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I'm planning on writing a story where Equestria's moon isn't actually a normal moon, but a living creature that those of us who played/watched Dead Space 3 all the way to the end might know as the Brethren Moons. This moon gets awakened by a surge of psychic energy from Equestria, and learns that this planet still has primitive life, not yet expanded to the rest of the stars. So, it sends a Marker down to Equestria in order to speed up development of the species so that when Necromorphs start being made, there will be more to make and potentially enough to start a Convergence event.

I had this idea, but replace "Brethren Moon" with "Changeling Moon".

Like, the moon is a giant mass of changeling tissue fused together, and keeps the appearance of a moon via changeling magic.


5188855 Wow. I guess great minds think alike. :pinkiecrazy:



Wat about Luna tho?

5188870 I had the thought that her getting banished to the moon might be what was essentially a bit of an early wake-up call for the moon due to all the psychic energy her banishment released. In reality, Luna could've died up there, and the moon brought her back discreetly as a Necromorph. Then, maybe after the millenia of her banishment passed, it could send her back down with a Black Marker in order to stimulate the evolution of the species native to Planet Equus. Y'know, implant some new technology ideas or whatever. And then, once they get to a similar state that humanity was in, the Necromorphs start emerging and fucking shit up.

5188870 Your thoughts on it?


Yes, and no.

I was thinking Nightmare Moon was caused by the moon whispering to her, causing her to go insane.

Also, making eternal night, leaving the moon in the sky long enough for it's work on everything below to become easier to do.

Or at least faster.

5188989 Ah, I see. That actually does sound better. :rainbowderp:

Could someone actually explain the dead space series I haven't played them since I can't play horror games due to a sensitive heart

And what exactly are the markers

5189010 Dead Space basically takes place in a universe where humanity has gotten off of Earth and explored space, but now they're suffering from overpopulation. So, in order to combat that, they LITERALLY crack open planets to mine for resources. There's also this religion called Unitology, which has become the most practiced religion. I don't really know how to explain Unitology, so I'll give you the wiki link.

5189012 The Black Marker was an alien artifact that arrived on Earth through the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, and humanity started making copies of it due to energy it produced. Unfortunately, the Markers turn people into zombies.


OK I just finished up reading the deadspace info on markers and brethren moons and I have to say that the concept would make sense if a small fragment from a brethren moon that had been destroyed by another race had landed on the moon of equestrian and started whispering to Luna caused her to go insane therefore becoming nightmaremoon so that when she is banished to the moon the small fragment could join with her therefore making her a living black marker just waiting for her chance to return to equestrian so that she may bring about a new convergance

5189099 Okay... That seems like a decent idea. I'll definitely take it into consideration.

I wish you well on your project.
It sounds like fun.

5188841 lol imagine Luna just moving the moon across the sky one night, only to find out that it was sentient, and was built entirely out of ancient corpses

5189450 That would be either incredibly hilarious or downright disturbing.

5189450 Speaking of Luna, I was wondering if she'd be able to survive in the cold vacuum of space without a suit or not.

5189943 Either that, or Necromorph infection.


Actually the comics showed that there is a race of beings on the moon who's job was to craft the dreams of the ponies of equestrian but when nightmaremoon was banished there she enslaved them and took their powers for herself giving her and them the power to create nightmares.
After we was purified by the elements of harmony she retained the power but used it for good

5189945 oh god, imagine celestias reaction, she banishes Luna, purifies her, only to find out that she's a walking corpse

5189950 Okay... I think i know what you're talking about.

5189952 Yep. Traumatized for life.

5189956 but imagine the amount of guilt she would feel

5189959 Yep, that's some real horror right there.

I brought that up to explain how she would have survived on the moon

5189965 Okay. Well, either A: The moon provided air for Luna to breathe, or B: the moon let Luna suffocate, and reanimated her with access to her memories.

Comment posted by Irregular Quiche deleted Apr 22nd, 2016

5189959 BTW, what do you think I should do? Have Luna suffocate, or have the Moon save her?

5190356 let Luna suffocate, making celestia looking like she Left Luna 4 Dead

5190417 :pinkiecrazy: I see what you did there. And so it shall be.

5190463 Wow. At any rate, how do you allow other people to work on your fanfictions? Cuz I want you to be a co-author or something like that.

5190885 do you make your fics with Google docs? Or what

5191060 Nah, I write them right here on FimFiction.

5191080 idk then, I don't have any stories here on fim

5191100 Oh. Okay. Well, uh... Why don't we just talk about more ideas for this story then?

5191100 Another thought I had was that the Tau Volantis Moon that Isaac and Carver killed would get reborn in Equestria somehow, but that doesn't seem probable.

5192789 so should this Moon be a completed one or no

5192868 I was thinking complete

5192875 do you intend for the entire pony population to die? Or the moon to die

5192889 I did think about them trying to negotiate, yet the Moon couldn't sate its appetite otherwise

5192892 lol tiny rainbow ponies trying to convince a giant mass of rotten flesh to not eat them

5192899 Yeah, lol. If that doesn't work, I may have them try and change the Moon into one of them, with alternate endings.

5192899 Nah, screw that.

5192953 a war with Equestria (and maybe neighboring nations) vs Luna and the moon?

5192978 Seems reasonable

5192978 Where I'm stuck though is that I don't know what sort of conversation to have Luna and the Moon have with each other.

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