G1 Ponies: Credit Where It's Due 380 members · 405 stories
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Just recently, I did post a video that had someone on Youtube talk about their overall view on G1, and I heard that person mention that Megan felt dull and boring. As someone who grew up and watched that series, I feel that she wasn't any of that. Then again, this was a long time ago and maybe I'm the one who's wrong. However, the way I saw her, I didn't feel that it was the case. Maybe that person who judged her didn't see all of her appearances and is only using such claims from the few places it was seen. From my perspective, I always felt that she was someone who was really caring for others. Despite being seen as a leader, she did act as a team player and even knew where her limits were. In other words, she didn't try to say, "As the savior of Ponyland and the keeper of the Rainbow of Light, I can do anything." Also, I don't recall any scenes where she acts either selfish or narcissistic. Does anyone else think that she was dull and/or boring or is it just the claim of some individual who thinks that? For the record, I have nothing against that person directly, I just happen to disagree with that view.

I don't find Megan boring unto herself. She wanted nothing to do with Ponyland until she saw them attacked by Tirek's forces. Firefly did basically kidnap, I mean conscript, I mean ask for help from her on at random.

In all honesty, it was never clear if Firefly really did have anyone in mind when she was looking for help or if she was just going to take whoever she saw at first sight which happened to be Megan. I'm still surprised how she was able to get Firefly out of the well considering how much she was weighing down the bucket. More importantly, Firefly never took any time to explain herself to Megan and just forced her to go back to her. Another thing I couldn't understand is that why Megan was the only one up or even why after she was taken, the rest of her family just slept through that even though she might have been yelling. You would think that they would notice this, but they didn't for some reason. Also, I don't get how signing the song "Dancing on Air", which feels like a Disney princess song, calmed her down and even made her want to sing along with Firefly. Nonetheless, she did help the ponies in the end, and pretty much became a hero by accident at least to my knowledge. BTW, the villain's name for G1 is spelled Tirac, while the Tirek is the spelling for his G4 name, but I won't blame you since so many don't seem to know that. Even if Megan did become a hero by accident, it didn't stop her from doing what she had to do.

My brother recorded the G1 special on tape.

I watched it over and over and over and over as a child.

Sometimes I do wish that there was more for Megan after G1 ended. You would think that for being the franchise's first major character and protagonist there would be more for her, but that was never the case. The most that she got with cameos, easter eggs, and other references, but never an actual appearance. Then again, I'm probably one of the few who did see it as a missed opportunity to not have her rebooted in any later generations, though I feel that that G4 was just that one, but even that didn't happen be it the TV show or any other official media for it. Seeing that Hasbro is done with G4, that is now a lost opportunity. Nonetheless, here's some fanart that would have made good screencaps if the Wiliams siblings were to appear in them.

I have to wonder what expectations this individual had going in.

To call Megan boring is a stretch, and it doesn't come from any observation either.

Megan is just a loving, caring, sweet, and kind person. She is often smart, and more than once clever. Megan lost her temper only once in 65 episodes and a movie. So yeah, she is pretty level headed.

That kind of assessment of her brings to mind something Silver Quill said in regards to Pinkie's sister Maud. While don't remember the whole statement, it ended with Silver stating how it was a matter of expectation versus acceptance.

And this kind of feels like a similar situation.

First of all, the person who made those videos on Youtube calling Megan boring was Peace Petals, and he also posts on Equestria Daily as well. In all honesty, I have no idea why he considers her to be dull and boring when that hardly seemed like the case wherever she appears. Even when she lost her temper, that's very common for a hero to do that, so it's not as if that was something new. Then again, she does have a history of sometimes accusing others as being bad even though it turned out later that they weren't really evil or in some cases weren't solely responsible for their actions, and there's a good list for that, but that's not something new either. Also, I like the fact that even as a leader, she doesn't always have to be the one who has to save the day, which further proves that she displays no high levels of selfishness or narcissism in her nature. Overall, I would love to know how much of G1 has Peace Petals really seen before making that conclusion about Megan, because something tells me he probably just a few.

