Thirty Minute Ponies 136 members · 57 stories
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It was a beautiful afternoon in Ponyville.

The sun was shining, the spring weather was warm and pleasant, and the grass and trees were all bright green and verdant, here at Sweet Apple Acres.

At least, to the right of Applejack. She didn't dare look left. Though it wasn't because the trees or what-have-you were any less healthy there, it's 'cause of her darn fool sister and her friends.

"Heh. I'm real sorry, Rarity. You know how them fillies get."

Rarity laid a hoof gently on Applejack's shoulder. "Of course, Darling. You don't have to worry, the picnic looks lovely."

A giggle sounding from a nearby bush wasn't much of a surprise at all.

Applejack dared to turn to look at her friend. Rarity was pretty as a picture, just like always, and she was still smiling even if this all was a bit awkward. "Y' know what this is, don't you, Rarity? They're tryin' to uh..." Applejack coughed and looked aside again. "Set us up. Seein' as how it's Hearts and Hooves Day."

"I know very well what they're doing, Applejack. But we may as well enjoy the nice weather and picnic, now that we're both taking a break from work anyway."

It was still a bit awkward, eating the... vaguely romantic two-pony picnic with Rarity, especially knowing that three little fillies were hidden nearby and watching. Rarity did her level best to make sure there was no magic on any of the food, and nothing weird seemed to happen as they ate together anyway, so maybe those girls had learned their lesson last time.

It wasn't until after the food was done that Applejack realized how close Rarity was sitting now. Their flanks brushed lightly now and then as Rarity talked about some fashion thing or another, and once or twice that soft, curled mane just gently touched her front left hoof.

She really shouldn't ought to be thinking about this kind of thing.


"Huh? Heh, sorry, Rarity. Uh, got a little distracted. What were you sayin'?"

Rarity was giving her the strangest smile. "You were staring at my mane, Darling."

Applejack could feel her cheeks burning, and rubbed her own, simpler mane with a hoof. "Oh, uh, sorry, Rarity, it's just... you know, you're always pretty an' everythin'."

That peculiar smile stayed there, and Rarity looked over at Applejack as they sat together. She leaned in slowly, and Applejack's eyes widened. There was plenty of time to stop her, she could say something, she should say something, those fillies were watching, and--

She didn't say anything.

From the bush nearby, there was an excited gasp, and a country-sounding filly's voice yelling out a single word.

The Prompt: Finally!

This is a thirty minute writing prompt, meaning you have thirty minutes to finish your story from the time you start writing. You may take as much time as you wish to think, plan, or outline before you begin, but once the first word is on the page, the timer begins. When you are finished, post your story to this thread, and, in the tradition of the TMP mods of yore, I will read and give it a comment when I can.

Traditionally, TMP prompts would have a six to eight-hour window in which to submit, but for these legacy prompts, there will be no limit after the prompt is up. Go ahead and post something a year from now, if you like. Just bear in mind that I'm less likely to respond with feedback to anything submitted more than a week or so after the prompt. Good luck!

TMPL76 "Dinner Pronouncement" by KwirkyJ

Shining Armor opened the door and poked his head in. "Mom! We're here!" He stepped back to allow Cadance in before him.

"Great," Velvet called from her desk. "I'll be there in just a second!"

Shining shared an anxious smile with Cadance. "Well, guess we'd better head for the kitchen, then."

"Can't let the jello melt, can we?"

They made their way through the doorway into the spacious kitchen where a number of dishes where already spread on the counter-tops: pasta, some rolls, a bisque of some sort, and so on.

Cadance rubbed against Shining Armor. "Your mom's pulling out all the stops for this dinner, isn't she?"

Shining shrugged. "Not really. Well..." He chuckled sheepishly. "Maybe a little. You're sure you want me to..."

She planted a kiss on his lips. "We talked about this. They're your family. I'm here with you, but its for them."

Only mostly convinced, Shining nodded. "Right."

Velvet entered, all smiles, and started hugging them each in turn. "You sure got here early! I was just catching up on some writing. Thought something simple but tasty would go well for us all." She turned to Cadance. "How have you been?"

