My Little Over Analysis 235 members · 201 stories
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I haven't dealt with "discussion questions" in years, but I figure they're a good way to spur everyone on.

Under the Northern Lights has a lot of narrative themes packed into its world-building, one of the most prominent is the theme of family. More broadly, it is the theme of authority/subordinate relationships and their consequences.

What are a few examples of this theme's affect on the plot of the story? How do these relationships drive character choices? Can you provide some examples of the family theme in action? The dominant/submissive? Do not limit yourself to just the familiar character relationships, do these themes have a broader context? Why or why not?

Feel free to tangent it up in here. Family was the first thing I could think of, but Lights has plenty of awesomeness to unpack from the micro to macro detail levels.

(Note, I know these aren't the greatest questions. I blame the late hour, will reproach in the morning.)

Group Contributor


What a necromancer. :facehoof:

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