It strikes that this individual probably hasn't seem much of the show. That does seem likely.

Also, we don't know what they may heard going in, so that could have had an influence too.

Hearing that almost reminds me of Pokemon fans who were known for calling Digimon a rip-off of it even though such claims were found to be baseless. I have encountered some of them in the past and even asked where they made such claims. Many of them either got defensive, resorted to name calling, made personal attacks, or just gave me the cold shoulder. Even if some of them said they watched Digimon before coming to that conclusion, it didn't sound as if they saw enough to make such a claim. From my experience, I do know that there is nothing Digimon took from Pokemon and even the names of the two anime are nothing alike. On a side note, my brother would sometimes approach me when I'm watching an episode of Digimon just to call them by Pokemon names, which really annoys me, and I'm sure he wouldn't have liked it if I came in when he was watching Pokemon only to have me call them by Digimon names. Nevertheless, I don't get why Peace Petals finds Megan to be boring when those who have actually watched that generation found the opposite to be true.

I remember hearing about that.

It was all pretty stupid really. What's more, I have watched both shows and they are very clearly different from one another while being in the same genre.

People just need to stop the damned gatekeeping, It's bad for everyone.

Megan was a little bit on the bland side, but that was mostly due to being the point-of-view character. She always seemed normal simply because normal was defined as "like Megan"

She was also the designated adult, which put her in the role of wet blanket versus Danny, Surprise, etc. The only characters that really treated Megan as an equal, rather than a parent, were Wind Whistler, and to a lesser degree Firefly.

Are you implying that Megan was dull and boring in a positive way or in a negative way?

I'm implying that Megan's role was to be the grounding point, so being comparatively boring was her job. It's neither positive nor negative, because someone has to fill that role

If G4 was to be a continuation of G1, there would be ponies that would be happy to welcome them back.

It would have been nice if this wasn't a teaser, though we'll never what was real nature behind Directions. However, there are certain things about this I just don't get about this. First of all, I don't how Megan's phone still works while she is in Equestria let alone not feeling surprised about all the new places that are there. Also, how does it know all the places in Ponyville? More importantly, how do the ponies she encounters even know about her when she is meeting them for the first time? Then again, that was pretty much the case in the other special, movie, and even the series. Still, it would have been nice if this really did mean a return for her. On a side note, there was said to be a video about this, but I can't seem to find it for some reason.

G1 and G4 share enough details to put them in the same continuity with only a minor amount of explanation. However, that also means that G1 occurs at least 1000 years before G4. Without some sort of time-distorting plot device, all the G1 characters would be long dead. There are plenty of ways it could be done, but I think they would all mean that Megan would be an obscure historical footnote in G4, and nopony* would recognize her until Twilight did her librarian thing.

*Celestia would probably know her, but she always keeps her mouth shut until it's too late for the information to be helpful

If G1 and G4 were to be related, you could make it like Digimon. By that it would be as if time moved slower in Equestria, which was originally Ponyland, than it would on Earth. In other words, Megan, Danny, and Molly wouldn't be aged that much. However, when they return, they would have been surprised or even shocked to see how much has changed since they last came there. That is pretty how I did when doing my fanfics that does have Megan interacting with the G4 characters. If you read my first fanfic "Destiny or Coincidence?" the only reason Twilight knows about Megan is because of the hidden book she found about her, which happened to be a special compartment that was behind a portrait of Celestia at the Canterlot Library, plus her and the rest of the Mane 6 are found out to be descendants of ponies that Megan once knew as if they were meant to cross paths with her. As for Celestia, if it was to be related, knowing the age she has along with Luna, they would have known her, plus in my second fanfic "Royal Origins" it practically states that Megan was the one responsible for giving them their names as they didn't have any when they were first brought over to Paradise Estate by some unknown creature that just left them there, plus they weren't even alicorns at the time, but rather unicorns and they even earn their cutie marks differently from what the book about them says. Then again, with names such as theirs, it could have sounded as if Megan really did name the Royal Sisters. On a side note, there were never really an alicorns in G1, because that scene from Escape from Catrina just happened to be an animation flaw that gave Surprise a horn even though she is supposed to be a pegasus, but that didn't stop someone from making it pass for a foal version of Celestia even though the colors for her mane and tail were green instead of pink.

