Poetry 276 members · 630 stories
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Group Admin

Say Hello poets...What else can I say?
You don't have to rhyme by the way...

Hello! :pinkiehappy:
Yellow... :pinkiecrazy:


Peregrine Caged
Group Contributor

Hiya there, friends! Heya there, poets!
We'll start off small, but here's to the future!
Here's to words and to beats and to rhymes!
Here's to hopes and heartbreaks,
Tragedies and laughs,
Tales and dreams and nonsense!
Let us, the word smiths with limitless bounds, make something...

Group Admin

367185 Very much agreed :pinkiehappy:

I accepted Peregrine's invitation to this group, but I'm not sure whether I can contribute at all in a meaningful way here. For me, writing poetry is prefixed with an if, not a when, meaning that I can't write on demand, and certainly not without emotions and thought that have gathered up within me over time. And I don't know how that is applicable to mlp fanfiction.
When I do write, it is more like the poem finds me, not the other way around, and I don't control it at all. Then again, it's just a matter of inspiration, which can hit me anytime. I remember when I played in a roleplaying forum two years back, and half of my characters' speech was made of rhyme. It wasn't much or meaningful, but it gave a certain flavour to it.

Hello there, everyone. I might not be the best at poetry, but I'll certainly be posting a few things here when I find the time. I'm super excited to see what people post for poems.

Hi there. I believe I am far too poetic for my own good. I have these thoughts, but they are so obscure they don't even register in the poets' minds. I also have this terrible habit of not actually conveying these potentially deep thoughts to something of...where the hay was I going with this? :rainbowlaugh: I don't know. Oh well, better go hit the other threads.

Group Admin

368808 Hi. Don't worry, poetry's all about having the freedom to write your own way. If you like rhyme, structure, and well-thought-out poetry then that is your own style and you should be proud of it :pinkiehappy:

369007 And we're super excited to have you here

369113 Again, great to have you Kartal. We welcome every type of poet. Every poet has a different style, and you have one as well :twilightsmile:

Peregrine Caged
Group Contributor

Woo, lookit that--proving me a not-sucky contributor/recruiter!

As Dream says (and I suppose I do as well), poetry is all about freedom. We'll make no demands of you save you listen to the words. I'm the exact same way...I can't force it out, I simply put down the words and thoughts and feelings that are given to me.

Also, I'm pretty sure any and all poetry is acceptable here--doesn't have to necessarily be Pony related. We should probably explain that out, if I'm not mistaken.

Welcome! I love your handle, heh. I know we're all excited to see what you'll deliver!

Pfft, no such thing! Welcome, welcome!

Group Admin

354871>>355417>>367185>>368808>>369007>>369113>>398409 Okay everybody who came to grace these halls with their poetic voices. I've put a thread up for our first activity; a poetry game that I hope you'll all have a go at and have fun with. Hope to see you around.

Hey! I'm new to the group. I just had a question about posting small snippets that don't go with a story. Would I put something small like that on the comments of the front page or somewhere in the message boards?


Group Admin

439558 Firstly, welcome. Secondly, what do you mean by snippets that don't go with a story?

I have a poem thats way too short for the 1000 word minimum but I think I figured it out. I put it on the miscellaneous board.

Group Admin


last post was long past
yet basic courtesy says
introduce myself

name's Matcha Cheesecake
only haiku and tanka
the poems I can write

...okay, that was terrible. :facehoof:

As I said above there, the only forms I write are haiku (5-7-5) and tanka (5-7-5-7-7). The reason for that is... well, I have a short attention span. :derpytongue2:

That is all.


--matcha cheesecake

Greetings, my friends, a few words I have to say,
My thanks to you all, for letting me come and play.
I hope you will find, in my words what you do seek.
Into my heart, now come and take a peek.

Hello, my friends!
I am Sparkletop Rainbows
I am most comfortable with free verse poems
But I do write some rhyming poems
For now, that's all I can say
Have a good day!

Group Admin

Hello everypony!
The name's Coffeepony.
You can call me Coffee,
That's really fine to me.

I like to write rhyming poems,
And sometimes rhythmic too.
But I'm open to 'most anything,
In time I'll show to you.

So now I say goodbye, dear friends,
For now I end this verse
Until the time we meet again,
Paalam! Au revoir! Adios!

Group Admin

5386738 Songs are indeed a form of poetry. Welcome to the group.

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