G1 Ponies: Credit Where It's Due 380 members · 405 stories
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This thread will be dedicated to reactions of G1.

You have to admit that G1 is darker than just about any other MLP generation made after it. The other reason I liked it was because it was literally the only generation to have human companions that I felt should have been brought back again especially with a rebooted version of the Williams siblings. If you asked me, that probably would have been a better idea than creating a spinoff such as Equestria Girls. I feel that in reality, most wouldn't be watching MLP to see them get humanized, which I would rather leave for the fanart, who I even think did it better, while letting the ponies stay ponies. Nonetheless, this is what I felt about G1.

Megan: It's probably easy to like someone who this generation was mostly centered around. What I did like about her was that she was this hero by accident. By that I mean that she wasn't originally supposed to be the one to help the ponies but was dragged into doing such. Even by being known as the savior of Ponyland and the keeper of the Rainbow of Light, she was still just this human girl from Earth that still understood her limitations. In other words, you wouldn't hear her going around claiming that having these titles made her special or believing that it always had to be her saving the day. However, I never did like the fact that she had wear a romper suit for the rest of G1 when it was finally being made into a show, because I felt that it just didn't belong on her, but the reason she had it had to be due to it being on the doll outfits. I really wished they just let her keep her cowgirl outfit from the start, because it stated more of her background than the romper suit did. One other thing, I consider her more of a major character rather than a main character due to not appearing in all episodes. Overall, I really wished that she was rebooted especially for G4 that I felt was a missed opportunity not to mention the number of fanart and fanfiction that has her with G4 characters despite not being there herself.

Danny and Molly: I could have included them with Megan, but I feel that they deserve their own category. In all honesty, I sort of felt that these were characters that the show really didn't need. For the most part, they don't appear that much, nor do they play much of a role either. Molly was even killed off the show about halfway through the first season after the episode, The Magic Coins, though it's not clear why that was the case, nor is it even mentioned why. My guess is possibly that her voice actor quit, and a replacement couldn't be found, so they just killed her off and did the show without her being in it. Danny doesn't appear after the episode Spike's Search, but it's not clear if he would make more appearances since the second season was stopped short and cancelled, which also questioned if Megan was going to appear again after The Golden Horseshoes since she isn't seen again in the next couple of episodes after that, though something tells me that she would have if that season did continue. Overall, I felt that they were just placed in so that the ponies would have more than one human companion even though they aren't there most of the time.

Spike: The reason this doesn't sound like the Spike we know now is because he was done by a different voice actor, which happened to be Charlie Adler, who I know also did Ickis from Ahh! Real Monsters, which aired at one time on Nickelodeon. He did appear as much as Megan did and sometimes in episodes where the two weren't together. It's not exactly clear why he was with Tirac and Scorpan in the beginning of Rescue at Midnight Castle, but knowing the history of this franchise, it was highly unlikely that we were going to get a backstory on this. There are claims by bronies that he wound up with them after Tirac most likely killed Majesty, who usually saw him more as a pet rather than a loyal servant in the G1 UK comics, when she refused to coparate with what he was planning for, but Scorpan pleaded not to kill this dragon since he didn't feel like a threat to him while in return, he would agree to bring him the ponies for his chariot otherwise Spike would be killed if that wasn't the case should Scorpan fail or refuse. Other than that, there isn't too much to say about Spike.

Ponies: I won't place them individually because a lot of them were mainly in one episode and aren't even seen again. There were some ponies that made multiple appearances such as Wind Whistler, Surprise, Posey, North Star, Lickety Split, Sundance, and Galaxy as being the few to be seen more than once. I sort of wished the foals were more original, because so many of them were just smaller versions of the adult ponies, plus they were given the name Baby in front just to distinguish them from the adults as well, though it was found it that they were daughters of the ones that shared the names of them. One thing I don't get is why we don't see their husbands if they are supposed to have daughters. Another thing I don't understand is why the mares have big bows at the base of their tails while the stallions don't. Then again, we don't see too many stallions in this generation most of the time either. I really wish that the made the foals original as they did in later generations let alone give them original names like they did for Ember, because I felt as if they were pretty lazy on that. One other thing to mention if not for losing the trademark rights to the ponies that they had from Rescue at Midnight Castle, many of them would have stayed and probably made good core characters when it was finally made into a show, but that wasn't the case. I did remember hearing that Firefly was supposed too originally be in the movie, but due to losing out on the trademark rights, Hasbro was forced to remove all of her scenes and edit them.

