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Isn't trolling lol. He believes almost every word he says.
You only think he's trolling because you disagree.

He also likes to use people's logic in extreme situations to convey a point.

If you have a problem with him, beat him in an argument.

This has been an official PSA from Ricardio, acting COO of Christian Bronies.

Chief Operating Officer


He believes almost every word he says.

and how would you know?
Did you went into his mind or something?

5830774 Wow, first in the Writer's Group and now here. It seems some people are starting to get me, after all.

5830946 Perhaps he just read my comments and decided not to react on his subjective emotions and prejudice like so many of the other members do.

5830961 your comments are NOT the clearest thing in the world and you repeat the something even though people object to it.
you have ZERO tact.

5830963 Objections are useless if they aren't supported by a counter argument.

Here's how my involvement in threads usually play out:
Me: There are loads of reasons why Santa can't exist:
- He couldn't possibly visit so many children in a span of one day without breaking laws of physics.
- Most chimneys are way to small for a guy like that to fit through, and many apartments don't even have chimneys.
- Raindeers don't fly.
Person A: You are a troll. Santa is totes real!
Person B: Why are you even here if you disagree with us?
Person C: I know Santa is real for a fact because I felt cheer on Christmas. Take that Santa denier!
Person D: My family told me there's Santa, so I subscribe to that view.
Person E: What you're saying doesn't feel nice at all! Why are you so wicked?
Person F: I know you can't believe what you say. You just want to cause a shitstorm.
Person G: We just wanted to circlejerk in our echo-chamber, why must you always interrupt us?
(the responses lack counter arguments)


Me: There are loads of reasons why Santa can't exist:
- He couldn't possibly visit so many children in a span of one day without breaking laws of physics.
- Most chimneys are way to small for a guy like that to fit through, and many apartments don't even have chimneys.
- Raindeers don't fly.

that would not have mattered if you did it in a thread about Santa.
BUT you randomly post it in a discussion about Jesus and start by
"you believe in fictional Jewish man? Is Santa real? There are loads of reasons why Santa can't exist:
- He couldn't possibly visit so many children in a span of one day without breaking laws of physics.
- Most chimneys are way to small for a guy like that to fit through, and many apartments don't even have chimneys.
- Raindeers don't fly."
and DERAIL the main argument of the thread!

5830997 If I wrote that comment in a thread about Santa Claws, those would be the responses I would have gotten.

If it was a thread about Jesus, I'd post something about Jesus.


You only think he's trolling because you disagree.

THANK YOU. I daresay that "trolling" (Christ I want to throttle the chode who invented the term) is a myth in itself, at that. Everyone has an argument they're afraid to counter, so they drop the T-bomb.
Even I'm guilty of this, mind you. I hate trying to criticize popular movies because of end-splitting fanboys who use the most ungodly mental gymnastics to protect their object of worship. But instead of saying "TROLE!!!11!" I just say "you have hurt feelings," post MLG airhorns, and call it a day.


If Nazis didn't care for Jews, they wouldn't bother setting up accommodations for them in concentration camps.
They loved Jews enough to offer them a way to be saved. They just had to work hard enough, and they'd be worthy of Nazis' love. Some chose the way of laziness, thus turning away from the love of the Nazis. A concentration camp is not a place for those who are unwilling to work. They sealed their own faith by turning away from the Nazis' grace.
Hitler chose to sacrifice himself so that his ways wouldn't fall into the hands of the invading forces. A great sacrifice, indeed.

because Hitler and Nazi was SOOOOOOOOOOO necessary in this argument right?

5831009 You're missing the point. I used the exact same logic as the commenter before me. My comment wasn't about the Nazis, it was about the false logic.

If He didn't care, He wouldn't have bothered making a way to save us. He could've left us dead in our trespasses, for He has the right to hold our sins against us. However, He loved us enough to make a way for us to be saved, even in our sinful states.

He was willing to endure the horrible, gruesome death on the cross so we could be saved; He is worthy of all our worship, devotion, and adoration.

It's like when you pee on your neighbor's lawn and your mother says to you, "What you did wasn't nice. It will make your neighbor upset. Think about how you'd feel if someone were to pee on our lawn where you play with your toys."
I imagine your response would be something along the lines, "Why are you bringing up our lawn and my toys? They have nothing to do with this. You're just trolling me. If you really want to contribute to what's going on here, take off your panties and join in."

It seems like this happens pretty often now that you've put it into perspective.

