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Oh raven, oh raven, oh raven why, do you fly so far?
Raven high, raven low, raven afar, do you hear my call?
The sun has dimmed, so forthcome the night, but thou has not.
Why hast thou left the nest, only to not return again?
The seeds of our bond, are they worth not?
The cold grows as the world will soon snow.
Leaves of change have fallen, so has our nest.

Oh raven, oh raven, oh raven why, do you not care?
Winter now begins to chirps it bitter breeze, yet you have not?
Dim days are drawn by the cold now, no longer in black quill.
The crumbs of my bread no longer feed you, now left for mice.
At the highs of frozen land, peaks the holidays of joy and giving.
Yet in delight, my lost raven, alone as the cold I have become.
Lonely days drag on and on, and so does the end of white.

Oh raven, oh raven, oh raven why, do you not say goodbye?
For the pillars of ice now become flowing rivers of tears.
Why did you leave me, my razor feathered friend?
The coldness of white becomes that of soaking green.
I see creatures far and wide, coming back to the home they belong too.
Now, I finally see my long returned raven, eyes opened with realization.
Now my cold heart melts away with the spring, as ravens returned.
Oh raven, oh raven, oh raven, my friend, why do you not say goodbye?

Goodbye means forever gone, but my love shall forever stay strong, till end of all dawns.

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