G1 Ponies: Credit Where It's Due 380 members · 405 stories
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I'm starting to have a feeling that IDW just picked characters at random for G1, and for some reason doesn't seem to realize that some of them aren't really part of it. They really should have done a better job researching when doing this. I could say more, but I will wait until after that last part comes out in two weeks so that I can give a summary and a final judgement to how I view this comic series.


I'm starting to have a feeling that IDW just picked characters at random for G1, and for some reason doesn't seem to realize that some of them aren't really part of it.

It's certainly starting to look that way.

I'm starting to wonder if this was done intentionally just to make the G1 side feel either less or subordinate to the G4 side. If that wasn't the case, then we would have gotten characters that were much more notable and major from G1 if you know what I mean. I'll still give this comic series the benefit of the doubt when the next part shows up. However, I'm not sure if this will at least end it in a good way or damage it beyond repair. Perhaps, more G1 characters could appear around the end, but I'm sorting doubting that, because if that was to be the case, they would have introduced with the others, but who knows what the next part will really show until it comes out. On a side note, seeing that IDW does plan on continuing making comics for this franchise, maybe they can do another crossover like they did with Transformers and get it right for once.

I'm a bit worried about how this will end too.

I still don't have the actual copy yet, but I should be getting as early as Thursday after ordering it through Amazon. From what I heard over on Equestria Daily when it was being reviewed, they weren't too positive on this, and I don't blame anyone for saying that. It feels that just like Volume 3 of the manga, G1 gets a slap in the face. Also, when the G1 ponies tell Twilight about coming up with another plan if the original doesn't work in this part and seeing her mention about certain surprises when the next part was being previewed could be possible foreshadowing, but we won't know until the next part comes out on 2/9, which I find is pretty early for a release when it's usually on the third or fourth Wednesday of the month whereas this one will be the second Wednesday instead. Again, I won't give my full take on this comic series until the last part comes out, because I would like to see how it will end first. As for the IDW itself, I'm still surprised that they want to continue making comics for this franchise even though most of what they did weren't that great for it. On a side note, I was thinking of making one of the days following that last part to be Megan WIlliams Day, because I feel as the franchise's first protagonist and major character, she deserves a special day, plus I feel that she is very underrated and overlooked to this very day, and the only reason she is still known is because of hardcore G1 fans such as us that know about her, otherwise she would have fell down the memory hole with the rest of the G1 when it stopped if not for that.

Just now I got the copy. Just like I said before, I'm still annoyed have wait until now just to see any G1 characters get introduced when that should have been the case a while ago. What I can't is that how in the flashback is Megan is wearing two different outfits, though at least I'm happy that it's not the one she was supposed to have because I didn't like it to start with? Also, what is Firefly doing in this flashback when she wasn't even in the movie to start with? However, she was supposed to be in that movie originally, but because the copyright issue still wasn't resolved, she couldn't be in it and all of our scenes were edited out as a result. For another cameo, the original Applejack shows up with the locket to give it to them, though it would have been better if they just crossed the Rainbow Bridge and actually met Megan herself, which once again shows how much little love and respect was given to her after G1 ended. Despite being inside Paradise Estate, Posey isn't even there for some reason despite being the caretaker of the place. Hearing that that something else could be done should the Mane 6 be unable to use it or fail with could be a possible foreshadowing, but we won't really know until the next part for that. The next couple of pages just gives us the witches continuing with their plan as well as what the S'monies are up to. Rather than going to the Volcano of Gloom to stop the witches at the source, they just return to Poneyville instead with the G1 ponies as if they really be any help. We do get a little side adventure where Opal, who is Rarity's cat, beats up Trench, who belongs to the witches, fights him and wins. From what that cat had in her mouth it gave Twilight the idea of how to use the Rainbow of Light for themselves, but we won't know if it really works until they actually use it against the S'monies as that won't be done until the next part as well. The comic ends with both witches ready to leave and head to Ponyville after finding out that there is a special ingredient that they can use that will even allow for them to use magic outside of their realm. Fortunately, we won't have to wait too long for the next part as it will be next week from what I have heard.

I'll have mine soon.

This crossover was kind of mishandled. :facehoof:

I just noticed that on the cover of part 4 that Glory is shown right behind the Mane 6 when shown on the rainbow.

That, and they have Morning Glory on the cover too. Albeit with the wrong coat, mane, and tail colors.

The writer/writers didn't do their homework beforehand though.