5830974 On second thought. I am gonna break you(r arguments) like Pet Shop breaks Heritage to the Future.

- He couldn't possibly visit so many children in a span of one day without breaking laws of physics.

The things fat people do shouldn't be possible, period! Have you SEEN the average Walmart customer?! Visiting every non-Jewish and non-Kwanza-believing child is pussy shit for a tubby fuck like Santa Claus!

- Most chimneys are way too* small for a guy like that to fit through, and many apartments don't even have chimneys.

There's this open square of ceiling in the bathroom of my dad's apartment. That bearded hamplanet could fit in it with his holiday/fat people magic, guaran-fucking-teed!

- Reindeers* don't fly.

See, you're not wrong. Reindeer, indeed, cannot fly.
But tell me. What if those weren't reindeer...
but rather, R.E.I.N.D.E.E.R.s! I request that these logs are accepted as evidence!

EDIT: i fucking hate YouTube embeds goddammit

5831018 I don't get why you need to bring in Nazis...
the commented before you did not say anything about Nazis and Hitler... you use extreme examples way too often... so much so that it is hard for us to take you seriously.

The topic was God committing genocide. Dragon brought up another genocide.

5831043 not really
Blazing Dragon said

He doesn't care about you personally

and in response ProfReynolds316 said

If He didn't care, He wouldn't have bothered making a way to save us. He could've left us dead in our trespasses, for He has the right to hold our sins against us. However, He loved us enough to make a way for us to be saved, even in our sinful states.
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8
And Jesus considered it a joy to die on the cross for us.
"For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:2

AND THEN Bad dragon said

If Nazis didn't care for Jews, they wouldn't bother setting up accommodations for them in concentration camps.
They loved Jews enough to offer them a way to be saved. They just had to work hard enough, and they'd be worthy of Nazis' love. Some chose the way of laziness, thus turning away from the love of the Nazis. A concentration camp is not a place for those who are unwilling to work. They sealed their own faith by turning away from the Nazis' grace.
Hitler chose to sacrifice himself so that his ways wouldn't fall into the hands of the invading forces. A great sacrifice, indeed.

Neither Blazing Dragon nor ProfReynolds316 said anything about genocide. Sure Blazing Dragon said his doubts about God caring humans but there was no need for genocide nor Nazis to come in.

I vaguely remember the flood being mentioned.

5831057 but that was not even a main topic on the post Bad Dragon linked.
Bad Dragon just "jumped the shark" for no good reason.
He pulled Godwin's law for no good reason.

you do not represent "us"

I agree with what Bad Dragon said and what Blazing Dragon said as well (who i know outside of fimfic). My own views regarding matter however i shall keep to myself as i have very odd thoughts and they are best left unsaid



*Steals meme for horror story concept.*

5830774 Ah, it all makes sense now! :ajsmug:

5830815 And who gave that title to you? Or is it a self-given title?

I killed the last one for it.

5832239 Why would I recognize it as valid, then?

Because i'm the COO

Comment posted by Fireheart 1945 deleted Mar 3rd, 2017

Or you could think a bit more about the words in the book you love so much.

If he's wrong, should be easy to prove.


While this group allows for non-Christians to make their views known, they are nonetheless guests - yes, guests - in what was made to be a Christian forum. And now they're trying to take over, if not via authority then by the offensive posts they create for mocking and insulting people. The rule allowing for non-Christians to join was not meant for people to insult or hate each other. It was meant for purposes of potential conversion.

Bullshit, read the main page of this group again

If you do not follow Christ, you are more than welcome to come and chat with us. Question us, challenge us, or just hang out and talk pony without the vulgarity that can come from this fandom. We're not exclusive here. :twilightsmile:
-Group Founder, primalcorn1

5832503 Okay, so I was mistaken. I've deleted my previous post.

Nonetheless, the very quotation you've marked regarding the main page implies that members are supposed to speak amicably, as "without the vulgarity" and the Twilightsmile indicate, an intended spirit of goodwill (and I have no reason to expect that the group's creator intended otherwise) that is often sadly lacking here. There is also nothing to counter the fact that others have abused their rights and openly mock believers (who sometimes do counter rather heatedly). Again, I doubt that the actions committed are something that Primalcorn1 wanted when he formed this group.

I do believe that he wanted us to get along. I do not believe he wanted this to be a place where hate, anger, injury, and mockery occur, and on a common if not daily basis at that.

The problem is that it seems like you, alone with several other users here, act very sensitively and defensively on the whole religion topic, and have twisted challenges and debates, which are allowed, into full on hate and apparently some kind of hostile takeover situation, which is just ridiculous.