"Just fine, Velvet. Just the usually princess-ly duties and trying to not cause international diplomatic incidents or any domestic upheaval. Nothing much."

"Shining, since you're both here, why don't you set the table? Your father should be here in a few minutes anyway, and we can all just sit down and eat." Velvet noticed the bowl Shining and Cadance had brought with them. "Ah, jello! Wonderful. I'll get a serving spoon for that, too!"

Velvet surreptitiously watched them as they went to the cabinets -- together -- and past the counters -- together -- and into the dining room -- together -- and she giggled like a filly.

The door creaked as it opened, and Night Light's greeting sallied forth.

Velvet cantered over, a swing in her step that would have made anypony blush.

Night Light broke the unexpected kiss, pulling back pleasantly surprised. "What's all this about? Are Shining and Cadance here yet?"

Velvet nuzzled him intensely before whispering, "I think Shining's about to tell us he's going to be moving out!"

Author's Note:
Have a dubious setup for a silly joke. I may try for a flurry again...


TMPL76 untitled by KwirkyJ

"Missus Bright, Missus Bright, look! Look, I'm doing it!"

The mage mentor grinned down at the little filly. Emerald sparks stuttered from the little horn as her pupil struggled to lift the book from the table. For the first time in months, the book hovered uncertainly, supported only by magic.

"Very good! You're doing very well!"

"Really? You really—" In her distraction, the book fell with a soft thud "–mean it…?"

Bright nodded emphatically, cupping her pupil's chin. "You've only been studying for a week and you've gotten this far. I can count how many of my students have accomplished that on one hoof."

"But… that's only one!"

Bright laughed. "I know!"

The filly's eyes brightened and she quickly joined her mentor's mirth. She nuzzled hard.

"Now," Bright said after a kind moment, "for your homework."

The filly sat down quickly, expectant and eager.

Bright brought forth a small gem, a faint teal in her yellow magic. "It's a Measuring Stone. It's an enchanted gem that tells you how hard you're working at levitating it. Here, try to lift it. It's lighter than the book, I promise."

Without hesitation, the filly squinted and her horn sparked again. The gem turned a violent vermillion and she dropped it. Her breaths were quick, startled. "What was that?"

Bright nodded gently, lifting the gem back towards her, teal once again. "That means you're working very, very hard to pick it up."

There was a knock from the door. The headmaster nodded to Bright, who flashed a pained smile in response. "We're out of time for today, I'm afraid, but I'm very, very proud of you. See if you can make it only orange when we meet next."

"See? It's almost clear when I lift it now." She gave a confident grin to her mentor, horn glowing in a smooth emerald cone of light.

Bright nodded. "And in less than a month. I'm impressed! Most unicorns my age will turn a crystal blue or green when they lift it. And at your age…"

"The others don't like it, though. They think I'm showing off. Am I?"

Bright didn't answer right away. "So don't show them. Practice when you're alone. Don't keep it a secret—Sun above, never that—but… be careful."

The filly nodded, pensive.

"Now, can you lift three at once?"


They flashed a sick puse.


The filly stood at the base of an amphitheater, several older unicorns watching her intently. Bright and the headmaster stood carefully to the side.

"Impressive," said an elder stallion set in the center. "Quite impressive. We must deliberate, but I believe I already know our decision. As we do, however… Miss Bright?"

The mentor took a step forward.

"Where would you rank her progress?"

Bright gave a wink to her prize student before looking back up. "I will answer with a demonstration."

Despite her efforts, the filly was drenched by a bucketful of water.


"Ah," said the stallion. "Loose bodies. Very impressive."

Bright strode in, looking somewhat withered. "You asked to see me?"

Her pupil sat in the middle of the study, a candle on the table before her. "Yes…"

"Is something wrong? Did anyone…"

"No, nothing like that. I was experimenting, and…" She tailed off, crushed by uncertainty.

Bright walked up beside her and sat down. "You're a student in Celestia's academy. The best teachers in Equestria are yours to ask. Why do you want to speak with me?"

The filly looked at her with uncanny depth. "I'm not sure they'd understand." She turned back to the candle. Her horn lit and the flame stretched up and up into the air, curling and whirling in the air.

