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Hi, all.

So due to being sick, I find myself with more time on my hands than usual.

Because of this, I have decided to spend copious amounts of time writing a guide for all of your breeding needs.

Why? Because Breeding is an intimidating and daunting process for most newcomers, and I know that when I first started I had no idea where to begin. But you have me, so you're sure to experience success.


Before you get started

Let's choose a pokemon to breed, just for the sake of this guide. Let's go with Flygon, because Flygon is awesome, and you're not awesome if you don't like it.

If you're breeding a pokemon for competitive play, it's important to think about how you want your Flygon to be. Fortunately for you, there are videos talking about how Flygon is used in the competitive field. Of course, these usually talk about the most effective way to use them. If you're looking for something abit different, or want to experiment with them a little, there are websites you can check out that list everything you could ever possibly want to know about a particular pokemon.

Abilities: Let's start with the abilities available to us. Fortunately Flygon keeps things simple, he has one and only one ability, levitate.

However this is a guide for a reason, and I'm going to explain how to get other abilities for other pokemon you may/may not breed. Pokemon usually have 2-3 abilities, two regular abilities and one hidden ability. The regular abilities are abilities you can catch a pokemon in the wild with, or an ability that they're hatched from eggs with.

Hidden abilities are a bit more fickle. In X/Y, you have to utilize the Friend Safari to find pokemon with hidden abilities. In ORAS, there's the handy dandy Pokenav.

This guide isn't about those things, so if you want to read more about them you can do so here, and here.

Breeding moves
Once you have your ability planned out, then you need to think about your moves, and how your pokemon is going to function on your team. For that, there are pages like the Bulbapedia one I linked to you above that have listed out all the possible breeding moves a pokemon can learn. Now in the past, only male pokemon can pass breeding moves onto their children. But thanks to the magic of gen 6, any gender can pass moves onto their children, but only if those species are in the same egg group.

Let me explain.

Every pokemon belongs to an egg group. Flygon belongs to the bug egg group, and as such can only breed with things in that group, or a ditto. Which everything breeds with. Because it's the pokemon whore.

IVs and EVs

This is where things get a little complex.

Before you get started with your breeding, you need to keep in mind what IVs and EVs you want your pokemon to have.

IVs stand for Intrinsic Values, and EVs stand for Effort Values. IVs are points every pokemon has assigned to them when they are born/encountered in the wild. There are 6 IVs, one for each stat a pokemon can have. HP, attack, special attack, defense, special defense, and speed. As opposed to 6 IVs, a pokemon have have up to 510 EVs, with a maximum of 252 EVs in a single stat.

These points determine what your pokemon is proficient in, and where they shine the most. For the purpose of this guide, we're going to make Flygon a speedy sweeper, mainly by investing in attack and speed.

Now in the past, these stats are invisible to us. Fortunately for us, Nintendo decided to create a handy-dandy way for us to see what our pokemon's point investments are. In X/Y, there is someone called 'The Judge' at the Kiloude City Pokemon Center. In ORAS, he is located at the battle resort pokemon center. I won't go into too much detail about the judge, so click here if you want to read more about that.

as for EVs, in X/Y and ORAS, there is a new app on your pokenav called Super Training that allows you to see the effort values of your pokemon, and invest in specific stats as needed. Again, not going into detail about that, so click here if you want to read more about that.

What you need to know is that IVs range from 0-31, with 0 IVs being the worst, and 31 IVs being the best you can get. The stat with the highest number of IVs is the stat that your pokemon will grow the most in. These points are chosen at random when a pokemon is encountered in the wild, or when it is hatched from an egg. These points can be influenced, but we'll get into that later.

Nature Your pokemon is going to have a nature. Natures are like small boosts that make your pokemon grow in specific areas, usually for a sacrifice in another stat. You can click here to see each individual nature and what it does.

Now, natures are chosen at random when a pokemon is encountered in the wild, or hatched from an egg. But thanks to the magic of gen VI, when you're breeding and one of the pokemon you're using is holding an everstone, the nature of that pokemon will always be the nature of the child.

Nifty, huh?

For the purpose of this guide, we're going to give our Flygon an adamant nature.


Now we get down to the nitty gritty. The breeding. To make a pokemon breed, you have to deposit them at the day care center with another pokemon.

These two pokemon have to be compatible with one another. In other words, they have to be in the same egg group, or one of them has to be a ditto. They also have to be different genders, one male, one female.

Keep in mind, the female is what determines what species the child will be. You want to use a female Flygon if you want to get breeding moves from other pokemon onto your child flygon.

Now, how breeding helps towards making that perfect flygon you've always wanted.

Pokemon parents pass a total of 2 IVs onto their kids. That's in total, not 2 from each. One from mom, one from dad.

Normally these IVs that pass on are chosen at random, but thanks to the magic of items, we can decide which stats we want to pass down.

There are power items in the game, usually used for enhancing EVs. However, if the parent is holding a power item, the IV of the corresponding stat will be passed down to the child. Guaranteed.

For instance, if we wanted to pass down a perfect 31 IV stat in speed to our child flygon, we would give the parent with the perfect 31 IV the Power Anklet, since that item promotes speed.