I know this may sound like a theory, but I feel there is a lot of support for it. I feel that that reason why we never see Megan brought back again in any other generations, especially the most recent one, was mainly because of why she was there in the first place. It was most likely to get people used to the franchise by giving them a human companion. However, when G1 ended, it felt as if she was no longer needed as many started to know about the franchise after it ended. If not for hardcore fans, she would have just gone down with the ship and pretty much never heard from again. For the most part, I haven't seen or heard anything claiming my theory to be wrong. Still, it would have been nice if there was going to be a comeback for her especially since she was the franchise's first major character and protagonist, but that never seemed to be the case. Even if she was to be brought back in a later generation, it would have been most likely been a rebooted character rather than the same character that those of us nostalgic bronies would know. Nonetheless, this would have been a scene if she was to be introduced in the FiM series and probably work well with the rebooted version.

For some reason, I managed to find a fanart that shows a MLP 'n Friends episodes but with MLP: FiM characters in it. Although we still see Megan, Molly, and even Night Shade, other characters got replaced such as Svengallop replacing Zeb while Baby Cuddles, Baby Half Note, and Baby Sundance are replaced by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo of the CMCs. You can probably expect to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity in this since their younger sisters are in it. I can probably expect Erebus to be there, though I don't know how he will be defeated since the Flutter Ponies aren't part of G4, though they will probably be replaced by Breezies. However, I don't know why Countess Coloratura is there. Nonetheless, here is what it looks like.

Let's just say that for a moment we live an alternate reality in which MLP: FiM aired with Megan in it.

1. In which season would you see her being introduced?
2. How would you picture her introduction?
3. Would she be a major or minor character in the show?
4. Would the rest of the series be the same or different with her in it?
5. Do you think Danny and Molly would also appear or just be left out?

Just looking at the two versions it's obvious that they aren't even the same height and probably not even the same age.

Would anyone think Megan would have stood a chance against the Storm King if she did face him?

For the fun of it, let's see how Megan will do against other G4 villains.

BTW, Megan does appear in the G1 comics in the UK, but she is more of a minor character as opposed to the show where she was more major.

Megan also appeared in a few other UK comics made for G1

This is said to be Sophie, who is claimed to be Megan's descendant.

I know I have said this a good number of times, but I'm not sure if anyone was listening. Honestly, I have never been fond of when Megan's look for both the movie and show was switched to having those frilly overalls and even the shirt that she wore under it. To me, this just didn't seem practical for her, but it didn't seem age appropriate for her, plus it looked so dated for a cartoon of its time. Although I didn't mind changing the style of the animation, I really did wish that she was allowed to keep her original outfit, which was her cowgirl look, because it really showed what her background really was. Also, it felt more suitable for adventures as well as for the fact that there are numerous scenes where she is actually riding the ponies. I don't know why whenever the style of animation, her outfit had to be changed to, but I felt that it was just to make her look more feminine as well as being an overreach for a target audience that was mostly young girls. If they really had to give her overall, then I don't know why it couldn't have been a design that did work and even looked more realistic for its time and possibly today not to mention more for her age. Perhaps the good thing is that there was no internet when G1 was around, because if she went to school like that, she would probably be a viral video wherever she goes when being dressed like that. Nonetheless, here's the design that should have been used, which I feel that this person on Deviant Art did a better look for her if she had to stay with overalls, though I still think that a regular t-shirt might have worked better.

#13) Megan Williams will be the human character who gets transported from her world to Equestria where she will become the bearer of The Rainbow of Light which is the opposite of Tirek's Rainbow of Darkness and Megan will become a new main character in this season and she'll be the one to defeat Tirek before she helps the Mane 6 and Spike defeat Grogar once and for all.

According to MelSpyRose, if Season 9 of MLP: FiM was to be redone, Megan would be included in it, though I would have her introduced few seasons earlier than that.

