G1 Ponies: Credit Where It's Due 380 members · 405 stories
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That makes two of us.

I saw the comments over on Equestria Daily by the way.

The one commenter was right, this isn't what we'd been sold. And I'll be getting my issue 5 here pretty soon too.

Even the one who did the blog entry didn't seem too keen on it either despite liking the ending. This who comic series was supposed to be crossover between two known generations of this franchise but wound up as a joke instead. Then again, if you look at the history of IDW doing MLP comics, it's not that good, and this so-called crossover just adds to it. In other words, it might be hard to expect them to do anything better after this unless they can learn from all the errors of this. More importantly, I won't be surprised if any overall reviews I find about this comic series later on will be pretty negative as well.

No, fans are more likely to do a better job that IDW is.

That's pretty sad when you think about it.

Meanwhile, this is most likely how Megan feels for not appearing in this crossover comic despite being the face of G1, and she wishes that nobody saves her from this fire and just let her get incinerated for seeing that really isn't anything for her in the near future since all she gets is nothing more than cameos, and references, but not real roles.

That, is really overly dramatic and not at all accurate.

Even if that wasn't the case, she would have been very disappointed if she was invited to come to Paradise Estate only to hear about this adventure with her being left out as if she was no longer someone important. For some reason, that picture does make for a good epilogue that might make up for the way this comic series went. It starts out with Megan being brought over for old time's sake and she asks the ponies about what they were doing while she wasn't around only to found out that they were with other ponies from another dimension that she never got to meet. Hearing that she wasn't brought in to help them stop a new form of the Smooze made her feel as if she was completely snubbed on it, which lead to her running away. The other ponies start to set on a search party looking for her as Wind Whistler hears her crying in the very fire pit she was in on the episode "The Magic Coins" only to hear her shout about how she doesn't want to be rescued in the claim that they have no future need for her and allow herself to be incinerated by the fire. However, Wind Whistler talks some sense into her and flies her back to Paradise Estate to have her take a nap to help clear her mind while placing the locket with the Rainbow of Light restored on the nightstand to give her a reminder of how she is still important to them while having some of the ponies watching her in shifts to make sure she is no longer feeling suicidal. The G1 ponies that met the G4 ponies decide to go look for Grackle and Dyre and tell them that Megan felt left out and wanted to know if they can go to Equestria and bring some of those ponies to meet her to make up for it. As they meet Twilight, they tell her about coming back to meet Megan, and she agrees as she feels sort of excited to do so and gets the rest of the Mane 6 to go with her. Megan is then asked if she is starting to feel better and claims that she has gotten calm after taking a nap and is told that she doesn't have to leave her bed as the visitors will come to her. When she sees those two witches and find out who they are, she feels as if they are here to finally put an end to her to avenge what their mothers couldn't do, but they claim that's not why they came to her. At first Megan isn't sure why they have changed and went against their own mothers and even want to help her, but as they ask what they would like to give her, she claims that after what she just went through, she would rather be put out of her misery. Grackle and Drye then state that they will do no such thing and tell her that the Mane 6 are outside in the living room waiting to meet her, but Megan now feels embarrassed considering the way she is in now and may think that they will start to think less of her after seeing her like that. However, she was told that what happened was mentioned to them and that the Mane 6 do feel her pain and claim that it won't affect the way they will view her. As Megan gave her approval, they slowly walk into the room to introduce themselves as well as let her pet each of them in the hopes that she will be feeling better. Megan then looks at each of them and even mentions that they almost remind of her ponies past and present that she knows of while she is staring at Twilight only because she has never seen an alicorn before. After meeting with the Mane 6, Posey comes in to see that Megan is much more stable and can now get out of the bed but is then told that they went her to go to Equestria with them in that they feel that a change of scenery will probably help her get over what she just experienced. At first Megan thinks of putting on her overalls, but then goes to the closet only to find her cowgirl outfit and boots and puts them on instead to give her back her confidence. Grackle and Drye open up a passageway so that the Mane 6 can take Megan back to Equestria only to find a huge celebration in Ponyville as if she was expected to come with them. The celebrations start to make Megan smile and so many of the ponies are very happy to see her especially Lyra with her newfound love for humans. Megan then stays over at Twilight's Castle for the next few days as she sees more of Ponyville and is even told to come over to the School of Friendship to talk about all things she did when she came to Ponyland. Then she goes over to the Crystal Empire to stay with Cadence and Shining Armor as well as spend some time with Flurry Heart. When that ended, she was taken to Canterlot to be with Celestia and Luna as they were very excited to see her, and they even showed her around the castle as well as Canterlot itself with Celestia giving her a ballad to remind her of everything she did, which similar to the one she sang to Twilight. When she went to bed, Luna decided to enter her dream to see if she was still feeling the way she was originally and helped her by telling her that she was still important even if it's not shown directly, which lead to any other suicidal thoughts going away from her as she woke up. On the final day, she couldn't understand why there were so many parts of the castle she couldn't go to, but as Celestia then said that she should go over to the grand hall, she found out that it was a going away party for the ponies to say good-bye to her while celebrating one last time. The next day, the Mane 6 got her to go back to her dimension by seeing Zecora and making it possible for her to do so. When she got back, the ponies back at Paradise Estate asked Megan how her trip was, and she said that it gave her a good time and was taken back to her ranch afterwards.


