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The reason I ask this is because of the original Transformers comics were made by Marvel here take a look for yourself.

And than in 2007 the Transformers teamed up with the New Avengers.

So yeah I would love to see this happen and seeing as Michel Bay say he's not making the next Transformers movie this could happen and if this works that we might see G.I. Joe and MLP appear in the MCU.

Why MLP? MLP isn't controlled by Marvel...

3777903 The original cartoon was made by Marvel that's why I say it.

3777928 This video will explain everything you need to know about why that won't work

3777968 I'm sorry but I still don't understand what's the problem.

3777995 They do NOT have the rights to the Transformers.

3777998 What if Hasbro made a deal with Marvel to make a Transformers movie?

3778005 They would have to go through Disney for that and nothing says Disney would PUT them in the Cinematic Universe since it's already got so much going on already and they have plans for it.

3778013 That does mean they couldn't do it after phase 3 of Marvel and I'm not saying they should do it in phase 4 I'm just saying they could do it in a future phase.

3777856 Eh, I don't see it happening now that Marvel is owned by Disney. There's no way Hasbro would allow one of their key franchises to be controlled by their biggest rival.

Though I am curious as to what Transformers would be like under Disney.

3778487 Hasbro is not a rival of Disney because if they wear rivals then Hasbro would not have let them use Mr. Potato-Head in Toy Story.

3778522 They are in certain areas. Mr. Potato Head has been around for so long that Hasbro probably didn't mind let Disney borrow the rights to him if it meant more publicity for the toy.

3778541 Won't that work for the Transformers too?

3778548 I for one think it would and for all we know in the future Disney could buy Hasbro.

3778556 Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not.

3778559 But you've got'a admit that it would be awesome to see Captain America and Optimus Prime.

3778574 True. Deadpool would have a field day with Transformers.

Megatron: Dear Primus, he's even more annoying than Starscream!

3777856 There is already a plan in place for the future of Transformers, whether Bay is directing or not. So no I don't think any of this is going to happen.

3777968 That was fantastic and terrible for all the right reasons.

3779000 What plans are you talking about?

3779025 They haven't made any official announcements yet, but they have a plan. I personally don't care what it is though. It's gonna take a miracle to salvage the train wreck Bay left behind.

3779894 Like for some reason Marvel comes and makes a Transformers movie that is the best Transformers movie ever?

3779937 They don't have the rights to it and considering they are owned by Disney who also has Star Wars, I don't think any of their competition will want to give them any extra advantages. Between Marvel, Star wars and Disney's animated movies, they aren't giving any other production company a lot to work with.

How close are Marvel's movie and comic studios? I would't mind if Marvel made the next transformers film, but there might be some conflict since IDW has the rights to make the comics these days,

3780644 And I would have said the same thing about Star Wars comics but now Marvel's making them now.

4055598 Well yeah, but that is because Disney now owns both Star Wars and Marvel.

The point that everyone has been trying to make is that Transformers is owned by Hasbro, while Marvel Studios is owned by Disney. For there to be a Transformers movie made by Marvel Studios the two companies would need to come to an agreement, and stick to the agreement through the years needed to make the movie. Even then there is little likely hood of the Transformers being part of the same MCU as the Avengers. And even in the less likely hood that they are, Marvel Studios would use the first 1 or 2 films to establish the Transformers while using cameos and other hints that they are in the MCU. And even then it probably wouldn't be for years until there actually was a movie with both the Transformers and any Marvel character because Marvel Studios has already laid their movie plans for roughly the next ten years to culminate in Avengers 3 when the Avengers will battle Thanos for the Infinity Gauntlet. (Though with Guardians of the Galaxy it could be done sooner).

And the budget for the film. The special effects for the Transformers, plus the actors to play Marvel characters, with the profit split between two companies? The only way I can see that being feasible is if the movie had only two Transformers (Autobot and Decepticon) and two Marvel characters (hero and villain)

My point is, While it is not impossible for such a film to be made, there are so many hurdles that it might as well be. Your best hope, the event with the highest possibility of happening, is that Marvel Studios makes a Transformers movie that is in no way shape or form connected to the MCU.

4055809 It's more likely than you think seeing Marvel owns some characters that are from the Transformers comics and Hasbro owns the rights to some Marvel characters one of the characters that Hasbro owns Marvel wanted for Guardians of the Galaxy.

What characters are you referring to? I know that Spider-Man is featured prominently in one issue of Marvel's transformers run (IDW has reprinted all of the original comics under the title Transformers Classics). And the real question is, are those characters still being used in the modern Transformers comics? I know a good number aren't, including several super-powered humans that originated in the original Transformer comics.

And what Hasbro character would Marvel have wanted for Guardians of the Galaxy? I mean the team has had a significant history with over a dozen members to select for the movie, and even threw Yondu in even though they rewrote his character (and probably gave the actor considerable leeway considering what he's known fore matched up with how Yondu was portrayed).

3780276 Hey dude you said that this most likely won't happen but seeing as Spider-Man is now going to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And I you're going to say that this doesn't mean it's going to happen but there's a bigger chance at this then Fox making a deal with Marvel to let the X-Men and Fantastic Four into the MCU.

