My Little Over Analysis 235 members · 201 stories
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So I have been writing this story of the younger early members
since a couple years and while at first writing Diamond Tiara it was hard finding reasoning on why she behaves like this and that was hard as this was before the episode she reformed. But as I am still writing and almost finished with the story and was thinking of 2 more stories (which will actually have a editor or at least proofreader and different genres)
I realized Diamond has been slightly scolded before by Twilight and her teacher.
I missed the part where Spoiled rich tried to pay her friendship school and denied.

But did Twilight connect the dots about her daughter falling in her footsteps? and what would
Twilight be thinking off screen.

The best way to explain what I am thinking is Twilight is the Princess of friendship
but usually she fights against tyranny or a friendship problem.

Though this is not a direct friendship problem.

This impacts how she and her daughter make friends(now just her) and isolate people.

A the same time.

Twilight can not force people to be friendly unless in a tyranny situation...

She does not stand against harmony or friendship in the way big bad's do.

and the young pony with the impressionable mind has learned her lesson and has new purpose. Thanks to the cmc.

but there is someone just like her in her own town living among them. Just like the person she scolded that is a adult...

I wondered if she would learn this she would feel frustrated. Or she would be like not everyone can learn all of lives friendship lessons?

But honestly isn't she kind of a bigger miner antagonist the film and flam who at least have each other

I may thinking too far into this and thinking I am not having much clarity but yeah would love to here others thoughts.

and has kind of made me think of making part of a chapter of another story based on this.

Like there are many stories in real life where many new outlets where famous kids weird behavior is based on there parents the best one I can come up with is cash me outside girl. Where a few analyze (and I am very inclined to agree) that the kids behavior at the time was based on the parent.

However though Twilight Sparkle and even Celestia have been slightly dark I feel they would if for a second think about this.
But what would they thing is the question I am thinking.

(Shooting Pinkies clones back in the mirror pool. Celestia putting
a antagonistic foal in prison.

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