Doctor Whooves 1,806 members · 553 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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There’s been a question rattling in my head, and that is about cross-posting Doctor Who crossover stories onto Whofic, the Doctor Who fanfic site. I already cross-post my work to two sites, and I’ve learned lessons before about over-doing it, since if I find typos or something else I need to alter, it creates tedium making sure everything is up to date.

And yet, my brain still wonders. And the fact of the matter is that while there are crossovers on Whofic, there aren’t any MLP ones? Now, I haven’t always kept up or been part of fandom history, and I know MLPFIM sometimes got push back in years past, so I was wondering, has anybody ever thought of cross-posting there?

Is it a technical thing, where the site just isn’t preferred, was there pushback from the users of the site once upon a time?

Of course, I also worry that my work might be too insular on the MLP side, in other words, hard for non-MLP fans to follow or get into. But that’s another issue entirely. I’m just wondering why, despite the high number of Doctor Who crossovers here, nothing’s ever been cross-posted to Whofic.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Not particularly familiar with Whofic, but going there and doing a search, I do see "An Exciting Adventure in Ponyland", "Ponyland: The Revenge", and "Adventures of a Tea-Pony", so there's a little bit of mlp there, at least...

--Sweetie Belle

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