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Since my story writing skill is, well... Crap. I am rewriting Amore. Amore will no longer be immortal instead she will be half immortal, she can die but she needs to be killed to die. She will age but once she gets to the point at which she would due if she were mortal she basically does what a phoenix would do, burst into flames and come back as a child. Since this is rather OP she I only going to have twelve 'regenerations' and will die if injured badly. Basically she sorta works like a Tim lord but she doesn't really change what she looks like. She also has abilities similar to Dragon Slayers (fairy tail) altho she is technically a changeling but prefers not to use changeling magic (it's super op cause she can become anything if she likes) because she would rather test her abilities than cheat with disguises unless necessary. She was originally pale skinned with dark purple hair (human story) but I decided she would have tan because she likes in the badlands desert (underground technically) and goes exploring a lot. Her eyes were originally free since she kinda looks like mr (seriously) but I am changing her eyes to a dark-ish blue to go with the colour theme. She was originally going to quite short but I decided this gave her an unfair stealth advantage, she would fit in smaller places making it easier for her to hide, so she is now going to be much taller, more like the height of Princess Luna.

The ending of the first chapter, I decided, will end in the same way it originally did, shown below

"Hey kid!" A familiar voice called, Thorax. "Mother! I-" I was stopped by a hand over my mouth, "that can wait till later, Amore. For now we must return to the hive, you need to stop disappearing every weekend. You are the princess of the hive," Thorax said in a stern voice. "muuuuuum," I groaned, "I'm actually lost this time. And I wasn't disappearing, I was going to see some friends."

Thorax gave me a disbelieving look, "and these friends are?" She said in an interrogative tone. I let out a sigh, "fine, I was going looking for ponies." I folded my arms and looked away in defeat. Thorax choked a laugh and shook her head, "of course you go chasing myths!" She half shouted, I could have sworn she was loud enough for the entirety of Paradisum to hear. "hey!" I shouted back, "aunt Draco told me one of her changelings had reported a pony sighting near Titania's hive!" Thorax just gave me a smile, "come on, lets get back to the hive before you roast."

This may sound like a strange question, but: What was the problem with your OC in the first place?

Thing is, we now know a little about how you would re-write her, but even less about how she used to be. What was the criticism you had against her, what was the criticism others had? It's difficult to say something has improved or not if we don't know what the original problem was.


5441841 she was immortal. like compleately immortal and had no real depth to the character

No real depth of character does sound like a problem. More than the being immortal part, to be honest. However, to improve on that, you need to go inwards with her. Things like changing her outer appearance aren't as important as that! ;)

For example: What does she like?
What doesn't she like?
Is she afraid of something?
Is she really good at something?
Is she really bad at something?
Does she have friends? If she does, why are they friends?

What Amore feels, what she thinks, how she experiences the world and how she acts, those are the things that create an interesting character.

From what I can see, Amore likes risks (not using her full powers), danger, and is adventurous (exploring the Badlands). Would I be correct with that?


5443903 she lives in the badlands, she is now definitely a changeling, she swears around friends but not so much around strangers or figures of authority, she tries to hold in lifes stresses but she eventually snaps if she holds it in so her anger management is a problem since she is quite strong IF she uses her magic (she is still strong without magic but quite alot of others can beat her). She is more likely to 'shoot first ask questions later' but she is reasonable unless she has snapped, she WILL shoot first ask questions later when she snaps.

She has one friend who I wont mention much here because spoilers, she is friends with hum mostly because they share a belief in myths and both go hunting for mythological creatures around the edge of changeling hive territories by the everfree. Amore doesn't believe in judging others by what she is told although she is cautious if multiple people/ponies tell her someone isn't very nice but would rather find out herself. She is rather fond of her aunt, Queen Draco, but doesn't like her mother much since she hates Amore exploring the badlands or talking to changelings from other hives, her friend is from another hive. She doesn't like her ability to disguise herself as anything since she believes it to be an unfair advantage whereas her friend thinks it is a good way to easily pull of pranks without the get away without getting caught part since he can become an inanimate object.

Also her mother is a changeling queen so she is a princes but prefers to live her life like most drones rather than as the princess and gets rather annoyed at being called 'princes' or 'your highness ', she would rather be called by ger own name, Amore. Since her friend knows this annoys her he does call her your highness when she choses to annoy him but she does know how to annoy him but generally death stares him when he does, a death stare normally works. She likes to pretend she is fearless but she faced with her fears is, in worst cases, temporarily paralyzed and, in mild cases, stammers and sometimes stops talking all together. She is afraid of Queen Titania because she has been told stories about her, stories of a merciless tyrant but she is really a really nice changeling who doesn't look scary in any way, she wears glasses and doesn't talk with many other hives for the soul reason of they would rather take over entire towns to feed off love rather than take a more friendly approach. Amore is also scared of heights.


Mhm, mhm mhm mhm... honestly, that sounds fine for a character.

As long as you have her face consequences when she does screw up! There's a great many writers who create short-tempered characters who p*ss off people left and right, but since the writers love their OCs so much, they don't want anything bad happening to them. It's an easy trap to fall into.

Different question: With what you told us by now, I feel like asking if having Amore be immortal or not is actually important. Like, unless you plan on killing her during your story and having her regenerate, is the fact that she could even necessary to mention? Or could you just leave it out?

It's like this: If a character can breathe water but the skill is never needed, nor is there a good reason to even bring it up, leaving it out won't hurt.

In Amore's case, you could have her be ageless (like Celestia) rather than immortal.

There's an additional upside to it: If your character has a number of "continues", dangerous situations become much less threatening. The reader has less reason to care about what happens to her, unless she goes through those reincarnations like crazy!


5447612 the reincarnations only happen every 100 years, she dies if she isn't on the 100th year

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