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I was literally coming here to post this sooner, but yeah, got sidetracked by like a bajillion things. So yea, Filly 5 is canon now!

Sure, all true believers, and that old guy that plays with spider man toys, knew this day would come. Maybe not exactly the way in how it happened, but we knew it was coming.

Much to say here. This is a powerfully symbolic moment, the biggest thing to ever happen in this fandom since Twilight got her wings. The Filly 5 became canon. All these years of promoting good stories, along with other groups to help us spread those stories, that build on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and the CMC as a whole. For all these years putting up with the haters and their random smearing of poop-posting abuse fics whenever so much as a single Diamond Tiara fic that graced the front page ever had her being depicted as not the purest of evils showed up on the front page.

While Flight to the Finish was mostly at fault for the hate Diamond would end up getting, thus forcing this all too heavy-handed and forced quickfix of an episode. This isn't bashing this is fact. But as face-heel turn as many seem to focus on, this episode made just as many haters follow suit as they too couldn't help but feel empathy for Diamond Tiara. She totally won over a great deal of the opposition we've faced for years while dishing out stories and showing the many good aspects she DID have LONG before this episode was ever dreamed up.

Hell, before FttF we used to get a steady stream of new members. Those who want to read fun and interesting angles with Diamond and Silver and the CMC. People were loving Diamond Tiara because of the stories being plausible, believable. But one episode single-handedly destroyed all that progress.

This photo here represents just how far we've all come in this fandom. How far these characters have warmed their way into our hearts. A picture is truly worth a thousand words, but this? You'll never reach the limit count on words here.

In Closing: This is worthy of a moment of silence. We were acknowledged. Many great headcanons did not survive the explosion. But the strong ones still stand.

Now we can even go further and create bigger and better headcanons. Let me show you how it's done!

Like, during the voting song... Sweetie Belle was TOTALLY going to change her vote to Diamond Tiara, had Diamond Tiara not yelled at Silver Spoon. Sweetie is adorably materialistic. DiamondBelle shipping fuel potential? Is Sweetie a Gold Digger who just digs free stuff or just really digs Diamond? MUCH FUEL!

Diamond Tiara may have purposefully shipped Twist with the pony with the super teeth on purpose! Diamond Tiara, Dating Guru

Scootaloo really does have no parents BUT is cared for by the town. She does her best to be a pony others don't have to worry over and helps around where she can. She's allowed to work jobs despite ponies willing to pay all her expenses until she reaches the point they can ween her off their care and she becomes fully independent. Her inspiration in life is Rainbow Dash for many reasons, some like how she doesn't rely on others to get the job done, how she's always the first into action and never backs down from a challenge.
Scoots is never sad, she gets all the freedom she wants. Ponies take good care of her and generally let her do as she pleases. This filly knows hardship, but she doesn't want your pity! She gots her family, and they don't have to be blood related to have the same impact and if not more so than if she had blood relatives. Rainbow Dash is her big sis now, and she's always there for Scoots when it counts the most.

If anyone got any inspiration for headcanons this episode, share them below! Loud and proud! There is certainly plenty to go around like the small hint that the staff might be pairing up Button Mash look-a-like with Super Strong Filly with hedgehog for a cutie mark.

Headcanons shouldn't be mourned. We're visionaries! We make headcanons faster than you can BLI—"Silver Spoon doesn't like being told to shut up because her talent is being a good speaker; hence her having a "Silver Tongue" which as we see she can wielded for Good or Evil based on her given moods."—NK!

Life is good.


I'm pleased to announce that thanks to this development, I now have a new idea for a DT/CMC fic. It will be a shorter and kinda introspective piece, but I hope you guys will like it.

Also, that great idea I had a while back is still viable, though I'll have to change some stuff. It's a relief, because for a while there I honestly thought this episode had rendered it completely impossible.

Like, during the voting song... Sweetie Belle was TOTALLY going to change her vote to Diamond Tiara, had Diamond Tiara not yelled at Silver Spoon. Sweetie is adorably materialistic. DiamondBelle shipping fuel potential? Is Sweetie a Gold Digger who just digs free stuff or just really digs Diamond? MUCH FUEL!

While I don't actually ship them, I always thought Sweetie was the one of the crusaders most likely to get through to Diamond.

In this one idea I had, the CMC decide to try to bring Diamond and Silver over to their side by having Sweetie befriend them, figuring that they'd have an easier time accepting Sweetie. At the same time, Diamond and Silver decide to break the CMC up by converting Sweetie, because they view her as more likely to see their side of things. Cue lots of drama.

I never developed the concept because it felt too ambitious at the time. Still, too bad I probably won't write it now.

Scootaloo really does have no parents BUT is cared for by the town.

Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, does have parents but they didn't bother to show up and congratulate her.

Poor Sweetie.

Super Strong Filly with hedgehog for a cutie mark.

Who is that kid, anyway? Seriously, a little filly with random super strength? Am I the only one who really wants to know more about that?

4783053 I have to say, I'm grateful that Diamond isn't so hated anymore. I'm a guy who believes there is good in everyone, it just needs the right conditions to be brought out and, well, she's a little girl. The hate felt uncomfortable, no matter what she did. {Of course, Flight to the Finish was pushing her nastiness though. :ajbemused: That was just low.} Still, I'm grateful that it worked out for her. She's best filly. :raritystarry: {She needs an emote and make it a cute one.}

As for headcanons, well, my 'Love verse' is going to have to a clear AU instead of a more vague one, given how Screwball is her mother in that verse and a nice one, if a bit more formal and trying to be a good mother. (Don't mind, given how goofy the whole series is. :derpytongue2:}

However, the mother who I came up for her in my Resistance: Equestria story, fits Spoiled Rich to a T.

