The Properly Organized Rarijack Group 785 members · 383 stories
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Hey everyone! My friend and I need some help with coming up with ideas for a nice little rarijack one-shot. We've been trying for a while now, but we can't come up with anything good! Any ideas? :pinkiehappy:

OH OH!:pinkiegasp: I had an idea while cleaning! :pinkiehappy:
What if you did one where Rarity's "talkin' fancy" to Applejack about how she feels. (refer to The Cutie Pox, when Applebloom speaks french) And Applejack is just confused the entire time and demands an explanation. (which I could see you do either way, whether she gets a translation or not at all, both would be rather funny) :pinkiehappy:

How's that?

Uh.. Hm... How do I put this... Without pissing you off...

Okay. So basically, here it is:

You and your friend decided to do a oneshot Rarijack story, correct? Well in order to create a good story, you really need to know the general overview of it. You shouldn't just want to do a Rarijack story out of the blue; something needs to spark you like, " Oh wow, this would be really cool to have in a story!" Or something along those lines.

Sorry I'm sounding confusing.. But hmm.. Alright. Basically don't type a story that you don't have inspiration for. Don't just randomly decide to create a Rarijack story because whatever, but do it because something really sparked your interest.

Ugh still so confusing, sorry :twilightblush:

Just try to think of ideas on your own, that way you wont have to credit 500000 people for giving little snip bits of ideas for your fanfic. And who knows, during your brainstorming, you might have inspiration to type a completely different story with characters. But yeah, you shouldn't decide on typing a story without knowing what you're getting yourself into.

TL;DR? Basically I just gave a bunch of random pointless advice that is hard to understand, sorry :applejackunsure:

Come up with something silly you know NO-ONE else could do. My own best work is stuff no-one else did so I took it upon myself. And it like I said; it doesn't have to be serious, as long as you take the humor seriously.
For example, one of the other people who commented is called "Rapplejack" and I first thought "Rape-plejack." As in Rarity keeps trying to seduce Applejack against her will, similar to "Flutterrape." What I mean is do something because YOU can, and no-one else ever could.

I agree with Rapplejack and that you should come up with your own ideas. Writing a story is just like creating music. You have to have an idea for a beat or even a tune, but to get that you have to feel a "spark" of some kind, that inspires you to continue thinking down that idea and creating what you might consider a masterpiece and you never know maybe a lot of people will agree with you on that. :pinkiehappy:

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