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Earlier I decided to bust out the PS2 and reconnect with my childhood a bit. I was surprised that is still had most my original games. So, what was the first game(s) you ever played or owned?

I got several along with the system the day I first got it.
Ace Combat 5
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Madden NFL (Lost it and forgot the year)
Some Spiderman game I lost and forgot
Star Wars The Clone Wars
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Not as bad as it sounds)

Crash Team Racing.


Goldeneye for the N64.....the barely remembered memories of playing it when I was 4 or 5 :pinkiehappy:

God:rainbowlaugh: I was terrible at it. I couldn't even beat the first Siberia mission

1373812 HALO FUCKING 1 ON THE COMPUTER!!!!! The greastest fps ever made.:eeyup:

I honestly can`t remember :twilightblush:

Super Mario World I think.

1373823 1373824
Hell yes to both!

Primal Rage.

I remember staying up that night and playing the Madden game; it ended with defeat, 100+-0 :rainbowlaugh:

That's my favorite of the C&C games.

Sonic the Hedgehog. Was either 1 or 2. Dunno which, but I don't even REMEMBER as far back as the first time I played them. I was like two years old.

Medal of honor Allied Assault


Crash Bandicoot 2

Nights for the Sega Saturn

Super Mario World

And one of my favorites, Altered Beast

Basically I grew up in the Era when games were becoming alot more common to have in house holds and were just starting up some of their most finest and memorable franchises.
Ah good times.

I think the first MOH I played was European Assault. That one was pretty good.

1373812 Ocarina of Time. That game brings a lot of memories. So does Super Mario 64.

I also played Spyro, Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater, and some Turok. Mostly Playstation and N64 stuff.

Nothing too violent at that age, though.

:rainbowkiss: Planescape: Torment. :rainbowkiss:

First game I bought myself, as well. Still have the box and everything.

...Yeah, I was a weird kid and not many RPG's have even come close since then, I'll say that much. Still one of my all-time favorites, warts and all.

1373812 Super Mario 64, my favorite game and for good reason.:rainbowkiss:

I don't remember :twilightsheepish::twilightblush:

1373812 The SEGA Master system, the very first game I played was Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Jigoku Luna
Group Admin

A Link to the Past.

Blasto for the PlayStation.
A game that wasn't even popular at all for its difficulty.
Yet, here I am, having completed the game when I was about 5 years old.
Of course, I didn't have a huge line up of games to play.

Does violence even have an age group anymore?

Hey, I picked up on RPG's soon enough after that.

I vividly remember playing that on my friends', but I don't really count it since it was for a minute or so.

God, now that's old; still a good one to start off on.

It's funny. Even though my first console was a PS2, I still bought a bunch of PS1 games. Reverse compatibility rocks!

I took me a while to remember I had those games even though they were right in front of me.

1373994 Nope, but it sure did when I was little.

Pokemon Red and Super Mario Brothers Deluxe...I forgot which one I put in first.

Yea, my first M rated game came around 5 years later in the form of Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. Still, I'm glad I picked up ones like Ace Combat or LOTR(seriously, not that bad for a movie based game)

Spider-Man for the Playstation.
Man... my brothers and I have memorized that game start to finish.

Good times...

1373812 Mario Kart 64, Doom, GTA 3,and Super Mario 64
*sniff* I miss the good old days :pinkiesad2:

Dude, that was another one from the bundle I forgot! Thanks for reminding me!

GTA3 was awesome.


1373812 First game I remember playing and beating was on the P.C. Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness.

that's a tuff one om I think it was dead rising on the x360 I didn't have a console when I was a kid

I honestly have no idea...

I remember Bump& Jump being the first game I ever erased by accident. I remember Spy Hunter, Centipede, E.T., Pooyan, Grog's Revenge, Pac-Man, I think my family even had Adventure.

Then the NES came out and we got the Track & Field 3-pack version with the Power Pad. Duck Hunt was the first game I played with a gun for a controller.

I remember Pong being hard since only one of our Atari controllers worked well and my older brother always used the good one.

Someone mentioned Link to the Past being old? Buddy, I played the original Donkey Kong on Atari.

God, this takes me back.

The earliest game I remember playing was Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES. I also remember playing Mortal Kombat and that Mario RPG.

1373812 Kingdom Hearts.

My epic childhood. :moustache:

We've come a long way from Pong, huh?

1374210 Yes, yes we have.

the first non-emulated game i ever played was mario kart ds, on a ds i found in the road, witch oddly, worked better than brand-new! then i got into steam.

I first played Super Mario World 3 for the SNES, but the game I liked the most from that system was Mega Man X

There are also so many games I never got a chance to play when they were on the old systems, and some I still haven't played. I feel deprived now...

TMNT for the NES. Yeeeaaah not the best first game ever. :ajbemused:

RollerCoaster Tychoon 1, Age of Empires 2 The age of kings or The Sims 1.
Or even Lego Racer.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

1373812 I think it was either Frogger 2 or Lego Rock Raiders for the PC...

1373812 I think it was either Frogger 2 or Lego Rock Raiders for the PC...

That game was awesome! Remember the battle for Helms Deep?

1373812 Pokemon Blue for the Gamebou Color. With that day and that game when I was only a few years old, my Great Journey began.

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