that picture does make for a good epilogue that might make up for the way this comic series went.

No, it isn't.

You're taking things way to far here.

You're aggrandizing Megan well beyond what her role actually was.

She was a major player, yes, but she was one such individual. And not the only one.

I'll say it plain, you need to stop placing Megan on a pedestal and acting like she is goddess, or something.

And this kind of behavior will damage the Megan is received and perceived that you clearly believe this mess of a crossover did.

What's more, Megan herself would not approved of you elevating her as you're doing.

It's time you stepped back, and eased up.

What you would call making her a goddess, I would call it giving her long awaited dues. I would have been very happy if she existed beyond G1 rather than just be for that one only. Unfortunately, I feel that the only reason she existed in the first place was because it was to get everyone into the franchise by having a human companion like her. However, I could never understand why that was never done again in any later generations. Again, if not for hardcore G1 fans like us, she would have been most likely long forgotten. Perhaps, when I did that epilogue, it pretty much reflected the way I tend to view her as being seen as someone who is no longer being important. Maybe if the way it ended was done better, there might have been a chance that she was part of that backup plan that North Star was talking about or if Twilight would be unable to divide up the Rainbow of Light in seeing that she can't seem to control it as a whole, but Megan can. I always did want to see her interact with G4 characters either on TV or some other official media, but that will only be just a dream because I know that will never happen in real life.


I would call it giving her long awaited dues.

No, you've been exaggerating a fair bit and that is not giving Megan her dues.

Not this way. Not by reacting this strongly to a garden variety disappointment.

And by the, being a major player in the foundational series of MLP means she will always be important.

Any grand gesture or idea is unnecessary, and does not help.

What exactly do you claim will finally be giving Megan her long awaited dues? In a way, she is like the WNBA, because most wouldn't know about it unless a fan mentions it otherwise it goes unknown. Also, I tend to find her as someone who goes under the radar a lot, which shows why should have been brought in later generations. Then again, I'm probably one of the few who did think that was a missed opportunity. More importantly, those who never saw G1 may not even know much about her and even you admitted to that. Let's not forget that part of the reason I was getting this comic series was to her return only to find out that her only mention was nothing more than a flashback while once again getting a huge snub.

Dude, because I have the life experience you don't I know that Megan already got her dues.

It does not get any more dues paid than being a part of the whole there were any MLP shows to begin with. Never mind the fact that the fifth series will be starting soon.

And this is furthered by the fact the fact that MLP and friends was on T.V. in Maretime Bay in the new generation movie.

We don't always have see Megan to see her legacy.


We don't always have see Megan to see her legacy.

To me, it's more than just a legacy, it's about showing how she is still being recognized to this day, because I tend to find her as just being a footnote compared to what was just on. I still think it would have been nice if Hasbro had future plans for her after G1 ended rather than just only do her with cameos and references but no actual appearances. For other older bronies such as me, seeing her appear again in another generation such as G4 would also be giving a tribute to her even if her role may have to be altered just to fit in with the format. If not for Lauren Faust with her "No Humans in Equestria Rule" she probably would have been in MLP: FiM around the start. In all honesty, wouldn't it have been nice if the pictures that showed her with G4 characters be more than just fanart and be from actual episodes for once? I know I would have liked that. On a side note, don't just take one sentence and use that only especially when I stated so much more than that.

You really don't seem to grasp the overall situation.

There were never going to be any future plans. Until recently every MLP series has been a one and done affair. No follow ups.

This year is the first time that will be changing. And we don't know how it will turn out yet.