Not only do we have Bon Bon from My Little Pony Tales and Minty, both of whom didn't even exist as characters in this series. But they gave Lickety-Split, or North Star the wrong mannerisms when she told the story.

What's more Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle were seen again during the End of Flutter Valley until the end.

The writing is way off in a couple of spots.

I almost feel as this was done intentionally to make G1 look as if it's something less, but that's probably just me saying that. Seriously, if they have to have a handful of G1 characters, I would rather it be those that are more notable and major rather than what we got in this one if you know what I mean. Perhaps this might be just me saying this as well, but when I noticed North Star saying to Twilight about thinking about something else if using the Rainbow of Light doesn't work, it almost makes me wonder if the G1 ponies do have a backup plan just in case or if they're hoping that everything will go well, because something tells me that when Grackle and Dyre show up themselves, they might not make this an easy battle. Again, we won't know until the next part come out to see what will really happen.

I don't know. One thing I do know is that the Rainbow of Light is nothing like the Elements of Harmony. And trying to equate the two is, at best, a stretch.

There are so many things gotten wrong at this point.

From what I've seen in the preview pages for the last part, it seemed as if Twilight had to divide it up in order for her and the rest of the Mane 6 to use it more easily. My guess is that none of them can use it at full strength as it might be too powerful for them, but again that's just me saying this. Should Grackle and Dyre do something to make that battle more difficult, that could require whatever that backup plan could be, but that's still unknown at this point what it could be or how that will be done until that part comes out. If they do need that backup plan, there's still a possibility of being what I think it might be, but until that actually comes out, it's still too early to know what it would be should that be the case.

We have about a month to go roughly before the final part comes out.

Still, this has been a bit of misstep.

Fortunately, we won't have to wait too long for this to end, because the final part is said to be released on Wednesday.

That's what I heard over on Equestria Daily, and I too am surprised to hear it released this early in the month unlike the others that were usually on the third or fourth Wednesdays for the others.

Maybe they just want to get on with the next comic they plan to do with this franchise. However, from what I heard, IDW didn't do a good job with their MLP comics. Most of them just didn't even get fans into the excitement the TV series did. At this point, I have no idea what IDW has next for this franchise after doing this comic series. Maybe they can start by doing another crossover between these generations and getting it right this time by not only introducing the G1 characters sooner, but also give us ones more notable and major rather than those that either minor, random, or aren't really part of it if you know what I mean by saying that.

I wouldn't hold me breath for that.

If they really have a reputation for messing up, then it's unlikely that they will fix it.

They certainly bucked this one up from a writing perspective.

Maybe instead Hasbro could have just done a special following the series that would have most likely give it a more proper ending. For that, they can have them fight the real Grogar in knowing that this time it's not Discord pretending to be him. It can start with Twilight Sparkle ready to have her official coronation of becoming the new ruler of Equestria only to have him interrupt it and start capturing the ponies to being his slaves, though Twilight manages to escape. Lucky for her, she finds out that Star Swirl the Bearded isn't captured either and tells her about a special weapon known as the Rainbow of Light that could possibly defeat him. However, it comes with a catch in that there's a prophecy that it can only be used by a creature like know other due to being so special, which starts to puzzle Twilight in where she can find such a creature but is told that she can find such by following a rainbow that really leads into another world. As she crosses the said rainbow, she notices a girl taking care of a pony on a ranch and believes that she could be that especially seeing how much she cares for ponies. As Twilight introduces herself, the girl says her name is Megan Williams, and Twilight believes that she is that one that can help her and tells her to go back with her. When the return, they meet Star Swirl who at first has his doubts about her but sees as there is no time to waste as Megan is given the locket due to believing that she fits the prophecy. Although Megan thinks that the Rainbow of Light should be tested first, Twilight claims that there isn't any time and must head back to the castle. While passing the Cave of Everfree, Megan notices the locket glowing a bit and thinks that there might be something going on, but Twilight once again claims that there is no time to waste and ignores it for now. Twilight helps fight off Grogar's army so that Megan can get through and face him directly. Unfortunately for Megan, when she finally gets to open up the locket, she sees that the said rainbow is too small and Grogar gives an evil laughter in that he couldn't believe that what could actually beat him was a joke. Despite the result, Megan still believes that he can be beaten and the shattered pieces of the pieces of the Elements of Harmony leave the cave to surround her as they start to get restored and blast the very rainbow to enlarge to help make the rainbow more usable. Even though Grogar feels pain from the newly, enlarged rainbow, it's not enough to stop him. Meanwhile, Twilight was able to free the captured ponies' while Megan was keeping him busy. Along with the rest of the Mane 6, they used the newly restored elements to help Megan fight back, but even with that, it's still not enough to beat Grogar even though he did feel pain from the blast as well. Megan then believes that if the blasts from both the Rainbow of Light and Elements of Harmony get combined, they can win the fight as they do after seeing Grogar vaporized after being engulfed by the combined rainbow. After the fight is over, Twilight introduces Megan to the rest of the ponies and her coronation resumes as well as having her go back home once the celebration ends. Overall, this would be a good way to shoehorn Megan into this, and there wouldn't have been much to change about her, because it would be pretty much just like Rescue at Midnight Castle where she was introduced originally. Also, this can be like a Winx Club season finale and be left open ended in which there doesn't have to be anything following if Hasbro doesn't wish to do so. If you asked me, this probably would have been better than just doing some comic series that didn't go too well.

