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Gotta love click bait thread titles no? But in all seriousness, we all know THIS should have been a thing

I was just scrolling through Netflix and saw Super Megaforce there.... I'm sorry, but I will ALWAYS feel cheated out of what could have been a badass Power Rangers season with this. I mean the bad thing was they weren't even CALLING themselves pirate or buccaneer or whatever Rangers. They were wearing clearly pirate inspired costumes, using clearly pirate based weaponry(Their swords and blasters look like cutlasses and flintlock pistols), they've got a FLYING PIRATE SHIP, AND their symbol looks like a Jolly Roger(Swords and the shape of their helmets in place of a skull and crossbones).

I ask you.................... Is that the laziest thing ever or what? At least I mean there have been disappointing Ranger series in the past, but never THIS bad or just bland... I know it's an old argument but yeah. I feel this truly was Saban's biggest flop because they took an inherently badass concept. SPACE PIRATE POWER RANGERS............ And just turned it into a glorified second season power up.

All I know is Super Megaforce needs to be keelhauled to Davy Jones Locker

5577083 Well the guy who was in change of that season didn't like Power Rangers.


he was super sentai fanboy who insisted on keeping footage of sentai only teams and didn't even bother to add story of tales of ranger teams who failed or were forgotten by time or ailen rangers nope its just there for no fucking reason! But fanboyism at the cost of footage of actual ranger teams.

Hell lightspeed rescue didn't get a morph outside that extended dvd version despite Carter crayson being one of the people who made a cameo and they invited a loy people to make cameos barely a week before so, so a lot couldn't make it in time.


5577083 Thank you they royal fuck it up and they are doing the same with Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge, I mean Power Rangers that don't age and hunter down magic crystals as while some of the monsters on the ship are from past Power Rangers shows Thank you 'Nick' you show us you love to fuck up all most anything.


I miss the days of Time Force and RPM. Those were great seasons...

5577156 So I'm not the only one sees this Super Megaforce as non-canon right or at least doesn't count it as canon?

5577170 Same here.

5577173 It's so far removed from canon by fans it barely counts as a fan fic.

5577185 Fan fiction would have been better. They should redo Gokaiger for Power Rangers even if it's only online or Netflix.

5577170 I miss the days of Lost Galaxy & Lightspeed Rescue.


It's weird. Megaforce is so bad that we refuse to count it as Canon, but then you have something like Akibaranger, that's so beloved that everyone counts it as a Super Sentai season, even though it's literally the Unofficial Sentai.



One day imma sit down and rank the Power Ranger seasons.

And everyone is going to be really pissy with me because I didn't like their favorite season.

5577205 I also miss the days when they didn't skip seasons of Super Sentai.


I forget, what seasons have been skipped so far?

5577225 Go-Busters & Toqger.


Aww... I liked the Go-Buster suits...

I blame Nikalodian and their stupid habit of dividing Power Ranger seasons up in two for no goddamn reason.

5577237 There was a rumor that Go-Buster was going to have something in Dino Change and Super Dino Change & that never happened.

5577228 they skipped two for the two seasons of mighty morphin

Also i love how people say Disney era was horrible despite us wishing for the rangers made in that era.

Also one other thing i hate about Supermega force they never once play the theme of the team they morph or even in the two half assed tribute episodes they did

5577237 Also would you like to know why they skip them?

5577244 They skipped half of those seasons because the zords in both seasons and they used some of the ranger suit still.

5577251 i know just saying

Also I'm sad they didn't use Toqur because we could have had this

Also another plus for the disney era they gave each season its own theme instead of a just remix of the original granted i really like dino charges remix

5577257 Well I hope they don't skip Zyuohger.

5577261 no i really wish power rangers were still Disney we could have had a zootopia crossover

5577265 Well Disney was embarrassed to have own Power Rangers because when they first got it they wanted to cancel it.

5577268 i know but they kept it going because of fan demand and let the creators do what they want.

Nick completely fucked by messing with shit they hadn't worked on in years

5577269 I think if Disney was to buy back Power Rangers or just buys Saban Entertainment from Haim Saban nowadays at Disney they would do the same thing they are doing with Star Wars & Marvel.

5577280 while i look forward to the new power rangers movie. I can't help but think power rangers in the mcu


5577284 Is it weird I would really like to see a MMPR and Batman 66 (Adam West Batman) to team up?

5577288 Did you see my Batpost I made on this group?

5577083 I'm sorry but what does all of this have to do with Super Megaforce being better than Gokaiger because I'm honestly confused?:rainbowhuh:

5577446 That's the joke he's saying that it should have been better if you read the first line you can see that.

Conveniently, I just finished watching Linkara's History of Power Rangers so I actually know what you're all talking about here.


You know what I'd like to see? Power Rangers/Japanese Spider-Man.

5578654 Well if it wasn't for that Spider-Man there wouldn't be any megazords.



It's too bad that Toei never used that Spider-Man again. (Most because they had to pay Marvel every time they used Spider-Man's image)

Imagine all of the crossovers that could have been had...

5578659 I think if they made another Spider-Man season they would have done the same thing they do with Super Sentai and Kamen Rider by having a different Spider-Man each year.



Interesting Fact: towards the end of the season, the Leopardon mecha suit that they used was damaged over the course of the season, and eventually lost. This forced them to have more story-driven episodes while using stock footage for the fights. This had the effect of making the Leopardon seem invincible, because they were forced to end the Battles after one hit.

5578671 Okay then. Also the reason I said that is because of Spider-Verse.

5578659 5578684 Yep he was the cavalry

Proving once again? Nothing beats giant robots

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