At least it was nice to not exclude Megan in the promo for MLP: A New Generation.

Would anyone think that this is really Megan if this supposed background character from the special, The Rollercoaster of Friendship, was given the same skin color that we have in real life?

I will just say this once again, and I apologize for sounding like a broken record on this, but there's a reason I have to keep asking this. Does anyone else besides me thinks that the original reason for Megan's existence in G1 was to just get people used to the MLP franchise by giving them what was probably their only known human companion and then ditch her after it ended after they now knew about it? It may possibly explain why she was never brought up again as an actual character in later generations especially the last one. Perhaps, that explains why it never happened again unless someone else can prove my theory to be wrong.

Now that I think of it, was it really necessary for Megan to have siblings such as Danny and Molly? For the most part, they didn't even play much of a role whenever they appeared. Also, we don't even see them until the movie came around, which makes one wonder why they weren't introduced sooner. My guess is that Hasbro felt it would be good if the ponies had more than one human companion besides Megan, but I could be wrong here and there might have been other reasons for that. Those two didn't even make an appearance in the G1 UK comics, though Megan does make a few appearances herself in that said comic series.

Maybe there would have been a way to make Megan someone important when it comes to battles if she was to appear in the FiM series. Should any member of the Mane 6 get captured, she can use the Rainbow of Light to fill in for the missing element in being a placeholder. In a way, it can act like the joker card in a poker set where it can fill in the missing card to help create one of the hands hence being wild assuming this card is being played. However, I'm not sure what would be the case if two or more are missing and if the said rainbow can fill in for more than one, though knowing how powerful it can be, there might be cases where she would have to use it alone to the same extend as the Elements of Harmony if the rest are unavailable.

For some reason in the book, Baby Firefly's Adventure and Other My Little Pony Stories, Megan is shown in her doll version.

Am I really the only one here who thinks that that it was a missed opportunity to not see Megan adapted into later generations especially in the most recent one?

There is no missed opportunity here. Megan could not have added anything with her presence.

What's more, since it was never even an idea that was on the table to begin with there was no other outcome.

Bottom line, it would never have worked and only have been something that came off as being forced.

What you're pretty much saying is that there was either never any intentions to place her in or that it couldn't be done even if they wanted to. Sometimes, I feel that to do this, someone would need to crack the code and that pretty much failed. Also, being that G4 was based off of G1, it would only make sense to revive her, plus if this is about friendship being magic, then it would only expand the definition by accepting a creature from another world such as her. Keep in mind that MLP: FiM is not a continuation of MLP 'n Friends, so her introduction would have to be different as would her character at some points. This is how I would reimagine G4 if she was to be in it.

1. The introduction I pitched I while ago would be used, because we're not going to have a G4 version of Rescue at Midnight Castle.
2. Her debut would take place probably in the 5th, 6th, or 7th season depending on what works best.
3. She enters Equestria through a rock formation that acts like a passageway hence no Rainbow Bridge.
4. The Tree of Harmony gives her the Rainbow of Light as if it was expecting her through a prophecy and it enters a locket that she already has.
5. Much of what she does with the said rainbow will be figured by herself, though there can be times when such ponies will tell her more about it.
6. She will start off being a minor character but will become more major as the show progresses.
7. Danny and Molly end up in Equestria due to following Megan, not because she wanted them to at first.
8. Whenever the locket glows, it's a message from the Tree of Harmony on what can be done with the Rainbow of Light.
9. There can be times when she can fill in for any missing members of the Mane 6 who are either unavailable or captured and have the Rainbow of Light act as a placeholder for their element when the rest do their formation when using the Elements of Harmony.
10. Doing such will reveal that the Rainbow of Light has connections to the Elements of Harmony that can help in later battles including the final one.
11. There can be episodes where the ponies come to Earth and visit the Williams siblings.
12. There can even be villains back on Earth that want the ponies after seeing them.
13. Said villain(s) can enter Equestria by secretly following the Williams siblings.
14. Earth villains can team up with Equestrian villains due to claiming that they have common enemies.
15. Other episodes can involve the human factor in how Megan can convince some of the other characters that none of the Mane 6 could.