Bright gasped.

The filly shrunk, just a little, and the magic died.

"No," Bright quickly said, placing a hoof on her withers. "It was nothing bad. I've… I've just never heard of anything like that being… possible, before."

With gravity bordering on shame, the filly peeled away the saddlebags that had been covering her haunches to reveal her mark.

"Oh, Sunset," Bright breathed, sweeping her into a hug. "It's beautiful."

Author's Note:
I would say that this went an unexpected direction, but I didn't exactly have a clear direction when I set out to begin with….


TMPL76 "Big" by KwirkyJ

Twilight hovered up at about Applejack's eye level, looking harried. "I, um, sorry?"

Applejack, after a steadying glance down and about herself, attempted a lighthearted chuckle. "Well, y'weren't sure what was gonna happen, right?"

"And it'll wear off," Twilight was quick to clarify. "Sometime soon, anyway. The notes were kinda…"

"Don't you worry about it, Twilight. I gotta till up the south field anyway—guess I'll just swap with Mac for the day or so."

"R-right," Twilight said, her smile strained. "If you're sure it's okay."

"I trust you, Twilight. If you say it's only temporary, I believe you."

"Thanks, Applejack." Twilight flew in and touched Applejack's nose reassuringly. "Just… try not to step on anypony, okay?"

"No, McIntosh, I'm just sayin' plowin's gonna be easier for me'n sortin' bushels for market 'sall!"

Big Mac stared up, clearly displeased with the change of roles.

"Please? I'll even make sure Apple Bloom gets to school on time before I get started, so you c'n get started. She's inside still, right?"

Mac rolled is eyes and tromped into the household to fetch her.

"Applejack!" Rarity called.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle darted towards each other and rocketed away to find Scootaloo and their other friends in the schoolyard.

"Applejack, what a surprise seeing you here this morning! Say, something about you seems different… Is that a new hat?"

Applejack looked down, an eyebrow raised. "Uh, not exactly." She took a massive step back as Rarity started winding around her foreleg.

"Well, I just can't put my hoof on it, but something about you seems different today. I'm sure it'll click the moment I'm back at my boutique."

"Uh, sure. Well, I, uh, got chores'n like. See you later, then."

"Certainly. Ta-ta, darling!"

Applejack had managed to snap two lengths of rope and splinter a joist on the plow before midday market. McIntosh had given her a good talking to and sent her off early, a wagon pulled along behind a leg.

She stood awkwardly in the square, offering an apologetic smile to answer the disapproving glance of Golden Harvest in the stall beside her as they set up.

"Sorry, Golden. Not something I can really help, y'know?"

Golden pointedly huffed. "Of course not."

"Seven pints of gala applesauce, yessiree. Normally I'd set 'em out for 'ya, but, y'see…"

The kindly stallion nodded in understanding. "Bits in the satchel along the side there?"

"If'n you don't mind."

Applejack watched him carefully, though, only turning aside when he was several bodylengths away.

"Apple Bloom, your lunch is about over. Time to get outta my shadow and back to the school. You too, y'all."

There was a trio of groans, but off they went.

"Earthquake!" Granny shouted, leaping to her hooves. "Save the trees!"

Applejack laughed. "No, Granny. Just me. Haven't eaten all day, really."

Granny Smith looked all the way up at her granddaughter. "Boy howdy, when'n y'all get to big, Applejack? Why, just yesserday you was no bigger'n McIntosh here!"

Applejack laid down, setting her head as low as possible. "Granny, that was this morning. Twilight said it'll wear off in a little bit. 'Til then, could you maybe serve me double?"

Applejack's ears pricked as a sound grew nearer. "Whuzzat?"

A cyan streak tore through the air towards her. "Monster! Attack!"

Applejack got to her titanic hooves, lifting her head above the treetops.

"WaaAAAAAAAH!" Rainbow Dash shrieked and sped just as quickly back towards Ponyville.

Applejack looked down at her family. "I really hope that won't cause any problems…"

Author's Note:
Kinda flubbed on this last-minute compelling idea of 'Applejack gets magicked huge and nopony really notices'. Oh, well. Not originally inspired by a few pictures by the talented NCMares, but I won't deny that they influenced things.