Also, you're too fixated on trying to make the past the present, and that never ends well.


There were never going to be any future plans. Until recently every MLP series has been a one and done affair. No follow ups.

I never did say that it should be a follow up nor did I ever say that I wanted MLP: FiM to be a continuation of MLP 'n Friends. I know that if she was going to be in that one, it would have most likely been a completely character with no relations to the original. What I could never understand is why when MLP got newer generations, Hasbro couldn't do it in ways they did with Transformers and GI Joe by keeping some of its main characters from the original and having them fit into the newer ones along with the formats even if their roles had to be different. Again, why not bring back the idea of the ponies having a human companion like her? If it worked well originally, then why not again in a later generation only with the right adaptations to help make it work?


If it worked well originally, then why not again in a later generation only with the right adaptations to help make it work?

It didn't work that well originally, it wasn't that well executed.

It could have been worse to be sure, but for as important as the first series is, it leaves a lot to be desired.

I don't know much about how a show can be executed to a good way let alone what you mean by that. However, I feel that most wouldn't have cared for the most part on how it would be done. Nonetheless, this is probably what a scene would have been like if she was to be in it especially with her being introduced.

Fluttershy probably would have eeeped herself onto a cloud or something in that scenario because Megan accidentally startled her. :rainbowlaugh:

As far as fixing the execution of MLP and Friends, it can't be done now. It's years too late. And we have no idea what the conditions were behind the scenes too.

I have had a long standing idea of re-envisioning Rescue at Midnight Castle, but I never got beyond that point. I have honestly given thought to ways to re-envision the whole series.

Nothing beyond that so far.

Unfortunately, just about all TV shows aren't greatly executed be it animated or live action. However, many tend to look beyond that and try to make the best out of a bad thing. In the end, beggars can't be choosers when it comes to the way these shows are made. Maybe they could have been done better, but they weren't. Sometimes we have to accept that it is what it is. What I could never understand about any MLP generation is that characters hardly ever get a backstory if any and just show up at random, which can make it hard at times to understand what their purpose is for being there. Even the FiM series had its issues especially since most of the important episodes were either at the beginning and ending of the seasons while everything in between was nothing more than fillers just to make it a full season in which they played little to no role with what was going on. Then again, that was probably the case with all the other generations, though many of them were most likely one or two seasons. Overall, we're most likely not going to get any TV shows that are executed perfectly. As for that picture, it pretty much does go with what would have Megan's introduction if she was to appear that I made a while back.

Since I now have the last issue, I might as well give my take, but I warn everyone that I might not be that positive on it. The final part starts with a plan that they believe will stop the Smooze by using the new weapons that Twilight created out of the Rainbow of Light so that they can use it easily mainly because they can't seem to use it as a whole unless they wouldn't mind Megan joining in. Nonetheless, they test it on Minty and Lickety Split and claimed that it works well, and this is probably the only role any G1 character will play. For some reason, Twilight decides to hold an event known as the Bestie Festie to get all of the ponies there even though they could have easily split up and cover more ground to help stop the ones infected much easier instead of holding this event that can really place them into harm's way. Meanwhile, Grackle and Dyre find themselves in Ponyville, but are distracted by what they see and end up being chased. After that, Violet Shiver is friended by Pinkie Pie while the other S'monies find the witches to help carry out their plan. However, Violet is put back to her ways after opening up a box. While the others are going to the event, the witches notice the destruction and a lot of it seems to strike interest in them and hearing more seems to make them worry even more. The only other use for the G1 ponies is having Rarity dress them up even though they didn't really want it. Once again, the witches are sidetracked when they see the pictures of what the ponies are wearing on the bulletin board despite getting their disguise. As the party starts, there are snakes that appear and will infect whoever comes into contact with them. Unfortunately, the weapons that Twilight created have almost no effect on Violet and she even laughs at Twilight for failing. Meanwhile the other two save some of the ponies as they witches start to see Violet's action as a wakeup call and remove the Smooze from the ponies that they created. What they thought would have gotten rid of them turns out that they were part alive and still had good as they have become purified. At the end, both Grackle and Dyre have learned the error of their ways and agree to allow those ponies to stay while they will explore Equestria to find a new home not that they feel redeemed. For my overall take, I was expecting an epic battle, but that didn't seem to be the case her. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Grackle and Dyre ask for redemption, it should have been after carrying out their plan rather than averting it altogether. Perhaps, a better ending could have been that the S'monies would turn on them in the claim that they no longer want to take orders and even become a huge puddle of what the actual Smooze would be that could have let to something such as whatever that something else North Star was talking about in the last part such as possibly having the witches make a portal to make Megan appear as a last minute save their butt device in the claim that they need to use the Rainbow of Light as a whole and she can probably do that, but that's just a thought, because we'll never know what it really was due to not actually happening. I was really expecting an epic battle here, but that just wasn't the case. To me, the ending just felt very anti-climactic and was more of a damage control. I really expected a lot here, but I got little instead.