Friendship is magic is not based on My Little Pony and Friends. The initial designs for for mane were, but that is all.

Call backs and acknowledgments are something all together different, and aren't unusual.

While it would take a lot of hard work on a writer's part to make a story in which Megan comes to Equestria and make it work, which has been done successfully, twice. It doesn't mean she could have ever fit into the series canonically.

What's more, Lauren Faust herself didn't want any humans involved, that is an established bit of information by now.

You are much better served by channeling that energy into a multi-chapter story rather than trying to make a case for something that was never going to happen.

Those decisions were made during the show's pre-production most likely. So no, there never was a chance of it happening.


Friendship is magic is not based on My Little Pony and Friends. The initial designs for for mane were, but that is all.

I never implied on that, and I even said how the two aren't related.

Call backs and acknowledgments are something all together different, and aren't unusual.

It still would have been nice if there was something for Megan that could work in other generations, especially for being the franchise's first major character and protagonist.

While it would take a lot of hard work on a writer's part to make a story in which Megan comes to Equestria and make it work, which has been done successfully, twice. It doesn't mean she could have ever fit into the series canonically.

Nothing that I put on how I would have reimagined G4 with her in it would be an exact duplicate of her G1 version. Just about everything in there is originally thought if not done by anyone else. Even where she gets the Rainbow of Light and how she gets it is different as well, and the same goes for how Danny and Molly would appear. In other words, this was a lot of outside the box thinking. However, I don't get what you mean by the last part of that sentence.

What's more, Lauren Faust herself didn't want any humans involved, that is an established bit of information by now.

The executives at Hasbro could have easily lifted that after Lauren Faust left productions after the first three seasons, but didn't for some reason even though that didn't stop them from doing Equestria Girls, which was a universe or dimension where the very characters from the show became humanized.

You are much better served by channeling that energy into a multi-chapter story rather than trying to make a case for something that was never going to happen.

It would have been nice if there were plans to revive her in the last generation or even the near future, but those in charge made it feel as if she was all but dead hence just keeping her as nothing more than just references, cameos, and easter eggs.

Those decisions were made during the show's pre-production most likely. So no, there never was a chance of it happening.

In other words, my theory on saying that she was only there to get people used to the franchise and nothing more does hold to be true, otherwise she would have been readapted into later generations such as the last one if that was to be the case.


In other words, my theory on saying that she was only there to get people used to the franchise and nothing more does hold to be true, otherwise she would have been readapted into later generations such as the last one if that was to be the case.

No, no it does not.

That is speculation, not a theory. You have no evidence to support this, it's you guessing. That's it.

The executives at Hasbro could have easily lifted that after Lauren Faust left productions after the first three seasons, but didn't for some reason even though that didn't stop them from doing Equestria Girls, which was a universe or dimension where the very characters from the show became humanized.

That it wasn't lifted say that there were never any plans to introduce human characters from the start.

What's more, Equestria Girl really only came about as a response to the popularity of Mattel's Monster High toyline. It certainly wasn't treated with any meaningful thought, and didn't get the effort it should have.

Seriously, it was basically left in a ditch. :facehoof:

Nothing that I put on how I would have reimagined G4 with her in it would be an exact duplicate of her G1 version. Just about everything in there is originally thought if not done by anyone else. Even where she gets the Rainbow of Light and how she gets it is different as well, and the same goes for how Danny and Molly would appear. In other words, this was a lot of outside the box thinking. However, I don't get what you mean by the last part of that sentence.

This is an obvious statement. So I'm not sure why you even made it.

Even I have had to make adjustments when using Megan in my EQG story Believe in Magic. And that is why I'm scratching my head on this one a bit.

It didn't need to be said.

It still would have been nice if there was something for Megan that could work in other generations, especially for being the franchise's first major character and protagonist.

Here is a pointed question. How?

How would adding Megan into any other MLP series have had any meaningful effect whatsoever?

She would almost certainly have been a distraction from the characters and story beats of these successive shows.

So, how would adding Megan have had any meaningful effect?


No, no it does not.

