Austraeoh 773 members · 31 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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It’s a shame that there aren’t more pieces of fanart of this books series than there already are. I can picture many potential pieces coming from many different scenes from each book. (Then again, the series is starting to drag out of popularity...)
Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to make fanart, which is a bummer.

Golden Rule
Group Contributor

And there's a huge cast of characters to choose from for fan-art. Lots of dynamic fights and emotional moments. Really there could be entire books done of art for each individual Eastward book.
However, I also lack the necessary skills.

Group Contributor

It honestly surprises me, too. I do see pics crop up of Dash herself, with the goggles and Element of Loyalty on so you know it's the Austreaoh Dash, but its rare to find anything else. There's a lot of scenes, both epic or touching, that'd make for great art. Heck, the scenery porn alone would make for some fantastic landscape pictures.

Super Trampoline
Group Contributor

I drew a picture of Rainbow Dashkilling Shell, but it really sucks.

I'm sorry. No offense, but that looks horrifying. 0_0

Also, can you imagine how beautiful the books would look if this was animated by an official studio. Studio Bones? Madhouse? The guys who did Akira/Metropolis? I could go on and on.

Super Trampoline
Group Contributor

to be fair, it's a pretty horrifying scene.

yeah no that's not a good excuse.


Man, I think about this way too much. The series takes off and reaches a general audience, some studio buys the rights (is that even a thing for fanfiction?), and boom, we have an award-winning series.

I think the most likely way Austraeoh becomes animated, though, is when machine learning gets good enough to generate convincing video from text and some source material. 20 years? 30? At the rate technology’s improving, I think it’s bound to happen sooner or later.

Group Contributor

Yeah! Actually, I've been rereading the whole's story (more like having it read to me by balabolka's robot voice while while I work to pass the time) and it inspired me to do some fanart. If I do post it, I'll link it here for sure

Link it here, or here?

Either way, yeah, there is so much one could create from this book, and I would love it to turn into a (movie) series. But alas people are busy in other places...
Heh, imagine enough pictures of individual scenes to make it a comic. But sadly people have started on trying to make a comic from long stories and have given up part way (FoE).

On the subject of some studio buying the rights, there is a slight problem with that. Because the IP is MLP, Hasbro does still hold the rights to it so it would have to be that Hasbro allows for an animation studio to look into this fic. The alternative would be that the species and some of the events changed so that some third party studio could then take a stab at it (like humans in medieval times ala LotR).

The thing is, somebody has already made a partial comic of Austraeoh. Check the comments of the first chapter of Austraeoh. You’ll see it.

Leftover of Saikano
Group Contributor

I was working in a big piece. Like huge. And there lied the problem. I need Photoshop to plan where to place the hundreds of elements that form the drawing. As parts of my computer have been dying, including half my RAM sticks, and I am unwilling to replace them because I am trying to buy new, better stuff in the near future, I have been unable to open such a big file in Photoshop.
But the will is always there. Once I upgrade my PC that will be probably the first thing I work on.

I found Mint Spring's comic. Only 7 half-colored pages. Not sure if there are more on other chapters or if he started a profile somewhere where there are more (or if he died there).

Group Contributor

Oh that's super cool, I hope I can see the finished product one day!

There's lots of fanart here!

Okay, maybe not that much, but still a substantial amount.

Jesus, that is a lot! :pinkiegasp:

I actually commissioned Mix-Up to do an Austraeoh-inspired picture that I could put up on my wall in my apartment— something related to MLP but wouldn't be plainly obvious that it was MLP. I had them do a landscape based on the very first chapter— it isn't exact, but it's pretty friggin' awesome if you ask me.

Oh that looks beautiful! :rainbowkiss: Thanks for sharing!

AI got pretty good in these last few years, I'd say give it 5-10 years, but you'd need a lot of reference material to feed it, otherwise it'll just be Rainbow Dash...

The day when one can just dump a book in an AI's lap and it makes a movie out of it... Or at the very least can generate the scenes and rough animations that can be imported to a 3D program for fine tuning.

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