Since this is still on my mind, I might as well give my overall on this crossover series now, and I warn some of you that I might be saying a lot of negative things here, but please understand that this is my opinion, and I am entitled to it, plus this is just me saying this and it doesn't affect anyone else as a disclaimer. When I first heard about MLP Generations being a crossover between both G1 and G4, I thought it was going to good crossover, but instead that wasn't the case. Unlike the other crossover such as with Sonic and Transformers, the crossover with the G1 characters isn't even the focus of this series at all. We don't even get to the see any of them until part 4 and most of them aren't even the notable characters while two of them aren't even part of G1 at all. This makes me wonder if those at IDW even did their research for G1 because I have a feeling that they didn't. The majority of the comic series focuses on three main parts that include how the Mane 6 will once again save the day, the S'monies are trying to spread chaos on Ponyville, or on what Grackle and Dyre will have next in their plan. Another thing is that I thought I would get to see the return of a character I was long waiting for such as Megan and see her interacting with the G4 ponies as I have always long waited for, but instead the only time she is mentioned is in a flashback while making no real appearance in this series despite the fact that she is known as being the face of G1 making it once again another missed opportunity of such ever happening. Despite making weapons out of the divided Rainbow of Light, they are hardly used by the rest of the Mane 6 making them as doing such was a waste of time since they don't even use them beyond a test with two of the G1 ponies, which was their only real use in this series as they were pretty much useless the rest of the way. The final battle was hardly anything especially because it was mostly Twilight doing the fighting here while the rest of the Mane 6 are hardly even participating despite having such weapons, which probably would have help set up a good trap, plus it was only against one of those S'monies, but that was only because of those special snakes that bit and infected her. Although the other two were still loyal, they weren't completely evil as it turned out. I can understand Grackle and Dyre wanted to seek redemption, but I was expecting them to do this after doing what they were supposed to do originally rather than start having second thoughts when going through town before doing it. What I was expecting was something similar to when the Mane 6 beat Nightmare Moon and changed her back into Luna with the new Elements of Harmony with then the defeated and purified pony asking for forgiveness from Celestia after what she did in that form, but that's not what we got here. More importantly, if it had to be just one doing that actual fighting, we might as well have gotten Megan herself to just use the very rainbow as a whole and that was that rather than what we wound up with, but that wasn't be done because it wouldn't make any of the G4 characters the heroes here if that was the case. Overall, this crossover was a joke on all levels, because not only do we not get any G1 characters until the tail end of it, but they end up either being useless for the most part as if they were only there for show and nothing else. Speaking of wanting to seek redemption, perhaps IDW can make another crossover between these two and get it done right this time seeing that they will be making more comics of this franchise in the near future, but at this point, there's no clue to what they plan on doing next. Should this be the last of the G4 comics, it has ended in a bad way. Then again, most of the Season 10 comics weren't that notable to start with.


Unfortunately, just about all TV shows aren't greatly executed be it animated or live action.

This is actually largely untrue.

Many shows are quite well done.

However, many tend to look beyond that and try to make the best out of a bad thing.

Not really, when things are bad people tend to really vocal about it.

In the end, beggars can't be choosers when it comes to the way these shows are made.

I'm not sure that one applies.

What I could never understand about any MLP generation is that characters hardly ever get a backstory if any and just show up at random, which can make it hard at times to understand what their purpose is for being there. Even the FiM series had its issues especially since most of the important episodes were either at the beginning and ending of the seasons while everything in between was nothing more than fillers just to make it a full season in which they played little to no role with what was going on.

That is not just MLP, it happens all too often.

Overall, we're most likely not going to get any TV shows that are executed perfectly.

I have never seen a show executed perfectly, or well, or poorly.

As for that picture, it pretty much does go with what would have Megan's introduction if she was to appear that I made a while back.

An introduction of a character must be tailored around said character if it is to be done well.

