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Gallipoli, First Ypres, Verdun, the Somme, Caporetto, Kaisershlacht. Passchendaele. Vittorio-veneto. Gas attacks. Trench warfare. Zeppelin raids. The first tanks and fighter planes! I wanna see that!

Tannenberg, Brusilov Offensive and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Marne, etc.

Comment posted by Bronie312 deleted May 16th, 2020

Sadly, it's always WW2 and Modern Warfare for CoD. If it ain't broke...

My brother said it wouldn't work, given the cod demographic. The second the damn kids trade their fancy AK-47 for a Lee enfield they cry.

Tbh CoD is too arcade-y for a WW1 title. Battlefield 1 did a good job thanks to it’s somewhat slower paced gameplay and huge maps.

Sadly, that's pretty much the truth. They wouldn't get the history the game's trying to teach.

Todays kids are gonna grow up thinking WWII had dozens of non-white female soldiers thanks to AAA developers pussying out with feminist PC BS and censorship of swastikas. COD WWII is the polar opposite of world at war. World at war had the balls to show the brutality of the war. They didn't sugarcoat and tone things down. If WAW was released today there may be some idiot SJW's and feminist complaining about the violence and lack of women.

WWI would be to slow for CoDs fast pace action, a lot of WWI was fought in trenches and charging back and forth across No-mans land well yes Battlefield 1 was good with it they didn't get the Real thing.

TBF, the censorship of swastikas is apparantly due to German laws, and there WERE non whites and women who fought in the wars. Albeit the non whites were in segregated companies, they still did al ot of badass things. And women fought in resistance and partisan groups

You know what would be neat? An FPS where you play as a resistance fighter, like a member of the French Resistance, or one of the Partisans. Or maybe focus on wars outside of WW1 and 2, or modern conflicts. Like the Civil War games the history channel had. Also, Brothers in Arms was one of the best WW2 FPSes

Would be neat, but CoD is too arcadey for it to really work


There should be more missions focused in the Pacific like Saipan, Tinian, Rota, and Guam.

Just like this video here. I still can't believe my homeland is in this game and it's so awesome! :yay:

Medal of honor underground has you play as Manon, a French partisan working for the OSS.

I agree. Why do so many WWII games have to take place in Europe? Specifically the Normandie campaign all the way to the crossing of the Rhine?

First of all, i own a ton of WWII books. Read them since 6th grade. Second, yeah, but apart from a concentration camp and that German girl losing her sister, thats it. Sorry, but cod WWII is a joke compared to WAW.

I believe that's cause what most people think of when they think WW2. Why don't we have say, the Winter War, or the Japanese occuptation of the Philippines? Also, good point about Medal of Honor Underground

I know, but in BFV half of both Axis and Allies (great board game BTW) are female soldiers. In The eastern front DLC for BF1 it made sense for SOME of the Russian soldiers to be female since in both world wars Russia did conscript females to drive T-34's, fly Shturmoviks and snipe Kraughts, but in BFV if everyone wanted to collectively piss off history buffs like myself then just have everyone make their character female. Not a single man! And the swastikas, German censorship i can understand, but it shouldn't be like that. Not here in America and eventually not in Germany. My brother said in his opinion the German censorship laws depiction of Hitler and the swastika should be lifted. And on a related note, we Americans aren't much better When it comes to the American revolution. I heard almost every movie on the subject is either historically inaccurate or passes by the more horrifying aspects. ( The patriot. Ugh. Gross) Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.

I knew a guy who believes learning about the Holocaust doesn'tmatter, and also didn't learn it, according to him, until high school year.

But good point. Most American war movies tend to make America the underdog, or the shining paragon of goodness, the heroes, etc. And yes, while there were women who fought in WW1 and 2, it was either rare, as the case with Russia, or they were in like, resistance groups and the like

Maybe it would been good?

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