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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's 11/25/2023, and later today "The Star Beast" will be released on Disney+ & the BBC. I think we're looking at 6:30 pm GMT/1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST.

Just thought I'd get this thread ready for discussion for when it does drop!

--Sweetie Belle

You know, I think you made a typo when you put the doctor into this you're a couple of posts ago. You put the 14th doctor instead of 15.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Hail to the Meep!

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Well. It wasn't exactly my favorite episode of Doctor Who to ever air, but it was a fun kind of farce, and I did enjoy it. Unfortunately the picture quality was rather poor, but that's an issue on my end, and I don't exactly mind watching it again at some point.

I only have a couple of issues with this one, so I'll get them out of the way first. There's the nagging little fan complaint that the sonic screwdriver was WAY op in this one -- I don't have an issue with the projection screens, that's a cool visual effect for the scans, but force fields? Really? Come on. It's a rare day when I agree with John Nathan Turner on anything, but it might be time to retire the screwdriver again. And the bigger one -- I did not care for the line about 'only women' being able to just give up the metacrisis. I mean, at least it's not bioessentialist, given that Rose is trans (which is very cool and I love), but the line really came out of nowhere, adds nothing, and is just kinda weird. To be honest, I'd have preferred if Donna and Rose had gotten to keep the metacrisis. Or, semicrisis? Demicrisis? Hm. Rose solved the whole 'death' thing, was there a need to remove it entirely? Still, hamfisted as I found it, it did at least bring Donna's memories back, which is all I've ever wanted for her since the end of s4.

Alright, that's the negatives, now the positives! Everyone's chemistry was amazing. I adore Tate and Tennant, and they fell back into those roles so easily! The judge's wig scene, absolutely iconic. The whole family dynamic was great, honestly. Shaun and the Doctor in the cab was nice, and we had Donna's relationship with Sylvia, and Donna being an absolute mama bear re: Rose. Shirley Anne Bingham was a great character as well, though I would've liked to see a little more of her. I suppose she might be back, UNIT is meant to be in The Giggle after all.

Despite my complaints about the removal of the metacrisis, I did think that the bit about Rose inheriting part of it was brilliant. Not to mention, the whole scene of Donna getting her memories back? Of her yelling at the Doctor and then fucking up the ship? Of the two of them reconciling as she died in his arms??? Highlight of the episode. Incredible, showstopping. Hey, did y'all know David Tennant and Catherine Tate can act? I did cry a little, ngl, even if I did know Donna wasn't going to die in the first episode of the specials.

The effects were also great -- Beep was wonderfully realized onscreen horrid little war criminal possum beast <3 His heel turn was incredible. The new TARDIS set was stunning! So big! So classic-inspired! And of course DT did laps around it like the absolute nerd he is.

Like I said, I wouldn't rate this one highly, but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Much like The Halloween Apocalypse, this one's kind of just a setup episode for the rest of the specials, so I'll reserve final judgement until the trilogy is complete.

Comment posted by Fullmetal Prime deleted Nov 25th, 2023
SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I personally thought this was a fun romp with great characters and some good cheese and such. Not the most complex of plots, but it didn't have to be. Loved the new Tardis interior (I mean, my favorites in new Who were 12 and the Fugitive Doctor's, and this is kinda the best of both!), Beep the Meep was great, and everything was fast paced and entertaining. And I love 10/14 and Donna.

There's definitely some bits where I think a sledgehammer was applied instead of a chisel, and I do kinda feel like RTD wanted to irritate some people on this one, but I'm very looking forward to the next two.

And yes, I do agree on the sonic getting OP. I was kinda hoping last time it broke, it would stay broke...

I swear, between the Moopsy and the Meep, I'm getting spoiled...

--Sweetie Belle

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