Let's just put this way. For some reason, Hasbro can't seem to make good executed MLP series be it past or present. I can understand when you said that G1 could have been done better, but that wasn't the case. There are times when I always thought how the series was really supposed to end, because I always felt that the last episode that aired wasn't really supposed to be a final episode not to mention that the second season barely had that many episodes. Another thing about revisiting G1 for me is what the rest of it would have been like if the ponies from the pilot stayed rather than be taken off and never seen again. The main reason for that was due to copyright issues that couldn't be resolved in time for the next special even though other characters such as Megan, Spike, and the Moochick weren't affected by that. Also, I had my thoughts to what G4 would have been like if Megan was to be in it, and she probably would have been more of an ally to the Mane 6, but not be part of the group itself, which is sort of what Daphne and Roxy were like to the Winx Club when they were in it. In all honesty, I always felt that part of the reason to why it was only G1 to where the ponies get a human companion such as Megan could have been because it was something new at the time, so having someone like her would get people used to it, though it would have been nice if that could have been done again even if their role had to be changed to help fit in with later generations such as the last one. Since you said it wasn't done well originally, that could have been a chance to improve on that, but we'll never know because it didn't happen. As for this crossover comic series, if it had been done right and Megan still didn't appear, then would you have considered it to be a snub?


For some reason, Hasbro can't seem to make good executed MLP series be it past or present.

Well, I have been on board of this metaphorical train since the start, so I know that.

And oh how I feel this too.

I can understand when you said that G1 could have been done better,

I've been thinking of ways that could be done too.

Nothing much comes to mind right now.

Also, I had my thoughts to what G4 would have been like if Megan was to be in it, and she probably would have been more of an ally to the Mane 6, but not be part of the group itself,

That could work I suppose, there would be issues to resolve, but that just how that goes.

As for this crossover comic series, if it had been done right and Megan still didn't appear, then would you have considered it to be a snub?

No, it would be disappointing, but not a snub.

I always felt that part of the reason to why it was only G1 to where the ponies get a human companion such as Megan could have been because it was something new at the time, so having someone like her would get people used to it,


though it would have been nice if that could have been done again even if their role had to be changed to help fit in with later generations such as the last one.

That, would not have worked given the way the later shows were set up.

Since you said it wasn't done well originally, that could have been a chance to improve on that, but we'll never know because it didn't happen.

Unfortunately, that is correct.

This once again makes me think of the possible scenarios to why she didn't show up again in any later generation especially the last one, though I don't know which of them holds the most weight on that outcome.

1. The window of opportunity to place her in was already gone by the time Lauren Faust, who didn't any humans in the series, left productions.
2. There was no possible way to fit her in due to the way the series was formatted even if they wanted to.
3. Having a spinoff such as Equestria Girls killed that chance to which it showed a universe that had the same characters becoming humanized rather than having a human from Earth come to them and staying human.
4. Her return would be blocked by certain copyright laws that couldn't be resolved in time or even let them have her back.
5. There were never any intentions to have her in the series regardless of Lauren Faust's decision when making it.

What I've heard is that Lauren didn't want any humans in the series. No reason was given that I've ever been made aware of though.

Perhaps, I will go more in depth with these scenarios.

First Scenario: The reason why Megan didn't appear in the FiM series in the beginning was mainly due to Lauren Faust not wanting to happen when it was first made due to claim that she didn't want them to have a human companion despite that being the case for G1. After the first two seasons, she was no longer part of the productions of the show. Even after she left, Megan still didn't get placed into the show even though Hasbro could have lifted that rule at any point. The possibility could have been that they felt that have gotten a good way into the show in that they felt that it was too late to do so.

Second Scenario: As much as some of the writers might have wanted to bring her back in, they had to find a way to make it work, but they couldn't. Unless they were to change her role, it might have been hard to place someone who was usually there for adventures as it wasn't the bulk of the very series itself. In other words, there was just no place for her to be there due not being able to fit her in.

Third Scenario: It no longer made sense to place a human companion such as her when a spinoff series where the characters are humanized now exists. This might have been the nail in the coffin for having her return. However, there are bronies who claim that it could have a final chance to advocate for her return, though there was never any found claims for such. On a side note, I still don't think that background character from the Rollercoaster of Friendship was actually her, but rather an easter egg of someone meant to look like her.

Fourth Scenario: It's not clear if copyright and other legal issues had prevented or stopped her from actually returning. Should that had been the case, then we wouldn't have seen other G1 characters be adapted into later generations and some of them were of those who didn't appear past the original pilot. In all honesty, I feel that this could have been easily resolved if that was to be the case.