That is speculation, not a theory. You have no evidence to support this, it's you guessing. That's it.

Either way, it seems to explain why she doesn't get revived later on and is treated as if she was just about all but dead.

That it wasn't lifted say that there were never any plans to introduce human characters from the start.

Yet for some reason, it was alright to introduce other random characters as long as they weren't human.

What's more, Equestria Girl really only came about as a response to the popularity of Mattel's Monster High toyline. It certainly wasn't treated with any meaningful thought, and didn't get the effort it should have.

Even if that was the case, it was still popular nonetheless, and that's what mattered to them despite originally being used as an experiment, which is why I felt the same could have done with trying to bring back a human companion like Megan, but only made to fit with the show.

This is an obvious statement. So I'm not sure why you even made it.

I don't see what's wrong with me trying to reimagine how it could work with her in it as so many others have done in the past and present.

Here is a pointed question. How?

How would adding Megan into any other MLP series have had any meaningful effect whatsoever?

She would almost certainly have been a distraction from the characters and story beats of these successive shows.

So, how would adding Megan have had any meaningful effect?

To me just the idea of bringing back the idea of having a human companion that was done originally can expand the idea to how friendship can be magic when it can transcend through worlds with other creatures. I have already stated that she would start out minor but would become more major as the show goes on. For the most part, she would be an ally to the group, but not part of the group itself. Other times, she can be an ace in the hole as it's later on found out that the Rainbow of Light does have a connection to the Elements of Harmony in that it can even act as a placeholder for any missing elements should any of the ponies who carry one of the said elements be absent, missing, or captured sort of like when using the Joker card when playing poker in that it can be wild and fill in for the missing card needed to play a particular poker hand. In all honesty, I wouldn't see it as a distraction, I would see it helping with the plot. In a way, she can be the wild card or even Joker card to help the Mane 6 in later battles. More importantly, I could easily say the same about other characters who got added to show as a distraction by such logic, so I don't see why only when trying to do a rebooted version of Megan would get someone like you bent out of shape on it, while ignoring all the rest. It sort of feels like selective outrage here. Overall, if it can work, then it can be used, and that's what really matters.

Just for the record, I'm probably one of the few who believes that it could have worked, which does make me feel as if it was a missed opportunity. Unfortunately, it was just never tried. By saying that placing her into that series would be playing with fire, I could easily say the same for other random characters that were placed in or even doing a spinoff such as Equestria Girls by that same logic. In other words, why not try to bring back the idea of a human companion? If it can work before, then why not again? Perhaps, I'm just one of the few who really wished there would be more for Megan after G1 ended, but knowing who is in charge, that would never be the case as she was supposed to be pretty much dead, buried, or even neglected as newer versions were created making my claim that she was only there to get people used to the franchise when it was something new and nothing more seem to hold true, otherwise there would have plans to bring her back in be it G4 or any other generations in the near future. Overall, if not for hardcore G1 fans such as myself mentioning her and even including her in fanfics and fanart especially with present day characters, she would have been long forgotten and gone down with the ship the moment the generation she was in ended. I just feel that officially, there was never any real love for her, which is why I feel that she was ditched afterwards. The least that could have been done was give her a real appearance in the crossover, but even that wasn't done. I'm sorry if these feels like a rambling, but this is what I feel about her and why I feel that she got treated as if she got the boot as someone never to be seen again.


In other words, why not try to bring back the idea of a human companion?

I can answer that quite simply. There was no need, no value. It would not have accomplished anything.

It never matter that it "could" work. It only matter if there was actual value in the action. And outside on My Little Pony and Friends there is none.

That is the point. That is what this all boils down to.

Even if it would have meant forcing her in at first, it doesn't mean that it couldn't work in the end, and that was probably the case for a number of characters that felt as if they were placed in at random yet there was no concern about that, but I guess it's alright as long as it wasn't a human character.


Even if it would have meant forcing her in at first,

No, just freaking no.

I speak from some degree of personal experience on this matter. If you force something at the start, it will remain forced all through out. And it will show, in no small number of ways.