Headcanon time.
Diamond Tiara snapped at Silver Spoon not because she spilled the beans on the statue, but because Diamond felt like Silver was trying to micromanage her. She's already struggling with trying to be her own pony and trying to do it with control. Silver undermined both. As far as an over-stressed trying-too-hard Diamond is concerned, she already gets it enough at home, she doesn't need it from her best friend, too.

4783080 It's not the change itself people hate, but rather, its horribly lackluster execution.


"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."
- Woodrow Wilson


Super Strong Filly with hedgehog for a cutie mark.

Who is that kid, anyway? Seriously, a little filly with random super strength? Am I the only one who really wants to know more about that?

I did create a group for her...
Lily Longsocks

--Sweetie Belle

4783090 I accept your headcanon, and rise you one of my own. Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich don't look anything like Diamond Tiara, and share the same name. Spoiled Rich is Diamond Tiara's stepmother. Filthy Rich's first wife died sometime after Diamond Tiara was born, and he thought marrying somepony else might help Diamond Tiara with the grieving process. Unfortunately, he didn't realize until too late who he had married, and a divorce would likely end with Spoiled Rich gaining custody of Diamond Tiara. All he's been trying to do, is make an effort to undo the damage his wife has caused to his daughter.

4783102 I repeat, no one hates the change itself. They hate that the episode didn't do itself justice. Diamond Tiara's redemption was sloppily handled, as was the CMC getting their marks. Had those been executed better, there would be no complaints from anyone.

Group Admin

Hell, before FttF we used to get a steady stream of new members. Those who want to read fun and interesting angles with Diamond and Silver and the CMC. People were loving Diamond Tiara because of the stories being plausible, believable. But one episode single-handedly destroyed all that progress.

It might have increased the hate toward her, but it didn't slow down the group. FttF came out about 2/3rds of the group's existence ago, and about 2/3rds of our membership dates from after its airing. Like the Smooze (the original, pre-FIM one), nothing can stop the Diamond-love. Of course, the latest episode did help provide a nice bump in membership. For the first time, we're actually a trending group, with 30 new members this week.

Hiya, new people!

4783091 A longer build-up, with some hints in previous episodes would have helped, yeah. But the episodic nature and DT being tied to characters that only get a few episodes per season sort of limit that. Beyond that though, it often takes a little time for people to adjust to the new reality. Between Diamond's reformation and the introduction of her mother, a lot has changed. It'll take people a bit to adjust. Once they do, things should pick up again. Especially if we get an episode that shows how the new dynamic works.


Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich don't look anything like Diamond Tiara

2 things:

Group Admin

4783120 Actually, if they looked alike, it would probably make it more likely that they aren't related, not less. It's Equestria, and the artists pick colors that look nice together, but still provide contrast. Case in point: Dinky is Golden Harvest's daughter, not Derpy's.

4783053 My headcannon is now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders help other ponies figure out their destinies they allow Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon join their group.

Group Admin

4783074 I'd love to comment on everything, especially a hot-button issue like Rarity and Sweetie, but I'm literally just seconds away from falling asleep. But I do hope you and others read this comment that speaks to my views on Rarity and Sweetie's relationship with their parents.
My view on Rarity and Sweetie's parents.

Will talk more in the morning. Shame you won't write that fic. But glad to hear we'll be getting more awesome stories from you.

Good night and catch you all in the morning. Enjoy the night!

Group Admin

4783175 The MLP crew tends not to plan things out ahead, so why Diamond was how she was and who her mother was most likely were not pre-planned. Added to that, the show only develops characters it needs to develop. In the case of Diamond and Spoon, that they were kids who picked on the CMC was established in "Call of the Cutie", and further development wasn't necessary. They only needed to do three things in an episode: start the ball rolling near the beginning, give it a bit more momentum in the middle of the episode, and eat karmic justice at the end. And worth noting that all that screen time tends to be shared with the CMC. Very little time for just them (as opposed to LPS's Biskit Twins, who do get time for just the two of them). Without screen time, without being treated like characters, they didn't get development. That's why Diamond has had some, what with her cutie mark in CotC, the family connections in FAD, and of course, getting to be editor in PC. And Spoon has had next to none, existing mostly so that Diamond has someone to riff with.

So that's why. Because the TT were a plot device, rather than characters to be developed.

Also, given your name:

Group Admin


Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, does have parents but they didn't bother to show up and congratulate her.

Worth noting that neither of Diamond's parents showed up to her party either, that we saw. Maybe that's a thing in Equestria. There's a smaller, more intimate party for family and those closest to you, and then a bigger one for your friends. And because getting a cutie mark is a coming of age thing, perhaps that's why parents don't show up. You're a big girl/boy now, and don't need parental supervision...

4783224 That's a very interesting comment you have there. Headcanon accepted. It reminds me of wolf packs, where if the matriarch and patriarch of the pack are dead, their mature offspring have been known to raise the younger pups.


But the episodic nature and DT being tied to characters that only get a few episodes per season sort of limit that.

Being content with an established formula are how things grow stagnant and degrade over time. If the show is going to make big character changes, it needs to change its presentation to accommodate for that.

It'll take people a bit to adjust. Once they do, things should pick up again.

I doubt very many people will even remember anything from the episode itself beyond the changes it made. Everyone who didn't like it initially will grow apathetic to it over time, just like they did with MMC, and a few others will probably stop watching the show entirely as a result of feeling betrayed by the writers. Personally, I'm of the former group.

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