Austraeoh 773 members · 31 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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CoolStoryBrony asked you guys this at the time that Innavedr was just beginning, and since then, the series has expanded greatly to almost thrice its size. (Though, In terms of chapters, I’d say it exceeds the triple factor.) So, I would like to ask this same question. What is your favorite part thus far?

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I still have a lot of love for the entirety of the first book. Of course, the Jury is great and only gets better.

But, to be completely honest, my favorite part of the story was everything with the Quade. The writing was so phenomenal and well-thought out.

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So, what about her faking that wing injury? Was that ever explained? It seemed like a cop out, or maybe it went over my head.

My favorite part is Celestia the marriage counselor.

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Granted, it’s been a while since I’ve read any of the books besides the first two (like... since they came out, I’m terrible), but I just vividly remember enjoying the Quade, and especially the trials, a lot.

Honestly, I liked the Stratopolis arc. Anything that points to the bigger lore of the Angels and the ring/tube is great. I really miss the Nobel Jury crew. It's rare that I cry over things, but I did cry after Dashie left to cross the Grand Choke, knowing that, in all likelihood, she and us will never see the Jury again. On another note, I also liked the civilization of Duranda. Pegasus is best pony race

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Pegasus sex crater. If I reread any of the books, it'll be Urohringr.

Are you taking about Durandana? (I’m about to reach that part.)

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Keep reading and find out! Unless you're a fan of spoilers... in which case, yes, it is Durandana. I loved the stratopolis arc and having some comedy relief afterwards was great. One of my favorite book endings, too.

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