Christian Bronies 988 members · 238 stories
Comments ( 25 )
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There are 7 days til Christmas! To celebrate we will be having a few special edition spotlights. This first one focuses on the ponies that were elected by the forum users! Don't worry if you missed the vote or your favorite pony isn't here, there will be more spotlights to come.

Here is the list of Ponies along with their picture.

:pinkiehappy:Pinkie Pie


:raritywink:Rarity (honorable mention to non pony Spike)

Rule 63 Shining Armor

Applebloom & Sweetie Belle







2414540 I see a distinct lack of best pony.


Nope, pretty sure first pony on list is Pinkie Pie :pinkiehappy:

2414549 I don't see any peaches on here.

2414540 I see much user reflection, and that I also got my wish! (Snowdrop, yay!)
With this much ponies, my mind is sure to blow up any sec- *blam*



Annoying meme is annoying.

2414549 Pinkie Pie?

That's a funny way to spell Rarity? :raritywink:


I like all the ponies equally to tell the truth. Pinkie Pie is just the one I feel closest to. If I was forced to make a ranked list Rarity would be my top 6 would be the mane 6 and they would pretty much be interchangeable depending on my mood.

Group Admin

"Honorable mention for Spike.." *slowly claps*

respect points +5

2415251 My vote :trollestia: (It's a long story)

2414540 2416607>>2414545 Am I the only one who finds snowdrop creepy? :rainbowhuh:


Is that the story of snowflakes as blades? :derpyderp2:

2415251 Yes. Here is the other one I almost used. 2416639 voted for it so yah :raritycry:


2414540 Gleaming Shield (Rule 63 Shining Armor)! And Derpy, of course. :derpytongue2:


Have you no soul?

Thought I may be a bad person for laughing the first time I saw this. :raritydespair:

2420395 Her eyes scare the fuck out of me :applejackunsure:

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