If you want the safest, most box ticking, and uncreative scenario, then sure.

In all honestly, that is the worst way to go about it. Prophecy is just a crutch used to excuse bad writing, and a distinct lack of imagination too often.

The only "real Grogar" is still trapped within the Realm of Darkness, or Nether Realm more effectively speaking. This is due to both being described as being "in between" places.

Then there is the fatal flaw of Starswirl not being able to know anything about an artifact from another universe. And Starswirl himself having been over relied on to the point being a flaw himself.

Just, none that would work. It's just too much "been there, done that" nonsense from the fantasy genre. It's just tragically uncreative almost.

Which is the problem with the current crossover I must add.

Too much Deus ex Machina, and too many McGuffins as well as contrivances.

This needs to be done with imagination if it is to be done well.

Keep in mind that in reality, MLP: FiM isn't a continuation of MLP 'n Friends. In other words, everything here is revamped including Megan and the Rainbow of Light, plus the Grogar I'm mentioning is the one from G4 who was trapped in space. The only thing that would have made it similar to the original pilot is that due to being a standalone special, it can be done along those lines without having to change her original character much whereas if Megan was to be in the show herself, she would be pretty much different from what she was originally, and her introduction would have mostly like the one I pitched a while ago. When you really look at it, this probably would have been better than those Season 10 comics that IDW didn't do too well on. Should Hasbro have wanted to do another season following that special, then they would have it with her in it, and she would probably take Twilight's role since she can't be with the rest of the Mane 6 on a regular basis now that she became the new ruler of Equestria, though she can still join if she's really needed. Doing this would probably give a different epilogue if that was to really be the end for G4 with a picture such as the one that is just shown.


Keep in mind that in reality, MLP: FiM isn't a continuation of MLP 'n Friends.

Of that, I am well aware. Revamping isn't the most sound method however.

Instead more lateral thinking is needed.

That said, my own idea for this kind of thing are few and scattered. I haven't really had anyone to to go back and forth with on what little I've got, so the ideas have kind stagnated for now.

Let's not forget that other characters from G1 and other previous generations were revamped when G4 came, so I don't see why the same can't be for Megan, which shows how little to no love she has outside of G1, which I feel that she deserves a special day for being both the franchise's first protagonist and major character. I will admit that for some of them it didn't go so well while it did for others. For example, I could never get never get why the G4 version of Tirek is spelled differently when it was known as Tirac back in the original pilot, plus he looks almost nothing like his G1 version, but rather more like a Dragon Ball character, plus he feels more like some random villain whereas the original at least had an actual purpose. The same goes for the G4 version of Grogar who was just trapped in space and when we thought he came back, it was really Discord in disguise when the G1 version was attacking them for real. For some revamps, it seemed to go well such as Spike, though the G3 version looks nothing like the one before or after. At least they made Applejack more major compared to her previous versions where she only appeared once in G1 and was more of a background character in G3. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had a major change where she went to being someone who would always dress in style in G3, which was given to Rarity in G4, to having a tomboy like attitude in G4. There are probably more to say, but I will stop there because it will just be too long. Getting back to Megan, I sort of wish that Hasbro did have a future for her when G1 ended and would place possibly newer versions of her in later generations, but just didn't and treated her as if she was no longer important. More importantly, when Hasbro did later versions of Transformers and GI Joe, they had newer versions of both Optimus Prime and Duke in them yet no new version of Megan for any later MLP series. This is why I feel that there should be a day dedicated to her to show that there is still love for her even to this day not to mention how underrated and overlooked she is these days when her only mention is mainly cameos, easter eggs, and references with no actual role.

