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Games are full of a wide variety of characters: ranging from completely Insane to completely 1-demensional NPCs, from relgular joes to Spartans. Now I ask which Badass in a video game was your Favorite?

Joshua Graham other wise known as The Burned Man and formerly the Malpais Legate

Former New Cannanite missionary, Co-founder of Caesar's Legion and its first Legate, He was known for his hardness to kill (reported dead at least 5 times by NCR First Recon snipers) and brutality that even rivaled that of his successor Legate Lanius. And when the Legion was defeated by NCR troops at the First Battle of Hoover Dam, Caesar had him covered in pitch, lit on fire, and tossed down the Grand Canyon.

And The Burned Man was Born:rainbowdetermined2:

And his voice actor has done Harbinger in Mass Effect, Slate in Bioshock Infinite, The Didact in Halo 4, and Russman in Black Ops. Who are some of my favorite characters in their respective games:rainbowwild:

And he makes one badass looking pony:rainbowdetermined2:


Young Snake, Big Boss, Old Snake. Probably the only badass I truly connected with when playing a video game.

Mirror's Edge protagonist Faith Connors rebels against her city's communist rules and joins an illegal underground carrier group who call themselves "Runners". She dashes around the city, climbs buildings, dodges bullets, beats up cops, and acts like a total bad ass. Plus, who else could pull off a face tattoo as well as her?

I rest my case.

Doesn't help Sal is OP as all fuck, either

Jack of Blades. A demon or entity that quite literally wanted to see the world burn and could take over your body and erase your soul if you put on his Oh and I tried to put a picture but I can't, sorry!

Asura from Asura's Wrath. This guy will kill demigods of all shapes and sizes (one which was the size of Earth!) to get his daughter back.:rainbowdetermined2:

1838361 Graham's all well and good, but, well, I've got two words for you: Craig Boone.

As for non-Fallout related badasses, well, this guy needs no introduction.

I didn't ask for any of this:trollestia:

Me, as the gamer. Or Mobius 1, or Captain Jack Bartlett (voiced by Steven Blum)


This guy KILLS people with WATER GUNS.


I would think that fast-food companies will continue to unsatisfy his orders far beyond any normal menu selection mixup:trollestia:

:pinkiegasp: THEY'RE MAKING A MAD MAX GAME.... I am ok with this:eeyup:

Comment posted by Rexzilla deleted Sep 28th, 2013

Good ol' Terramorphous the Invincible on Borderlands 2. He's just so big and difficult to kill that you have to respect him..:twilightoops:

John Marston from Read Dead Redemption, classic all-round badass and is insanely quick on the draw as well as incredible accuracy with almost any gun and keeps his cool in any situation.

Voodoo from MoH: Warfighter. SEAL operative that is second in command in the SEAL team that Preacher (character you play as) is in. (ALSO tied with Dusty and Mother)

I would Say Terry was a Badass

[Course you do have to fight him at one point and he is Fricking hard ta beat]

He can use his Lightning sword to Zap yer whole party for light-moderate LIghtning damage [Sap your Def with Kasap and is Immune to Debuffs, [plus he can use Falcon Slash [Which is Literally two rapid attacks to one target :twilightangry2:

I feel Stupid :twilightblush:I forgot to include a pic of Terry

Mine probably would be Isaac Clarke from Dead Space

1838361 I find the lack of Duke Nukem and Doomguy... Disturbing.


1840633 Duke Nukem Forever is like Command & Conquer 4.
IT.NEVER.HAPPENED... :twilightangry2:
Or it's a non-canon troll. :eeyup:

After seeing all the posts of badasses, I'm going to feel really childish when I post this.
Well, buck it. I think this guy is badass.

Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
Don't get me wrong, there are loads of good badasses out there, but the amount of stuff this guy can do when he's only 15 is freakin' awesome.

And if that's not enough to convince you, I leave you with this.

Asura from Asura's Wrath was one of my favourites.

But now he is replaced by MARLOW BRIGGS!

IT'S ONLY 15 DOLLARS. Super Best Friends recommended!

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