It's short, and fun. The obvious tension with Shining made me wonder just what he was revealing. Marriage? The new foal? But then it was something a bit easier, and his perceptive mother picked up on it faster than he thought.

A cute little story.

Sunset's life as a pony is something that hasn't been adequately explored, and I like seeing where people go with her somewhat nebulous cutie mark. This is a neat little history for her, with hints here and there of other ponies being jealous of her, or even a bit cruel. Something that might lead a growing mare to take shortcuts, or even grow her power too fast for her mentor's comfort.

It's a nice read, and makes me all the more curious about what drove the filly away from the straight and narrow later on!

AJ being quietly embarrassed and slightly inconvenienced by her magical problems, always a fun tack to take. She seems to handle well enough, even if I can't quite place why nopony really seems to notice. Apple Bloom is cute in this as usual, and everypony's well in character.

Good job, a short, cute little story that doesn't overstay its welcome. I enjoyed the read!

Also, thanks for the multiple stories this week, it's always fun to pop in and see so much response.

(Tagged: Experimental?)
TMPL76 untitled by KwirkyJ

She saw it long before she knew what it was. All ahead, stars winked out of being as an invisible horizon rose up to occlude them. Up and up the darkness grew until the moonlight and her horn were enough to reveal the ruddy slate of a titanic wall. She kept a very slow pace as she examined it, walking some distance along its length, her legs shaking beneath her.

From its base, half the sky was hidden. There floated beside its top immeasurably high above, the moon shone full in the cloudless sky. A thin rainbow belted it, evidence of a faint mist. She could hear the rhythmic sound of an ocean surf like breathing coming from everywhere.

She steps paused for a moment, turning her attention to the foal as it burbled in restless sleep on her back. She nuzzled it tenderly before continuing along.

The moon gradually shifted overhead, tracing along the unbroken line of the wall.

At last, the moon beginning its descent, her legs failed her and the pair pitched into the coarse sand. She hissed as the wall rubbed her side, the rough stone grating at her skin.

She lay there, panting in the darkness and dimmed her horn. Her ears swiveled in the silence for many minutes, listening for anything above the terrible hush from the unseen sea.

Finally satisfied, she set the foal down between her legs and curled around it, casting a last cautious glance into the gloom.

"I guess this is as far as we can go."

Author's Note:
I can't well say 'pay this one no mind,' but that would be what I might say. It's odd, atmospheric, confusing, and barely qualifies as pony.


Legacy Prompt 76: Victory

Just a little longer, Rainbow Dash thought, her eyes peeping over the edge of the cloud she was using for cover. They can’t hide it forever. She can’t hide it forever. Just a little bit longer, and I’ll be able to show everypony what those monsters are really up to. Rainbow scudded her cloud forward, trying to keep her target in sight. I just have to keep watching until that happens.

Finally, the moment Rainbow was waiting for occurred. Down below, a gentle smile broke out on the false face of her target, and the mare’s horn lit as she prepared to assault her own victim. The mare then bent down toward…

Scootaloo. At the sight, Rainbow’s blood seemed to freeze within her, and she leapt out of her concealment, all thoughts of obtaining proof fleeing Rainbow’s mind in the need to save her young admirer. Her cry of anger drew the attention of both of them, and as her target’s still-glowing horn turned toward her, Rainbow felt her own wings go numb, spinning her and tumbling her as she fell, helplessly, to the ground below.

“Enrgh…” The moan wasn’t very strong, but hearing it was Rainbow’s proof she was awake. “Where…?”

The beeping sound beside her was part of the answer to that unspoken question, the device making it, when Rainbow was able to focus on it, the other. That, plus the fact that the bed wasn’t her own soft one, answered the question. She’d been in a bed like this before, during the worst few days in recent memory… even if she had been introduced to her favorite books at the time.

“I’m glad to see you’re awake, Miss Dash.” The voice was gentle, soft-toned. Had it belonged to anypony else, it wouldn’t have sent ice running through Rainbow’s veins again. It did, though, and she twisted, looking into the gray eyes of her target… now obviously her captor. “I’m afraid your little sidekick won’t be, though,” the false unicorn mare said, “her parents came to pick her up an hour ago.”