Let's not forget that other characters from G1 and other previous generations were revamped when G4 came, so I don't see why the same can't be for Megan

Because that is not a crossover. That is keeping everything in universe which misses the point.

Getting back to the crossover comic, there's still one part left. From what I have seen on the first few pages that got previewed, two of the G1 ponies are used as test subjects to see if the divided part of the rainbow will work. The reason it was done that way could be that they may not be able to use it as a whole, which could be a downside for them later on if they will need it. Assuming that Grackle and Dyre will change the game completely, that could mean that we might get to find out if there really is a backup plan that North Star was mentioning to Twilight if that is to be used. Although this feels like a longshot, there could still be a chance that Megan could be that gamechanger if they need to use the Rainbow of Light as a whole unless any of the ponies can figure out how to do so, but this is probably me just saying this and we won't really know until it comes out this week assuming that it will be this week as I have last heard.

Yeah, there is till that last part. And a lot questions to go with it right now.

IDW does have one last chance to end this in a good way, but until it comes out, only time will tell what will really happen.

Don't hold your breath, you'll likely pass out.

First of all, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by saying that. Nonetheless, there is still one more part to my inferences being right. By that, I'm referring to saying that Megan could be part of that backup plan North Star said to Twilight if her and the rest of Mane 6 can't use the Rainbow of Light as a whole to stop both the witches and the S'monies, but we won't really know what will happen until that final issue comes out, so this is more of a hunch. Should my inferences be wrong, I will let you and everyone else here rub it in my face and I will have to accept it, but let's not forget about everyone thanking me not just here, but other known MLP sites as well. As for my full judgement on this comic series, I will still wait for that final part to give my full judgement on it.

It means don't get you hopes up.

Your 'inferences" have been off to this point, and there is no reason to think that will change.

With one day left only time will tell what will really happen when the final part comes out.

Regardless, I'd rather Megan not be present. She will only get done dirty by the writing if she is.

And no Megan is far better than a bastardized version of Megan.

In other words, you wouldn't like it even if she was to come in as their last hope to help stop the witches.

Not with the way the writing has been going, no.

She will almost certainly be out of character. And that is no good.

Maybe you wouldn't like it, but other G1 fans such as myself would. As long as it's an actual appearance, it would be better than nothing. BTW, there are many others on other known MLP fans sites that were hoping for her return in this crossover as well, so I'm not alone on this. Even if her character might be different, it would be better than nothing. For me, this would make up for the missed opportunity of having her in the actual show, plus it would just seem wrong to have this crossover without someone who was the very face of that said generation. If she doesn't make an actual appearance, then it shows once again that she gets another snub and that there is no love for her outside of G1. Let's not forget that if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have a MLP franchise to start with.


Even if her character might be different, it would be better than nothing.

No, it wouldn't be.

Let's not forget that if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have a MLP franchise to start with.

I know this better than you ever will. I was there right at the start, you weren't.

Seeing Megan disrespected would only damage, you need to understand that her not appearing is always better than some bastaridzation outcome.

From my knowledge of G1, Megan was pretty much the face of it even if her debut involved making her a hero by accident. Unfortunately, it always feels that when G1 ended, she was almost forgotten and would have gone down the memory hole if not hardcore G1 fans bringing her back up around the 30-year celebration. Also, it felt as if Hasbro had no future for her as if the only reason for her existence in the first place was just to bring the world to talking ponies and no longer be around when that said generation ended. Part of the reason I got those comics was to see her back again and interacting with G4 characters and in official media for once. Once again, it looks like another opportunity for that has been missed as that was already done with the TV series and even with a manga, and I have posted that page that shows where she got the snub on numerous other topics including this one. In other words, for being both the franchise's first protagonist and major character, Megan never got her dues and was pretty much thrown out like yesterday's trash, which is why I feel that there should be a special day for her even though she isn't a G4 character. Nonetheless, here's two more preview pages, though the whole thing will be mentioned later in this day.


if her debut involved making her a hero by accident.

Not really by accident, but not lacking in accidental traits either.

The pacing of Rescue at Midnight Castle makes it hard to pin it down.

Megan never got her dues

No, she didn't. She wasn't discarded either though.