Fifth Scenario: There were never any plans to bring her back no matter what, otherwise she would have appeared even if Faust didn't originally approve of it, but by making certain compromises. By that I mean that they would end up with a revamped version of her that is different from the original character. Examples of which would include no longer being the leader of a group and/or not being part of one altogether as well as most likely being a side or recurring character rather than a main or major character. Seeing that it wasn't the case, this is like to saying to her that you are gone, and we no longer need you anymore.

Overall, we'll never what was the real reason to why Megan never made another appearance outside of G1.

If I had to rank these scenarios from which had the most weight to which had the least, it will probably go like this


Hearing that IDW plans to do G5 comics for MLP, I can now say that having Megan interacting with G4 ponies in any official media is no longer a missed opportunity, but now a lost opportunity. :fluttershysad:

If Megan was to appear in this crossover series, she probably would have had a better plan by having a G1 pony team up with a G4 pony to help trap the S'monies and any other pony that got possessed so that she could blast them with the Rainbow of Light to stop or purify them, but this is mostly just me saying this.

When will you be stating your take on the last part of this comic series as well as the entire overall set?

I don't think I will, actually.

I don't see a point really.

Is it mainly because it wouldn't be that much different from what I already said?

More like, I can't contribute anything useful

Pretty much all that can be said about this mess has been.

Unlike those on places such as Equestria Daily, I didn't try to sugarcoat this let alone try to make the best of a bad thing, but rather just tell it like it is.

Even on this page on TV Tropes they seem to agree with my take on this overall series especially if you scroll down on reading about wasting characters and the plot.

There is a mistake on that page. The pony movie debuted in 1986 not 1984. That is a pretty big error.

This whole crossover was a misfire due to the entire point being missed by the writer and many of the readers.

What they don't know is that 1984 was Rescue at Midnight Castle. Another thing that they don't seem to know is that there was also Escape from Catrina before that as well. Just like IDW, it seems as if those who were making that statement tend to get certain things wrong as well. Other than that, they seem to know more about it than those at IDW did. Scrolling down, it does seem as if I almost have a kindred spirit when some posted that Megan felt wasted and disappointed that they too were hoping for an interaction with her and the G4 ponies making me not alone on this, though this has been mentioned on other places as well. Also, there were those hoping for the two Spikes to meet, but that didn't happen either giving even further disappointed. What wasn't mentioned was the size distortion in that the G1 ponies were shown as if they were the same size as of the G4 ponies despite the fact that they are supposed to be bigger, but this isn't something new to me, because I remember on Deviantart seeing a fanart where the G4 ponies are the same size as the G1 ponies, and the pics below show that. On a side note, there was a mention in TV Tropes about a Sequel Hook, but I doubt that will happen, otherwise IDW would have made that official, so I wouldn't count on that.


What they don't know is that 1984 was Rescue at Midnight Castle.

The one who put up that article clearly didn't know that.

Another thing that they don't seem to know is that there was also Escape from Catrina before that as well.

This was also missed.

Scrolling down, it does seem as if I almost have a kindred spirit when some posted that Megan felt wasted and disappointed that they too were hoping for an interaction with her and the G4 ponies making me not alone on this, though this has been mentioned on other places as well.

This is very poor expectation to have and may well have contributed to the problems. It certainly didn't make things better.

Megan did not need to be involved, and given how poorly things were handled it is better that she wasn't. People need to see that.

And, incidentally. I noticed in that Galaxy's mane is not the right color combination. It's not a huge discrepancy, but it is kind of emblematic of this was handled.


The one who put up that article clearly didn't know that.

What wasn't known to most is that this was supposed to have a follow up special known as Rainbow Ponies that would have given more to those who were background characters in this one. However, this was cancelled to complaints about the original pilot being too dark. A preview for this was shown shortly after the credits when on video, though I don't know if that's the case on DVD or on demand.

This was also missed.

Unfortunately, that one wasn't as noteworthy compared to what was before it. Also, the attitude Catrina displayed was more of a drug addict rather than of a real villain. In other words, she wasn't really evil. On a side note, this is one of the few occasions to see Megan riding on one of the ponies that wasn't a pegasus, plus this is where Hasbro got that idea of having the Megan and Sundance dolls from not to mention having her wear the princess dress at the end.

This is very poor expectation to have and may well have contributed to the problems. It certainly didn't make things better.

