LessWrong 316 members · 64 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Contributor

Because Clyde's Tales seem to me like the kind of stuff we should have around here.

Group Contributor

Short-term solution: I shall post it myself! I never thought to do so, and never knew you could only submit your own stories.

I agree with book_burner though, without this being brought to my attention, I'd never have posted it to the group.

Group Contributor

4618998 Hurray! A story about being the rational pony in the room, in the rationality group.

Bad Horse
Group Admin

4617749 I never limited people to posting their own stories. You are limited to putting stuff in Nominated, and hardly anything gets put in Approved because I'm lazy and need more people to approve stories. Did you try to put it in Nominated? What happened? Had you joined the group when you tried?


How eminently sensible of you.

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