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Which Clone Commander do you personally think looks like the most badass.

Here's mine. Meet Clone Commanders Doom and Trauma.

Question: Does Gregor count as a Commander? No, I'm not talking about that Crazy Clone Hobo from Rebels: Gregor gave his life on Abafar and died valiantly in a 200 against 1 battle, creating the most epic Last Stand to have ever been broadcasted on The Clone Wars.

4992502 Technically a commando, he did pretty much have all the privileges of a clone marshal commander and many more. So I think he counts.:twilightsmile:

4992143 Commander Trauma was an idiot, his death was an axe hit to the crotch as he charged Savage Oppress:facehoof: (I do respect your opinion and think that he's quite awesome though). Anyway, mine is Commander Thorn, a true badass.

4992518 Well the question isn't who's the most badass, it was who do you think looks like the most badass. In Trauma's defense, he didn't know who was Savage Oppress.

4992143 All of them look badass. Especially with Phase II armor. But my personal favorites are:

Commander Deviss

Commander Bacara

Commander Cody

Mine would be Rex and Captain Fordo both are badass.

Trauma ? You mean this guy who got destroyed by Savage because he tried to give him a hug instead of shooting him ?

I would have said Rex, but he's a captain, not a clone... :twilightsheepish:
Oh well, mine is Commander Wollfe, because he's the most Bamf clone ever !

4992864 Like I said before, the question who do you think looks like the most badass. I just love Trauma's armor.

4992661 True, very true, I do love that Trauma is an ARF trooper and a clone commander at the same time though.

4993245 That's what makes them badass, the lack of dialogue...

Is it wtong since I can't choose I say they are all badass in their own way?

Though if I must choose its Cody.

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