Normally in the past, this is how pokemon breeding was done. It's a bit of a painful process, especially when you're trying to get multiple stats with specific IVs.

...However, thanks to the magic of generation six, we no longer need to do it this way. In pokemon X/Y, and in pokemon ORAS, there exists a destiny knot. If one of the parents is holding a destiny knot when they are breeding, Five of the IVs between the parents will be passed down to the child.

You heard me right, not two, but five. It makes the process so much easier.

Once you have everything you need, then begins the biking marathon.

Once you have deposited your pokemon, the daycare person will say one of four things about the pokemon you put in there.

"The two prefer to play with other pokemon more than each other."
This means you are not getting an egg. Withdraw your pokemon immediately!

"The two don't seem to like each other very much..."
This means egg production will be slow. This generally happens when the two pokemon are different species, but are still in the same egg group.

"The two seem to get along."
This means that egg production will be moderate. This generally happens when the pokemon are the same species, or one of the pokemon you're breeding with was traded from another game.

"The two seem to get along very well!"
The best possible egg production speed. This happens when pokemon are the same species and one of them is from another game.

Now, start biking. There's a lot of math and such involved here, but I'll keep it simple. When you see the daycare man outside the day care turned with his back to the day care, that means that he has an egg for you.Go up and talk to him, and you will receive your hard-earned egg.

That's basically it. Rinse and repeat until you get a pokemon with the IVs, nature, and ability that you want. Then we can move on to stage three, the final bit of training that will get you the pokemon you want.

EVing Your Pokemon

I referenced the Pokemon Super Training up above, well you're going to be looking at that a lot. Now that we have the flygon we want, we have to give it the EVs it needs.

EVing is a slow process, but it can be expedited with items such as the power items and your pokemon having the pokerus virus.

The pokerus virus is an incredibly rare, incredibly hard to get sickness that nurse joy will point out to you when you take your pokemon in for treatment. It promotes the development of your pokemon, earning you increased effort value yields for every battle you have. Combine this with the power items, and you will find yourself EVing in no time at all.

However, I myself do not know very much about Pokerus, so we're going to go with the power items only instead.

Now, every battle your pokemon has yields it a certain number of EV points. In order to get the flygon we need, we need it to have 252 EVs in speed and 252 EVs in attack. The fastest way to go about doing this is through horde encounters, which have up to about five pokemon per battle, and yield the most EVs.

Luckily websites exist telling you exactly where you can locate hordes, and what kind of EVs those hordes will yield. When you EV a prticular stat, make sure your pokemon has the corresponding power item equipped. If they do not, they will not receive as many EVs as they could have.

as you EV, keep an eye on your pokemon in super training. The bar to the right will steadily fill, and when it is maxed out, you will have maxed out all possible EVs for your pokemon. At that point, you just need to level them up. I myself find the battle chateau in X/Y to be a godsend, especially with the occasional three team audinos that show up. That in combination with EXP o-power and lucky egg will have you up to level 50 in no time flat.

Unfortunately, in oras we have no such boon. I add secret bases with level 100 blisseys, but that's thanks to a friend. Just look around on the internet, I'm sure you can find secret bases that will net you a ton of exp.

...or, you could just go into pokemon showdown and immediately assign all the EV/IV, natures, abilities and moves that you want without all of this hassle, but what's the fun in that? :trollestia:

...And I think that about wraps it up. if you followed these steps, you should have the perfect flygon that you so desired. if this guide helped you out, please let me know.

Thanks for reading and I hope I was able to help!

If you have any questions, let me know.

TGM #2 · Dec 6th, 2016 · · ·

Luckily for us, the breeding in Gen 7 seems to be the exact same as it was in Gen 6.

I've removed Gen 6 from the title since the exact same as the above applies to Gen 7 also.

Unfortunately though, horde battles are gone. Luckily for us, EVing still isn't all that hard. See, when a pokemon calls for help (an sos battle) the total EV points for that battle are doubled.

In other words, say you get about 2 EV points from battling a particular mon. Well, when a buddy drops in, that EV doubles to 4.

If you have Pokérus, that doubles again to eight. And if you have a power item, that means you're getting eight more. to sixteen. Pokérus DOUBLES that, so now you're getting thirty-six EVs per mon, instead of just four.

sos battles are also the only way to get hiddens now.

That's really the only changes. Otherwise, everything else seems to have remained largely the same.


Luckily for us, EVing still isn't all that hard.

Maybe even easier for some people, you can EV train up to 18 Pokemon at a time, (6 'mons in a group, train any one EV stat per group) while you sleep using Poke Pelago's Isle Evelup. A level 3 island can max out a stat in 63 play sessions, 31 and a half hours, (4 EV points per play session, every half hour) and you can double how fast the training goes using Poke Beans. :twistnerd:

Another change with breeding is that you don't really need to bother as much with IV breeding thanks to Hyper Training.

Because Breeding is an intimidating and daunting process for most newcomers

I know this is off topic, but does anyone know how to help me in Magikarp Jump? https://www.fimfiction.net/group/1074/pokmon-fics/thread/512699/pokemon-magikarp-jump-account-transfer

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