“You won’t get away with this.” The words were weak, nearly silent, and Rainbow struggled to speak them, trying to force the words through a throat unnaturally dry and stiff. She mouthed the air a few times, trying to gather saliva, before giving up and continuing. “I don’t know what you’re planning, bug breath, but I’ll find a way to stop you.”

Silent Snow, Queen of the official Ponyville changeling nest, sighed, burying her head in her hoof. “Miss Dash, I’m not planning anything.” She lifted her head, turning to stare directly into Rainbow’s eyes as she continued. “And even if I was, would it be worth getting yourself killed?”

Rainbow’s eyes widened, and she tried to burrow back into her bed. A sharp tug at her foreleg stopped her as she did so, and she turned, taking in the IV line flowing into her. “So,” she said, softly, “you’re going to poison me.”

Her response was a slapping sound, and as she turned back, she saw Queen Snow running her forehoof down her face, the ruffling of the fur at the base of her horn indicating where it had begun. “No, Miss Dash,” Snow said, “I’m not trying to poison you. Why are you automatically assuming the worst of everything I say?”

“You just threatened to kill me.”

Queen Snow exhaled, almost but not quite a snort of frustration. “No,” she said, “I didn’t. If I wanted you dead - which I don’t - I wouldn’t have to do anything.” Her eyes met Rainbow’s again, looking for all the world as though she were pleading. “When I brought you in here, the doctor said you were suffering from severe dehydration, light malnutrition, delerium… his best guess is that you haven’t eaten in several days, have barely drunk anything, and other than the ten or so hours you just finished, haven’t slept in that time period either.” Those gray eyes bore in deeper, seemingly trying to penetrate Rainbow’s soul. “You’re killing yourself spying on me, Miss Dash, and I don’t understand why.”

“To stop you.” Rainbow’s voice was barely above a whisper, but she still spoke clearly as she continued, gaining strength from her own determination. “To protect my friends from what you’re doing to them, to Ponyville.”

Gray eyes closed as white hoof met them once more. “Miss Dash, what exactly is it you think I’m doing to Ponyville? I honestly don’t know what’s going through your mind.”

“Invasion,” Rainbow whispered, her voice carrying a tone of ‘duh’ along with it. “Same as you tried at the wedding.”

“That wasn’t us!” Snow’s eyes snapped open, once more pleading. “Yes, those were changelings, but they had about as much in common with us as your ‘Nightmare Moon’ did with you!” Tears formed at the edge of those gray eyes as she continued. “Why is it so difficult for you to believe that?”

For several seconds, Rainbow simply stared into Queen Snow’s eyes. “If you’re not invading,” she said at last, “then why are you building up an army here?”

“I’m not,” Snow said. “I’ve gathered a nest, on Princess Celestia’s orders. That’s all.”

“Not buying it,” Rainbow said, glaring back. “You’ve spent your time either brainwashing or converting the ponies in town, including my best friends. You wouldn’t have done that if you weren’t planning on invading.”

“I…” Again, rising hoof met lowering face. “If you mean what I think you do by ‘converting’, then we can’t do that, Miss Dash. Those ponies who have seen what life as a changeling is like have done so by Miss Sparkle’s power, not ours.”

Rainbow simply kept staring. “And the brainwashing? I suppose you’re going to say you didn’t do that either?”

“No,” Snow said softly, “we haven’t. We have used the Comforter’s Balm to help ease pain, soothe worries, calm fears, and let others enjoy life. I will not deny that. But that is all we have done.”

“Details.” Rainbow simply kept staring. “All nice and friendly now, so they’ll be used to it and won’t resist when you turn everypony into your puppet soldiers.”

“As I said before,” Snow replied, “you take whatever I say and twist it into the most negative thing you can think of.”

“Because that’s exactly how you bugs act. We all saw that at the royal wedding, remember?”

As before, Queen Snow buried her face in a forehoof. “Miss Dash,” she asked, her voice somewhat muffled, “is there nothing I can do to convince you of our sincerity?”

