TwiJack 1,048 members · 283 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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The following announcement appears courtesy of the #FreeTwilightSparkle! movement and your local management.

Free Twilight Sparkle! is an all new group, dedicated to the promotion and adoration of MLP's Lavender Leading Lady. We represent a free and open community with a short list of permissive rules and a relaxed attitude.

We are still in the process of adding stories to the group, but we have added a substantial number already and we invite all fans of Twilight Sparkle to join, start conversations and also add stories at their leisure.

Twilight appreciates proper organization asks you kindly to please check and follow the story submission guidelines.

She will not punish you for any mistakes, but she might just cry at you.

What in the world is this? And what circumstances lead to the creation of a FreeTwlightSparkle group?

A) This is a group for Twilight Sparkle oriented fanfics. Much like the current "Twilight Sparkle" group.

B) The current popular Twilight Sparkle group has draconian rules, including a publicly viewable ban list, public shaming for messing up the rules, etc. etc. which makes the atmosphere of the group poison. This group is FREE of all that.

(I totally stole that B bit from bats. I'm just faster than he is.)

Group Admin


The group spawned as a result of the current most popular Twilight-focused group. The current group has draconian rules, including a publicly viewable ban list, public shaming for messing up even accidentally, punishment in the form of stories being banned from the group for not getting added right, PMs informing writers—many of which who weren't responsible for adding the story in the first place—telling them they did it wrong while refusing to point out what was incorrect because "Read the rules yourself," and a laundry list of other things which makes the atmosphere and culture of the group poison to be around. This group is FREE of all that.

That group sucks. I joined and still haven't received my free Twilight Sparkle.


Shipping may take 8-10 business days.

3040257 Twi and Fluttershy... What are you doing in that box?


3039794 3039803
Thanks for clearing that up. Now I'm curious on what else someone could be banned for.

How did things get to that point, if I may ask?


I do know of one person who was banned simply for exchanging a series of relatively polite PMs with the admin in question. That should give you a hint.

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