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Out in the corners of a sinister galaxy resides a sphere distant from its nearest star, but covered with strange forms of life.

Every flora on every planet that encircles this galaxy feels a certain pull to this strange distant sphere as there resides something that gives away an ancestral call to the very building molecules of every flora.

On the sphere’s surface grows strange vegetation of abnormal coloration that do not need water or light to flourish, and grows tall to cover the sky, grows low to cover the ground, so that nothing can see what resides but in between.

Between the looming and swirthing vegetation lived crawling and flying fauna without names, given life by the strange bioluminescence originating from the tallest looming vegetations that act as a star’s replacement.

But very few creatures reside in these otherworldly jungles for most don’t survive, and they get devoured by the abominable vines of poisonous and carnivorous flora.

All this is made possible

For within the sphere’s core resides the dreadful flora goddess, Vnfrapthoa

Whose vines and roots spread themselves to every inch of the sphere they can touch

And on her body there resides many eyes, tangled monstrous vines, gnawing carnivorous leaves and flowers, poisonous thorns, toxic repulsive fruits, and flowers of nightmarish shapes and colors.

Vnfrapthoa can see and feel every flora in the galaxy and every other beyond, controlling their instincts to grow and seeing every fauna that eats them, fires that burn them, intelligent life that destroys them, to spot potential targets of location.

From the goddess in the core to the plants on the surface of the sphere, Vnfrapthoa releases her seeds and spores into the cold, dark, infinite regions of space, in directions the dreaded flora goddess suspects locations of inhabitable worlds.

Her spores swirl through space like clouds of cosmic dust, and her seeds hover aimlessly like rogue meteorites.

When her seeds and spores reach a lifeful world, they shall not only grow uncontrollably, but they also carry with them the flora goddess’s sap, which shall kill any fauna that touches it, but also shall turn every flora around it into mindless, nightmarish abominations that know nothing but to grow and consume all in its world.

Vnfrapthoa has been spreading herself throughout the universe since many eons ago, many of her spores and seeds still wandering aimlessly through the void of space looking for unsuspecting habitable planets to grow on, with some of them possibly heading to our local solar system, and she shall continue to do so for many more eons to come.

Wow. Bit heavy on the floras and faunas, but there is a pleasantly delirious note wafting through this prose poem. Maybe could use a little polish, but who am i to say, i can't imitate the Great Master worth beans. This fauna is glad you posted.

Not really a story, reads more like a wiki article for a Mythos OC god. But it is a fine one - taking the alien nature of plants and converting it to something horrific is a good take.

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