Megan did not need to be involved, and given how poorly things were handled it is better that she wasn't. People need to see that.

Unfortunately, saying that may not resonate well with other bronies that know about G1 with myself included. If IDW had to have at least one notable character for this crossover, then having her might have actually made sense. Also, the same would be if only one character was going to use the Rainbow of Light in the final battle only it might as well be her, but at least she would have everyone else play her and not just have it be about her. Seeing that IDW plans to do G5 after this, I can now say that the missed opportunity is now a lost opportunity unless there is a plan in the near future to do another crossover where she will actually appear, but I'm not counting on that known what they have in store for it.

And, incidentally. I noticed in that Galaxy's mane is not the right color combination. It's not a huge discrepancy, but it is kind of emblematic of this was handled.

They didn't just get that wrong, but also their sizes as well in that the G1 ponies are supposed to be bigger than the G4 ponies. However, this isn't something new. If you were to read Twilight Sparkle's chapter in Volume 3 of the MLP Manga, she is practically the same size as the G1 ponies when she goes to that dimension. Even in that, they were treated as if they were useless and just tagged along with her as if that lesson wasn't learned here. To add insult to injury, Megan was only reduced to a cameo in that as well and doesn't even join them only because Firefly was stopped from going to her in that, which shows how little love there is for her officially, plus that also didn't resonate well with G1 fans such as myself either to see that.


Also, the attitude Catrina displayed was more of a drug addict rather than of a real villain. In other words, she wasn't really evil.

Not trying to be rude, but, well, duh! That was the whole point.

The episode was about as subtle as an old stone brick to the face, repeatedly. Or whatever way you want to express something being very unsubtle. :rainbowlaugh:

Unfortunately, saying that may not resonate well with other bronies that know about G1 with myself included.

Resonance was never the point. The point was to warn you against such expectations so you don't get burned, or worse yet, scorched.

And sometimes that takes a slap in face. That said, it's not my preferred method.

They didn't just get that wrong, but also their sizes as well in that the G1 ponies are supposed to be bigger than the G4 ponies.

*shrugs* Such thing are not taken into account typically.

First of all, I don't know why you only cherry pick what on what I say when you know I said a lot more. Nonetheless, this crossover didn't resonate well with fans of either G4 or G1 for the most part. I won't be surprised if any other reviews I find and might post in the near future won't be that positive either. I still don't know why Silver Quill on Equestria Daily tried to make the best out of a bad thing when you really can see how it went. Judging by your statement, my guess is that even if Megan was to make an actual appearance, it would probably be like the arc, The End of Flutter Valley, where her main role in that was just to return the Sunstone as if the Flutter Ponies couldn't do that themselves for some reason, plus it wasn't even that heavy for them to take it. I won't say more on this, because there is already another topic in this group where I said this, so I won't be repeating that here. However, I will say that it was an arc that didn't need to be movie length even if it was to be a follow up to the movie. Getting back to this comic series, even though they may be hinted further adventures, I don't think that IDW will be doing any more comics for G4 as their next one tends to be G5 as if Hasbro and its affiliates seem to be done with G4. If they were to continue it, maybe they could extend from that crossover with characters that didn't appear in it originally such as having Megan go back with them to Equestria to spend some time there with them especially after the other G1 ponies told them a good number of stories about her. Unfortunately, knowing what IDW is doing next, this probably won't happen.

No, the crossover didn't work in either case.

First of all, I don't know why you only cherry pick what on what I say when you know I said a lot more.

That wasn't cherry picking, it was addressing what needed to be addressed.

You've got a problem with saying far too much. Far more than is needed.

It's troublesome to have to read through a wall of text every single time.

I'm sorry if some of my posts sound if I'm rambling, but I'm not someone who will just say something with just a few sentences as if they were part of some bumper sticker. Also, it's not my fault that some tend to have short attention spans or don't like to read longer posts. More importantly, when I give my take on things, I tell it like it is to just about every little detail. In other words, don't expect me to sugarcoat anything. Sometimes, it's good to go in depth on what's needed to be said especially when it can give a good foundation to stand on not to mention backs up on what was being said.

You do get a bit long winded at times.

And it's not a matter of people having a short attention span, it's that people tend to stop caring when too much is dumped on them all at once.

Try to restrain yourself, you're not writing a college level research paper.

I can say the same who write fanfics as if they are writing a novel, because I feel that some of them are just too long not to mention tend to be incomplete for some of them, which took me a couple days just to read them.