Again, I doubt that the actions committed are something that Primalcorn1 wanted when he formed this group.

And yet here we are in the real world. Not everybody is going to exactly want to sit down with you with a cup of tea to politely and "without vulgarity" discuss a topic you happen to be sensitive about. People are going to disagree with you and not everyone is going to be nice about it, whether or not you have the skin for it. That doesn't make them attackers, mind you, or trolls, mind you, or haters, mind you. If it's clear to everybody that someone is just trying to get under your skin for the shits & giggles, that's obviously something else, but you overreacting doesn't make them automatically them the bad guys.



I am gonna break you(r arguments

In all my time here, I haven't seen any Christian brony present a counter argument that would even reach the level your arguments are on, yet alone surpass them. Perhaps people could learn something from you and we could work our way up from there.


I don't get why you need to bring in Nazis...

Why are you bringing up our lawn and my toys?

I keep trying to make you understand, but I fail every time. I usually don't have a problem getting my point across, but with you, it almost seems like an impossible task.

For the last time, Nazis weren't my point. They were just a tool to get my point across, just like your lawn and your toys in my parable.


without the vulgarity

Without vulgarity means just that. You shouldn't read everything like your read your Bible, imposing your own conclusions onto what the text actually says.

I do believe that he wanted us to get along

He clearly stated that the members of this group are open to be challenged. That's what I'm doing. I'm challenging you. Will you answer it?

5832729 Th-thanks.
So this is what it's like being validated. Not bad.


not everyone is going to be nice about it

No, not everyone agrees. You're right about that. However, that does not excuse either side for their actions, to include mine. The key term is the very quotation I've made above. Whether I have "the skin" for it, or whether anyone does, is not the point of the matter.

and have twisted challenges and debates, which are allowed, into full on hate and apparently some kind of hostile takeover situation, which is just ridiculous

I admit that my temper can get out of control. I ended up coming here already angry and in a fighting mood after reading a number of articles that were about the FFRF and other organizations seeking to limit faith in the public square (which, regardless of what rhetoric one may use, the so-called Establishment Clause was meant to prevent government from sponsoring a state-founded religion, not to curtail religion in general in schools and the military and elsewhere).

As for the "hostile takeover" bit, there are, or were, non-believing admins and others in positions of power in this group. In fact, a while back, things got out of hand and we had to send another admin (I forget whether or not it was the group leader) proof of misconduct by another admin to sort things out. And this isn't a friendly discussion group, as you've so noted when quoting my previous post. It's become a battlefield. I'm honestly sick of believers and others trying to do things like make a friendly blog for various reasons, often to help or share experiences,like here, here, and here only for someone else, usually a non-believer/anti-Christian to come and start messing things up, or at the very least attempt to interrupt the proceedings. They get off with a warning, which is a slap on the wrist at most, and usually nothing. If I sound paranoid, and I might be, it's because I see cause for concern. Maybe this group hasn't been taken over by the other side... yet. But considering the harmful - and often deliberately insulting - things said and done, such as efforts made to portray devout Christians as Jihadists via a picture of a plane preparing to crash into the twin Towers, I don't think my concerns are entirely invalid, considering that nothing really happens to offenders of either side. Sometimes an obvious troll thread might be locked or deleted, but that seems to be about it.

into full on hate

Anger gets in the way a lot here. Again, not what the group founded intended. But while you may, perhaps rightly, criticize our activities to the negative, you have to remember that we're also human beings, and that, if pushed hard enough, sometimes we go over the edge of what is acceptable as well. I'm not making excuses; I'm telling it as it is, as you said here;

And yet here we are in the real world. Not everybody is going to exactly want to sit down with you with a cup of tea to politely and "without vulgarity" discuss a topic you happen to be sensitive about

2) Don’t be a jerk. Don’t talk smack, don’t curse people out, don’t attack or insult people, don’t attack or insult groups of people (whether or not those groups are on FiMFiction), don’t use slurs, don’t go around stirring up trouble, do allow dead threads their rest, and so on; in general, be polite, and use common sense and common courtesy.


The rules are there to be followed. And they get broken quite often, unless I'm missing something.

Disagreements; very common here, even between fellow Christians. I'm willing to get along with someone who gently disagrees and is polite about it. But when someone bulldozes their way into a conversation to spread mockery, despair, and just generally all round play the bully, then something is definitely wrong.

Now, I've said it before in this post and I'll say it again here, yes, sometimes believers are at fault. But to go and say that the anti-believers are blameless angels is as nonsensical as to claim that all believers are perfect fluffy bunnies at all times (though we might wish we could be).

