Austraeoh 773 members · 31 stories
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Lewak #1 · Mar 5th, 2017 · · ·

The mechanism works. The prototype is quite able to merge it's own safety feature. The symbol to remember when all hope is lost. Although we shall not speak of the hypothetical catastrophe that would call for such extremes. For now, let's finish this piece, and pray to the Old that it will never be used.
For real though, I build it out of boredom. Took quite a lot of time and it is still far from complete. I don't even know what it should do in the end, I thought to make it some kind of music box (but i still don't know what music should I use, I'd appriciate any suggestions). Or if you have any questions I would be happy to answer. I've got some plans for it made in AutoCad, so if anyone is interested just PM me.

Zaid ValRoa
Group Contributor

i still don't know what music should I use

I have a suggestion

But seriously, though, this looks amazing.

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Jern #3 · Mar 5th, 2017 · · ·

I don't even know what it should do in the end

It should go east. The answer is always east.

Group Contributor



AWESOME! :rainbowkiss:

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Hap #5 · Mar 6th, 2017 · · ·


That's super awesome!

Group Contributor

5836693 alright . . . that's awesome!:moustache:

Group Contributor

This is pretty dope yo.

Group Contributor

If When the story continues, I think one of the next new characters just got a name :moustache:

Group Contributor

5840311 or an action from a french pony.
le whack!

Quite an elaborate setup. (Though this is coming from a guy who hasn’t seen the inside mechanics of other machines all that much.)

That sure is pretty cool! I'm just thinking if it is going to be a music box, will the symbol open and close? Maybe depending on which song is playing, it closes when the song reaches a "climax", and then opens again. Or you open it to wind it up and then it closes as it plays?

Another thought struck me, although not sure you want to go that elaborate. The mechanism forms each and every symbol, one after another as you continue to turn/wind it. That said, that may have to wait until all 12 symbols have been revealed (and all 12 books written).

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