I definitely agree with that.

It's a slog to try and read through those.

Just to get this size distortion of my chest, this isn't something new. Whether it's done officially or as fanart, some can't seem to get the correct height. In this one done by BBBHuey on Deviantart, the Mane 6 are practically the size of the G1 ponies. Also, TJ is the same height as they are even though it was clear that he was taller than all of the G1 ponies, and he may even be taller than Celestia if placed against each other. If you're wondering, why in this fanart comic series to why he can talk, it's because Twilight placed a spell on him that allows him to do so. One other thing, the Cutie Mark Crusaders look as if they are height the Mane 6 and the rest of what most of the foals that aren't fillies and colts are supposed to be. Also, Megan only ends up with the clothing she wound up with on the movie and series is because Rarity redressed her. Here are some of the scenes from MLP FiM: The Seventh Element, and click the link for the rest, because I will only show some of them.

For some reason, I feel that the MLP Generation series reminds me of the arc, The End of Flutter Valley, in several cases. The first one is that its plot was pretty much dragged on and slow paced, though in the arc itself I sort of felt that it was longer than it had to be, otherwise it didn't need to be movie length despite being a follow up to the original movie. The other was waiting too long to finally introduce the crossover, who was really there for show and was useless, which was sort of like how when Megan was finally there when her role was to bring back the Sunston. What they really have in common was giving more to the minor characters as if the major characters were treated as side characters in it.

Despite what the last panel says and what's on TV Tropes, it's unlikely that there is going to be a sequel to this, otherwise IDW would have announced that as what they would be doing next unless they plan to do this after making that G5 comic.

It's too bad that IDW has no plans in the near future to continue this, because then that could have given the chance to have other G1 characters that didn't appear such as Megan, though this would mainly be a tribute to her. Then again, it doesn't have to be a series, because it can just be done as an epilogue. I will admit that may first idea wasn't so good because it felt too extreme especially with it starting with Megan being suicidal, and probably won't be good for kids reading this. Instead of that, a better start will be that before the G1 ponies who came to Equestria are ready to go back to Ponyland, they mention more about Megan, and it strikes the interest of the Mane 6 as if they really want to meet her. They go meet and Grackle and Dyre in saying that they are ready to go back and saying that they will have them meet Megan makes them want to back with them only because they want to meet her as well. After they return, North Star says that she will go over the Rainbow Bridge to bring her over. Twilight insists that she goes with her to already introduce herself to her. Megan comes out when North Star calls for her while giving her back the locket with the Rainbow of Light restored and notices Twilight being next to her while taking some time to stare as if she never saw an alicorn before. After understanding about that new pony, Megan goes with them, but decides to ride on Twilight in seeing on what it's like to ride an alicorn. As they return to Paradise Estate, Megan is introduced to the rest of the Mane 6 as they are also excited to see her. Then she sees the witches and hearing that they are related to the ones she once knew, she feels that it could be some kind of trap and is ready to open up the locket but is told by the G1 ponies that were with them in that they have changed and no longer seek the revenge that their mothers and grandmother had wanted. At first Megan is confused, but she agrees that if the ponies can trust them so can she, but she acts suspicious towards them in feeling that they can still do something when their guard is down as she feels that they could be playing a trick on them. Twilight insists that Megan should spend some time in Equestria with them as the rest of the G1 ponies tell her that it would be a good idea as Megan accepts it. Once they arrive in Equestria, the witches tell Megan that when she is ready to go back, they will be at Zecora's hut over in Everfree Forest in helping her with potions and other magic. Pretty much what I said in the last idea for an epilogue will stay here, so I won't be repeating that. However, I will place that when Megan is sleeping at Canterlot Castle, Luna goes into her dream and even let's her in on her secret of being Nightmare Moon as well as telling her that even despite what she did in that form, Celestia, who is her sister, still forgave her and still allowed to sit beside her on the throne even after all of that. Hearing that not only reminded Megan of others in the past who she falsely accused of being a villain at first sight or were at least not solely responsible for their actions, but also made her feel that she treated those witches badly even though they were trying to make amends with her. Just before she is ready to return, she gives her apology to them in feeling that she was once again rushing her judgement without giving any proof for it, and the witches accepted that said apology. Megan then goes back and tells the G1 ponies about her trip to Equestria, and even mentions to them that she does agree that those two have changed, and she is flown back to her ranch so that she can return home.

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