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On this day of Yig, we invoke the lord of ages, father of serpents, who was Apep to the helotians, Quetzelcoatl to the tribes of Tapiri, and Mawu-Lisa to the Giraffes, ever wise in your teachings!

Ponyverse: ANOTHER draconequus, with a (snake-like) equine head, feathered wings, and the body of a snake with four arms.

Redback Spino
Group Admin

Those who walk the path of Yig adore this lord as their benevolent and loving father, knowing that Yig is a generous god who showers good fortune on his children. He is also mighty in their defense. Woe to those who injure the children of Yig, who are his disciples on the path to attainment. He strikes with poison those who defy him, and crushes his foes to death in his myriad and bewldering coils, which never cease to weave and flow and slide over eachother.

Meditate upon the endless movement of the sinuous coiled body of Yig.

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