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Estimated Reading: 3 hours



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Memories. Sunset's never had all of them. She can't remember anything before the day Princess Celestia found her collapsed in a garden as a child. Over the years, she's come to terms with it. It didn't matter where she came from or what her life had been before...right?

But since the Friendship Games started, Sunset's been having odd dreams, nightmares of a house on fire, a name of a friend she never had. Dreams of time and space, dreams of a small man with an umbrella.

Sunset Shimmer's life proves to be far less straightforward and far more complicated than anyone ever imagined.

A crossover between Equestria Girls and Classic Doctor Who.

Special thanks to EchoWing and Setokaiva for being a sounding board and proofreader. Without them, this story wouldn’t be here.

Playlist of an in-progress reading done by the author.

Chapters (6)