Austraeoh 775 members · 31 stories
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Szalhi #1 · Nov 5th, 2015 · · 1 ·

How does it feel to know that the series is the longest mlp fanfic?

In technicality, they're all one piece of fiction.

In the end it better be the longest piece of fiction ever.

Leftover of Saikano
Group Contributor

I just googled "Longest Fiction", and it seems we are still behind some Smash Bros fanfic. Also, it's notable the mention in one of the articles, of the Teen Titans fanfic "These Black Eyes", by POST.

Sam the Anti-Ninja
Group Contributor

4833019 It'll have to contend against the longest fanfic ever created, The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest. Current word count?
And that's not including the 60,000 word prequel spinoff.
Oh, did I mention IT'S STILL UPDATING?! And the author hasn't given any hint of when it will end.(Although he really should, because it's truly just a giant mess.)

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That fucking subspace emissary bullshit is holding us back from claiming the title. I'm kinda of the opinion the dude saw 'those black eyes' and decided to go for broke.

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Regardless, skirts has written more words than anybody in any fandom. Appledashery, Austraeoh, Things Tavi Says, Those Black Eyes, Background Pony, End of Ponies. Not to mention all the other fic he's done and the thousands of words that he's left by the wayside, unfinished and unpublished.

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You know I read These Black Eyes (or at least part of it, its been so long I can't exactly remember) back when I was big into Teen Titans. So I've been unintentionally following IC/SS&E for quite some time, I only figured out he was POST as well some time earlier this year or something like that.

Swan Song
Group Contributor

Isn't there some other stupidly long fic series on this site? Like, 10 installments, each over half a mil, and still being written?

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Wait. SSE&E wrote These Black Eyes?! You serious?

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Yeah, he was P0ST on before writing Pony stuff. He's been writing extremely long fanfiction for quite some time really.

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4833079 Blooming Moon Chronicles? I haven't read them myself but..

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4833079 4833091
I'm pretty sure it was Blood Moon Chronicles (aka 99 Worlds).

Nasty Mister Monket
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In the end, the main difference between the Austraeoh series and most of the other longest fan-fictions in existence is that this series is actually good.

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BlackRoseRaven wrote about 4,441,000 words in his (completed) Blooming Moon Chronicles/99 Worlds Saga. Our beloved Imploding Colon has "only" written 2,436,000 words in his (incomplete) Austraeoh series so far. It just goes to show that there's always a bigger fish. And a more insane artist.

I got curious and decided to add up all the stories both authors have posted. Fimfiction did most of the work for me, and if it's accurate:
BlackRoseRaven's total comes up to 5,784,928 words.
Imploding Colon + (known???) Fimfiction alts is 6,234,784 words

Skirts confirmed biggest fish :rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

what about that one futuristic fic series, I forgot what the whole series is called but one of them was Parliament of Dreams, is that one still going on?

Group Contributor

Yeah, BlackRoseRaven is nuts.

>mfw you left off Background Pony

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We should probably send to that website claiming Subspace Emissary is the longest one a link to Blooming Moon. Or does it being split up into separate book make it invalid?

Austraeoh Fact Checker
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My only disappointment is that Subspace Emissary is not only larger, but the dude writes it at a faster pace. Which means that Austraeoh will never catch up.

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Hey, since you're familiar with TBE:
Does my theory that the Right Talon == The Teen Titans sound plausible? I'm pretty sure Keris is Cyborg at this point, and then Seraphimus is Robin, Raptr = Beast Boy, etc.
Also, who are the "desperadoes" in TBE? Is there a Bard-like character there as well?

Group Contributor

4833518 Does it, though? It looks like the last chapter is about 40,000 words (dang) but it also hasn't been updated since July 22. Although this is unusual for the series thus far, Utaan is already over 100,000 words after less than a month. And Ynanhluutr had a significant amount of wordage in those last several chapters.

Really to me the problem with eclipsing that fic's word count seems more that the series will end at about 4 million words if the first half is any basis for comparison.

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inb4 every chapter in Autodasho (=P) is 5K words.

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4833822 While I'd of course love to read that, I also wouldn't want Skirts to kill himself writing that.

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4833524 our silent gryphon badass is right out of TBE.

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I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Nah, he's a robot. He'll be fine.
Dig the swell hoodie.

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You have to understand it's been a long time since I read it; however from what I do remember yeah that does seem pretty plausible.


This I do remember being basically the case though.

Group Contributor

4833518 it was started like 4 years before Austraeoh. I think if you get time estimations right.

no one will care if Subspace is larger.

Sam the Anti-Ninja
Group Contributor

4833313 It technically does, but it shouldn't.

Leftover of Saikano
Group Contributor

But is the premise of The Subspace Emissary at least half as good as "Rainbow Dash Flyes East"?

World Builder
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4833518 Somepony writes faster than Skirts?! :rainbowderp:


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It's his accomplishment, not yours, don't celebrate it as if it is yours.

Sorry if it sounds rude, but it's the truth.

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What's so bad about being happy and celebrating that we're a part of something so massive and awesome? Sure, we didn't write the stories, but we are still a part of them as the readers supporting the story as it continues to grow. So, in a way, it's the accomplishment of everyone involved and worth being celebrated by everyone involved. That's the beauty of the reader-writer relationship.

Besides, can you imagine how dull we would be as the Austraeoh fanbase if we didn't celebrate stuff?

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4833524 Ooh! Ooh! I can answer this! (Sort of?) I've been, uh, snooping around and this, particularly the fic Desperados might be of interest/relevance.

Comment posted by Swan Song deleted Jul 8th, 2016
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