The Moochick: I can understand why some didn't like him due to him to being annoying at times. The idea was that he was supposed to be a mentor for Megan and the ponies. He is known for having a companion known as Habbit, who never had any lines whenever he appeared, which makes it surprising how we knew his name seeing that he never speaks once sort of like Vinyl Scratch. My guess is that his name was mentioned by The Moochick in one episode. Nonetheless, he was more of a recurring character, and he usually appeared in episodes that Megan was in with The Revolt of Paradise Estate being the only exception to that. Despite being very knowledgeable about Ponyland and having magic, he doesn't directly help them while his appearances are mostly limited to the beginning and sometimes ending of episodes.

Other creatures: Besides being dedicated to ponies and even having dragons and humans in that matter, this generation did feature other creatures. Some of them included the Bushwoolies, who were usually left nameless for some reason, and were first introduced in Escape from Catrina along with being recurring characters as well. The sea ponies are also recurring characters, but they actually do have names only not to be mentioned in the show itself, which is in the toy line, plus some of them have life preservers for some reason. The flutter ponies are different from the pegasi mainly for having butterfly wings compared to having bird-like wings, and just a few of them have names such as Rosedust, Morning Glory, and Honeysuckle while the rest were just left as nameless. Although there are humans living in Ponyland, they are pretty much in the Middle Ages unlike the rest who happen to be from the present.

Villains: With the exception of the witches, many of the villains just appear in one episode and are never seen again for some reason. It's not clear why G1 didn't have a lot of returning villains. Some of them did some really dark things that even those in G4 and G5 didn't have. What a good number of them had were those who originally worked with them only to later turn on them towards the end of the episode, which made the ponies and Megan realize that not everyone who works for a villain is evil themselves.

Episodes: Many of the episodes in MLP 'n Friends were actually more than one part. There were some that were just one part, so to fill in the time slot, they would be paired with some other shows that would either be Potato Head Kids, Glo and Friends, or Moon Dreamers by having them in the opening and ending along with it. There were occasional episodes that were four parts, which meant that you would have to wait almost a whole week for the conclusion. The only exception to this was The End of Flutter Valley that was ten parts long compared to all the other episodes. However, I feel that if Rescue at Midnight Castle was paced too fast, then this one was paced too slow. I sort of felt that this one didn't have to be that long, and a four-part episode could have done it better. Also, this episode gave more screentime to minor characters such as witches, flutter ponies, and Bees while we don't get a lot of scenes that involved Megan, Spike, or even the ponies in that matter. Another thing to note is that this is the only other time that we see TJ, and it looked as if he had a growth spurt compared to how he looked in Rescue at Midnight Castle. Unfortunately, we'll never know how MLP 'n Friends was supposed to end since the second season was never completed, and something tells me that The Prince and the Ponies wasn't originally meant to be the final episode. Again, it wasn't clear either what would have happened to Megan and Danny since they weren't appearing again in the last couple of episodes that did air before it was stopped.

This just came to me right now, so I'm just going to say this. I never got why Danny was a redhead when both Megan and Molly were blonds. Shouldn't all three of them have the same hair color if they are supposed to be siblings? Seeing that we never saw their parents, we'll just never know why that is the case. Also, I never got why Hasbro didn't make a Danny doll even though they did one for Megan and Molly. My guess was probably they didn't know what pony to give him let alone what doll outfit he should wear or that it was mostly meant for girls, so making a Danny doll wasn't in their best interest even though Mattel did a Ken doll to go with Barbie and have many versions of that as well. If they did make a Danny doll, it probably would have been similar to the Molly doll, but only as a boy knowing that they were lazy when it came to making those things especially by repeating the same design.

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