As for the injury part, I meant it as another word for insulting or hurting others. It might be a physical injury, but it still hurts.


Your so-called challenges are actually weakly-veiled insults. Like the incidents with the picture I've mentioned above, you offer nothing constructive, all the while urging us to abandon our faith, which we will never do, by falsely painting our God as evil, and His followers as much if not more so. It's a disgusting attempt to paint the Creator of all things in a negative light, a negative light that is born of hate and of false, evil reasoning. For a rebuttal on this subject, look here.

You once told me that you'd rather burn in hell than worship God, who is NOT the tyrannical monster you attempt to impose on us. If so, that is your own choice.

5832729 why do you even come here and "challenge" Christians? Don't you have thing called life?


Your so-called challenges are actually weakly-veiled insults.

You have some persecution issues. With a few exceptions that quickly get handled by administrators, nopony is getting insulted and neither are you. If you disagree with somepony's view then offer a rebuttal. Playing the victim all the time, like you do, isn't constructive.

If you value the truth, you should be happy whenever someone offers you a different point of view. Single-mindedness is where dogma and narrow-mindedness fester.

Affirming the truth with confirmation bias is not the way to confirm it. The opposite is true, you should seek to disprove what you believe in. Yet, that's not what you're doing. You cling on to your own version of the world-view like a child clings on to a Christmas tree when the parents tell him there is no Santa.

As for the article you posted:

writers don’t understand that God never intended for Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him

Imagine you were telling your younger sibling to kill the family dog. You'd keep demanding that the dog be killed until your sibling would actually attempt it. Let's say your parents witness this. Ask yourself, would they really be perfectly fine with it when you'd say, "Yeah, I said the dog needs to die, but I wasn't really gonna let it happen."
They wouldn't be okay with it; no moral person would be okay with soliciting murder. You go to jail if you do it.

For example, Leviticus 19:19 says, "Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." Critics look at this obscure Old Testament passage, laugh, and reach the conclusion that God doesn’t want people to wear wool and polyester blends. However, in this case God was using physical things to act as reminders of spiritual principles. He was telling Israel not to mix their pure religion with the pagan religions that literally surrounded them; they were not to be syncretistic, but instead they were to be devoted to the one true God and not assimilate other pagan teachings.

What the... :rainbowderp:

The Bible was written for the simple people in a way that they could understand it and those passages are as clear as day. There is no secret meaning to them. You can't just infer your own meaning onto the Bible. You should read what it says and learn from it, not implant your own morals into the Bible.

The Bible makes it clear that Christians are saved by faith alone. But the Bible also makes it clear that faith in the life of a true Christian is always evidenced by good works.

As I've already proven to you before, there is bigger a percentage of Christians in prisons than in a general population. Being a Christian obviously doesn't lead to being a more moral person. The evidence shows that the reverse is true.

On another note, the general view of Christians is that if you say you're sorry and profess your faith to Jesus on your deathbed, you go to Heaven. If that's true then no good work is needed; just faith.

it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is going to drive them out before you.

Except that God orders people to do the killings... Perhaps they were yelling "God is great" while they were performing the 'good deed'.

The enemy was always marked as evil by the ones who are attacking. It still doesn't excuse the violence. If it did, then Nazis were right to invade other countries for believing they were fighting a good fight and that God was on their side.

He does bring about calamity and disaster upon those who oppose Him, but such a thing does not make Him evil;

Yes, it does.

Here's an example. I oppose your views; at least we can agree on that. If you tracked me out and brought calamity and disaster upon me for disagreeing with you, would that make you evil? Indeed it would.

You claim that God is not evil because you were brainwashed all your life to believe that. But let's assume for a moment that God isn't as good as you thought He was. Would you recognize his wicked, despite your blind faith? What other terrors would God have to commit for you to admit He is evil? He could be Satan in disguise and you'd still be worshiping Him without question.

But before a person can call something good, he must have a moral framework to distinguish between good and bad. But before someone can have a moral framework to distinguish good and bad, he must have absolute moral laws to build that framework. But before a person can have absolute moral laws, he must have an absolute moral Lawgiver (laws don’t give themselves).

This line of thinking was already tackled even before The Bible.

Imagine Satan was a lawgiver. Would that make his laws just and good? Would you slaughter innocents with a smile on your face if the Bible said it was good? Or would you do it with a heavy heart because you could sense the suffering of the people you're hurting?