“Sure,” Rainbow replied. “Brainwash me, like you have everyone else. I’m sure I’ll believe you then.”

Snow glared at Rainbow as she lowered her hoof. “Anything I can do without letting you think you’ve proven yourself right?”

Rainbow began to shake her head, when a thought caught her attention. As it thought itself out in her head, a slow, wicked smirk began to grow on her face. “There might be one thing,” she said at last.

Snow stepped over to Rainbow’s side, looking straight into her eyes. “And that is?”

“Give me your army.” Rainbow’s smirk grew larger as she continued. “Tell them to obey me, not you. But you won’t do that, because you’re planning to invade us.”

“I…” Queen Snow stepped away, against the wall by the door, and knelt to the ground.

“We accept.”

As the words came, Rainbow jumped, tossing her Daring Do book to the floor as she did so. It had been two hours since she’d silenced the changeling queen, and apart from one nurse’s visit, the room had been quiet since then. To have the queen suddenly speak after all that time was a bit unnerving. “Accept what?” Rainbow asked, her eyes narrowing.

Time Limit

“The terms of your bargain,” Queen Snow said, her eyes still closed. “If you are willing to pay the necessary price, then we will accept.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed even further. “What price?” she asked, suspicion dripping from her tongue.

“We two will go to your friend Miss Sparkle,” Queen Snow said, “and ask her to use her magic to swap us. I will become a pegasus, while you will become Queen Rainbow Dash of the Ponyville Nest.”

For several seconds, Rainbow was quiet, her mouth hanging open. “Ah,” she said at last, nodding. “I see your game. You’re trying to trick me into letting you convert me into one of your little drones.”

“No, Miss Dash,” sighed Queen Snow, “I’m not. Think, please; if I did just say ‘okay, everybody obey Miss Dash’, would you believe they’d do it?”

“Heck no!” Rainbow snarled. Her mouth then froze open, her face shuffling around it as the meaning of that sunk in, and at last she snapped her jaw shut. “Point,” she said begrudgingly.

Queen Snow nodded, accepting the concession. “I don’t understand your rock-sold belligerence,” she said softly, “but right now, you are the biggest threat to me and mine. Even aside from your own personal attacks, anypony else with a grudge against us could claim they were rallying behind your banner. It is my duty to protect them, Miss Dash, and right now that means protecting them from what you represent. So yes, if it will earn us your favor, or at least remove your enmity, then I and mine are prepared for me to step down and allow you to take my place in what I believe is the only way you will accept as true.” The Queen bowed, actually bowed until her head was almost on the floor. “Will you accept our terms, Miss Dash?”

For several minutes, Rainbow was silent. Finally, she spoke. “Swear it,” she said. “Swear it, and yes, I’ll accept.”

Without rising, Queen Snow spoke. “I, Queen Silent Snow of Ponyville Nest, do hereby give my sworn word that I shall turn my Nest over to Miss Rainbow Dash, until such time as Miss Dash shall choose to return it to me. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Rainbow waited until Queen Snow had risen to her hooves, then stared straight into her eyes. “Or invoke the wrath of Pinkie Pie,” she sing-songed to the cadence of Ponyville’s strongest binding oath. “To Twilight’s place, then. As soon as I get out of here.”

“Of course,” Queen Snow said, nodding. She then stepped over, reaching one forehoof out to grasp the one Rainbow extended toward her. “Thank you, Miss Dash, and welcome to the family.”

A wall at the edge of the world?

It's an interesting style, experimental or not, but admittedly a bit fuzzy. Still, a neat little thing, even if it does need refinement.

Dash's paranoid following of changelings isn't really justified here, or maybe it is. It's never quite explained what was going on with Scoots, after all, and certainly in a particular light I could see how changing ponies to changelings, and applying the vaguely creepy sorta-mind-control they use could look bad.

Snow seems reasonable enough, if a bit tired of Dash being Dash.

By the end, I'm still not sure how trading places would work, and whether Rainbow could even possibly be satisfied that the changelings aren't all lying regardless. Loyalty implies a certain kind of stubbornness after all.

It's another interesting changeling story, and a fun read. Thanks for the story!

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