One Piece Bronies 337 members · 59 stories
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What is Oda doing? Where the hell is he going with this? I'm not mad, but shocked. I need answers man.

Starting 2019 with goddamn curveballs.

Of all the possible things that could have happened to Big Mom after king knocked her ship over, out of all the possible ways of handling it, he chose AMNESIA?! A trope so over used that no one even considered it. Typical GODA, subverting everones expectations every single time.

Not to mention that he already used it for Sabo.

Here's thing, is Chopper that of creature that would lie and manipulate Big Mom? If Oda was planning that Big Mom will be an ally, because lies and manipulation wouldn't he get Nami or Ussop, heck maybe Robin to find her? Why Chopper though? I wouldn't say I believe in Oda because I'm a Christian , but I have confidence in him. There's a reason Oda selected Chopper to find her and no other crew mate.

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