Most of us have empathy. Even animals have it to some extent. That alone gives us the knowledge of good.

And there are also other sources of knowledge of good. If I burn my neighbor's house, I endanger my own house. Perhaps it would be better not to burn houses of fellow humans.

Imagine a village in a remote corner of the world. Do you honestly believe that they leave their sick and disabled members to starve to death? Do you really believe that they don't care of someone when he/she gets injured? Those people know nothing of your God or the Bible, yet they are generally good people; perhaps even better than those you call Christians.

the argument of free will being the catalyst of evil (which it is/was)

Animals have no free will, right? Why does the Bible call them wicked and corrupted? Why does God slaughter them all in a flood?

Mindless matter has no way of producing mind or anything similar.

Would you call silicon mindless matter? I would. Yet it gives rise to computers. In a few decades, you won't be able to distinguish if you're talking to a real human or a program on the internet. I'd say that program would be very similar to a mind, yet it doesn't consist of 'mindful' matter.

But a person should not assume God doesn’t exist and/or the Bible is in error just because he encounters a problem in the Bible that he can’t immediately understand or explain. The scientist doesn’t throw out science just because he/she sees something in the physical world he can’t immediately explain.

If a scientist sees something in the physical world that contradicts his scientific assumptions, then yes, the scientist throws out those assumptions out the window and seeks another system that would explain reality more sufficiently. I wish Christians would employ more of such critical thinking.

People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.

Finally, something I agree with.

What self-described atheists find attractive about denying God is that they think if they deny Him, they will never have to deal with Him in any way.


It always amazes me how some believers can’t even comprehend a person who doesn’t believe. This is a fine example of that. It assumes that atheists, actually, do believe in God but just want to play hard to get.

This is like saying: I deny aliens because I hope they’ll stop probing me every night if I close my eyes and pretend they aren’t there.

You probably don’t believe in aliens, and it’s not because you want them to stop shoving anal probes in you. It’s because the world without aliens on Earth makes more sense to you than the world with aliens everywhere.

It’s the same with atheists. They believe in God just as much as you believe in Thor. In other words, they don’t. Not because they don’t want to hang out with Thor but because they prefer real friends to imaginary ones.

If you ask atheists, many of them will tell you that the idea of Heaven and benevolent being looking over everyone are nice ideas and would be awesome if they were true. It’s just one of many wishful thinking fantasies people like to daydream about. They don’t bother forming entire lives around their fantasies, though. They’re fun to imagine, but reality differs from the fantasy worlds.

5833911 Why do you come here to the thread dedicated to me? Don’t you have a life?

Honestly, you’re always welcome here. Unlike you and your fellow Christians, I like to be challenged. Through strife, we better ourselves. And when the challenge doesn’t come to me, I have no choice but to seek out a challenge myself.


The Bible was written for the simple people in a way that they could understand it and those passages are as clear as day. There is no secret meaning to them. You can't just infer your own meaning onto the Bible. You should read what it says and learn from it, not implant your own morals into the Bible.

Now that I have to disagree with. Just because it was written in a less educated period(or whatever makes you think this? I can only guess your intentions and that's the best I got) doesn't mean it's not able to have any subtext or metaphors, if those are the right terms. Plus, the "don't implant your own morals" part can apply to plenty of stories:
"Harry Potter was a bunch of metaphors for being happy!"
"No, it was a then-virgin's attempt to make something original by stealing as many plot elements as she could. You can't just infer your own somewhat-intelligent writing onto this sorry excuse for a novel."
Bad comparison, maybe. Hope my point there is clear, even though fanboys are gonna freak.
Back on track. That's not implanting your own morals, it's interpretation. Art critics don't implant their own morals into painting, they analyze it from their own point of view. Likewise, Bible studiers(correct me if that's the wrong term) are analyzing the Bible from their own point of view. Could they be unconsciously implanting their own morals? Sure, I can't prove it's impossible. However, that's not always true. The best way I can compare it is this; Americans say that handheld, cylinder-shaped lamps are flashlights. Europeans say they're torches. Is one of them wrong? No, they just see it differently because of cultural differences. What's obvious to one group seems stupid to another.


I saw the title and assumed you were talking about Bad Dragon, a Christian resource website.

5837649 There is only one truth and one meaning of the Bible that God intended. Unless he was purposely trying to confuse everyone so that multiple beliefs would form and people would kill each other because of their disagreements.

5838310 I am a Christian resource base incarnated. :moustache:


Every word you speak is so true, so honest, so open. It's like you have a vector to God Himself.

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