Forcing is one of the single biggest writing sins there is. And it has broken so many stories, movies, T.V. shows, as well as live plays and even radio dramas. More than anyone can be aware of.

To put it bluntly forcing is is a death sentence in these cases. And you will never finish strong if you force the start.

And that is one thing you are just not seeing.

You're also failing to understand that is not always appropriate to have a certain kind of character be involved. You need to see that, or it will come back to bite you later, hard.

I have a long list of reasons why my girl Megan is only a part of three of my total number of projects right now. And the first, and biggest reason is respect.

In short, I won't treat Megan as some kind of default option to fill a role in my casts. That just treats her like an object rather than a character.

And then there is the potential to overuse a character which always ends badly. On top of that, there is the problem of bastardization, or to put it another way, the character being the character in name only. And not baring any actual resemblance to the actual character in question.

You can find a horrifyingly large number of stories in this site alone where that problem shows up.

No, with these kinds of "lightning in bottle" situations we have to hold back. Less is more in others words.

Megan's presence in My Little Pony was a wonderful, lovely, and honestly remarkable, one off. And that can never be repeated.

I have a personal saying when it comes to playing Skyrim. "Restraint is freedom." To be clear, the more I hold back, the more fun the game is.

And you have to learn when this case.

Maybe to you, it was great that she was a one-of-a-kind character. However, to someone like me, I sort of wish that there would be more for her after her original appearance. If readapting characters for later versions of their original shows were able to work, be it Optimus Prime from Transformers or Duke from GI Joe, then why not the same for Megan in of the later MLP series especially the most recent one? I don't see why that would be wrong? Even saying that she shouldn't be used more does support my claim that she was only there originally just to get people used to the franchise and then dump her once that generation was over as she seen as dead to them. I bet if Lauren Faust didn't oppose having human characters in the show, she would have adapted for it from the start, but that wasn't the case. Seeing that MLP: FiM was dedicated to bringing back adventures, then having a rebooted version of Megan would sort of make sense, though there would be some changes to help fit in with that generation. At least when I thought of how I pictured the show with her in it, I was being original, so I should be given something for thinking that especially since so much of it is being outside the box. As for fanfics, my version of Megan is pretty much the same as the G1 version only that everything in G4 is related. By that I mean that Ponyland becomes Equestria, Ponyville is built where Dream Valley was, the Mane 6 are descendants of ponies that Megan originally knew, and the Royal Sisters knew Megan back when they were fillies when she was there originally, plus she was the one responsible for giving their names that they continue to have to this day. I do refer to the fanfics that I make known as the Return of Megan Williams series, and I do have some more coming up in the near future. Nonetheless, it would be nice if there were plans to bring Megan even if had to be a reboot just to work with whatever is with the new generation, she is placed in.

Because every MLP series is unique unto itself. So they can't have the same cast every time.

The MLP multiverse is different from the Transformers and G.I. Joe multiverses, so it won't work.

You just don't want to see what is front of you.

However, the names of a lot of the ponies in each of the series do seem to have names that are either the same or similar in that manner, and I know this from seeing a video with all of the openings. Do you really think that the names of the ponies in G4 were all original? The answer is no and some of them were from G3 or earlier. As a matter of fact, G1 didn't have one but two Twilights with the second one being a pegasus with a candlestick as her cutie mark, though this one was also a minor character and only appeared around what become the end of that generation. Nonetheless, Hasbro had a history of reusing character names even in this franchise but made them different when changed. Now I ask why the same can't be done for Megan. The fact that MLP: FiM brings back adventures felt to me that it was only ideal to bring her back in at one point but seeing that it didn't happen made me feel as if it was a missed opportunity. Overall, maybe you wouldn't have liked to see a rebooted version of Megan, but I certainly would. Just like in G1, she doesn't have to appear in every episode after her debut, because I know exactly what episode from MLP 'n Friends she wasn't in, which is why I always viewed as a major character, but not a main character. As for Transformers and GI Joe, they may have kept a lot of the same cast at times, but Hasbro did try to make them feel different rather than having them being carbon copies whenever a new one came up.

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