One Piece Bronies 336 members · 59 stories
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With the new One-Piece game coming out at the start of the next year too bad it won't be on the Switch, but here a question for you 'if you were going to make a One-Piece game what would it be?'

For me I would make it an open world RPG with three choices on how would like to play it either, the first is you chose to play as one of the Straw Hats the down sides, their statuses will be set, and the skills will be set as well, the only things that won't be set are the equipment which affect their appearance in the cutscenes, the second is your character is the new member of the Straw Hats the status and skills won't be auto set and the story will change with each choice you make, the final one is that you make your own crew and try to make a name you yourself and your crew this one would be the hardest out of the three since you either racing again the Straw Hats and everyone else to reach Laugh Tale and become King of the Pirates or join one of the new Empires of the sea forces.

What about you guys what is ideal One-Piece game?

Mmmmm I do what there doing with spiderman and wolverine..same world same power but done in single player story with great combat and story

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