?

Because he's Harry Dresden, and life rarely lets things go so smoothly for him, when it's not killing him to death. And when things go wrong this time, Harry finds himself in a realm far, far more terrifying than Arctis Tor, Discord's realm, or the Outside:

High school.

Follow-up to "My Little Denarians."

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)