For me, it would have been nice if there was more for Megan after G1 ended. By that I mean more than just cameos, references and easter eggs. I honestly don't know why Hasbro didn't want to bring back the idea of giving the ponies a human companion as they did originally, but my guess is probably because everyone was familiar with it by then that there was no need for it anymore. Also, when Lauren Faust took control of G4, she didn't even want them to have it at all, which is why it didn't happen, but they could have brought that back any time after she left but didn't for some reason. Still, if it was made with G1 in mind then I would feel it would only be right to have someone in there who was its face as a tribute to that even if that said character's role had to be altered just to fit in with the format of G4. In the end, I'm probably one of the few who really did think that it was a missed opportunity on that to happen. Again, I still think that there should be a Megan Williams Day in the near future to really show how much she is still appreciated to this day, because I don't think that there is one unless I'm told otherwise. Getting to the final issue, although it's being released today, Equestria Daily isn't going to make an actual review, so we will have to find out for ourselves by reading it to see how it will end, but knowing me, my overall review may not be something good, but some will have to remember that is an opinion coming from me. As for what IDW plans to do next for this franchise even though they originally said that they weren't going to continue after this, that is going to be unknown at this time.


Again, I still think that there should be a Megan Williams Day

No. This again, misses the point.

Megan is one part of a larger whole. A major part to be sure, but still only one part.

Megan herself would point that out no less.

If we're to celebrate anything, it needs to be the first series as whole. And not just one character.

To do anything else is just placing Megan on a pedestal, and that should never be done. What's more, Megan herself wouldn't want that.

It's just disrespectful to do so.

There are already a number of days dedicated to individual MLP characters, so I don't see why not for Megan, who was the very first major character of the franchise, which is what makes her special. Maybe you wouldn't be celebrating that day, but many others such as myself would. The truth is that you can't even mention G1 without her, which pretty much makes her like the lead singer of a band. I view her as being very underrated, and it is sort of sad that there was no place for her in later generations when the one she was in ended as if she was no longer important. Just reading the review that was finally posted on Equestria Daily today, she once again got nothing more than a cameo or in this case a flashback with no actual appearance, which shows that once again she got snubbed. Seeing that my inferences were wrong, you have the right to rub it my face, because that was part of the bet as others will probably do. Part of the reason I was getting those comics was hoping to see an actual return of her, but she once again gets the shaft.


she once again got nothing more than a cameo or in this case a flashback with no actual appearance,

And that is why I said to not hold your breath on this issue.


That's not it, Silver Quill! It's not that there weren't G1 ponies with character development. It's that they chose a G3 pony, a Pony Tales pony, and essentially background ponies from G1. I got nothing against Posey, North Star, or Surprise, but they were background characters! The most important and most developed characters from G1 are not here! Whoever wrote this comic series put no thought into the G1 side of things. They did no research, and they did not care. It was a lost opportunity.

I feel that Peace Petal on Equestria Daily said it best. If they had to have a handful of characters, it should have been the ones that were more notable rather than the ones that were the least or not even part of it when it came to the ponies. To add to this, there should have been a real appearance from Megan rather than just mention her in a flashback, which is a big disappointment to those who were expecting her to be in it. Just like Volume 3 of the manga when reading Twilight's chapter, the G1 characters get treated as if they are either useless or subordinate, while giving the most important one nothing more than a brief cameo.

Well, Surprise and North Star aren't background ponies. They do have characterization. It's not more extensive, but it does exist.

Either way, they didn't seem to play much of the role as if it felt that they were just there for lip service.

Those two and Posy.

The writer did such a poor job.

That wasn't Posey, it was Rosedust. I already mentioned when reviewing the last part that despite being the caretaker of Paradise Estate, she wasn't there. Surprisingly, she didn't play a big role either despite the fact that she did help stop the original Smooze. Then again, the whole idea was to make the G4 ponies especially the Mane 6 the heroes and not any of them, and that's probably the reason we probably never got to know what was that something else North Star mentioned to Twilight in the previous part, but I probably might have that idea of what it could have been if it was to be used.

I know it was Rosedust in the comic.

I was saying that Posy isn't a background character. She is more like a third tier character.

And honestly, I don't why it was Rosedust and not Posy. According to the map it doesn't make sense.

You will have to ask IDW why they chose such characters for G1. If they had to pick a handful of characters for G1, it should have been those who were more notable and major if you know what I mean rather than what we got. Again, it was most likely to make them feel as if they would be useless or subordinate to the G4 characters. On a side note, when I get the last part and plan to review this comic series as a whole, there's a good chance I won't say a lot of positive things about it.

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