4056766 I'm talking about the character Circuit Breaker you has been used in recent Transformers comics and the character I was talking about that was going to be in Guardians of the Galaxy is the character Bug from Micronauts.

4082065 Which series of the recent Transformers? I know she hasn't appeared in any of the books I have read, but I mostly dropped the Robots in Disguise series and I haven't read Regeneration One. I'm betting that its the Regeneration One series because that's supposed to be a continuity of Marvel's original comic run, while at the same time completely erasing any continuity from Marvel's Generation 2 and UK runs from the 90's. And does she fully appear in them (picture of her, someone directly calling said image Circuit Breaker).

And I am not so sure about Bug. The information I have found (relied heavily on wikis and a site called Comic Book Resources so take with a grain of salt) because Bug's character in Marvel's Micronaut series looked so different from the toy character (Galactic Warrior) they decided to change the name (from Galactic Warrior to Bug) and created a whole new character that they retained ownership of when their contract for the comic ran out. So even if Micronauts is owned by Hasbro now the character Bug belongs to Marvel.

4082130 Yes that's where She appears and Bug is not completely owned by Marvel seeing as James Gunn said he wanted him in the Guardians of the Galaxy but couldn't because of Hasbro.

4082141 The James Gunn quote I found says that while he wants Bug in the sequel he can't because

We don't own him.

It does not specify who owns the character. Well, not at the screenrant site. The superherohype site has a different interview where Gunn, when asked about who owns Bug, replies

Micronauts, I believe.

That "I believe" statement implies that Gunn does not know 100% whether Bug is still a Micronauts character.

It is a possibility that Marvel gave the film rights for Bug to another studio. For example 20th Century Fox has film rights for the Badoon as part of the deal for X-men, so Gunn couldn't use them even though they are a well known enemy of the Guardians. Why does 20th Century Fox have the film rights? I don't know, to the best of my knowledge they have never used the Badoon for anything, but Fox has them.

Of course since it is ambiguous it is possible that Bug is owned by Micronauts and that is owned by Hasbro. But it is a lot easier to make a deal for a single character than it does for an entire franchise.

Now I will say again, it is not impossible that there will be a Marvel made Transformers movie, the possibility that they will seems so remote it might as well be impossible.

Now if Marvel Comics were to get the rights to make Transformer comics again, then I would say the possibility was high. Kind of like how now that Disney owns Star Wars they've pulled the comics from Dark Horse and brought it back to Marvel who made the comics in the 80's.

4082060 Are you trying to tell TheInvinvibleIronBrony that there is a bigger chance of Marvel studios having Transformers in the MCU then there is of Marvel making a deal with Fox? Or are you trying to say that there is a bigger chance of Spider-Man being in the MCU? I'm pretty sure its been confirmed that the new Spider-Man films will be a reboot, meaning not connected to any of the past 5 films.

4082255 I know that about the Spider-Man movies already and if you didn't hear Spider-Man is Officially going to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And what I meant was that there's a bigger chance at the Transformers being added to the MCU then X-Men or the Fantastic Four.

4082245 Who knows Marvel might get the comic rights to Hasbro comics.

4082294 Yes I had heard about Spider-Man, but I didn't know much else beyond that they would be rebooting the series and the new movies would be co-produced between Marvel and Sony.

And why would there be a bigger chance of Transformers being in the MCU? X-Men and Fantastic Four are Marvel properties, Fox just has the film rights. Wouldn't it be easier to do what they did with Sony and work out an agreement where the franchises are rebooted into the MCU? As was pointed out by Lunar Omnitron in one of his blogs, if Marvel and Fox can work out a deal to bring the X-Men into the MCU then there will be no issues having Quicksiver and Scarlet Witch as mutants in Avengers 2. If not the two may be based on their Ultimate versions, accidents caused by failed attempts to recreate the super soldier serum.

Hmmm....Actually I suppose the overall difficulty would depend on the particulars of the license that Fox has, what leverage both companies have, and how willing both Hasbro and Fox are to work with Marvel.

4082558 Marvel and Fox might make a deal for the X-Men TV show Fox wants to make.
But now seeing how Marvel and Sony are working together maybe Hasbro and Marvel can work together.

4082582 You're not exactly comparing apples to apples. First, Sony and Marvel (the movie studio divisions) are working on a movie whose characters belong to Marvel, and if Sony wants to keep making money from Spider-Man films than this makes sense. Previously anytime they wanted to use a Spider-Man character in the films Sony had to get the film rights for that character if they didn't already have it. For Marvel this makes sense because now they can include Spider-Man, one of the most popular heroes, in one of their Avengers movies, which makes sense since Spider-Man has been an ally and member of the Avengers in the comics for a long time.

Hasbro and Marvel working together has always been a possibility. Its just not likely and their relationship would not be the same as Sony and Marvel. Actually if you put it in those terms, if Hasbro and Marvel were to work together, Marvel would be the "Sony" in the relationship providing the technical capacity while Hasbro is "Marvel" providing direction and ownership of characters.

That's probably the real sticking point. Marvel wouldn't want to include a Franchise that they do not own into their MCU. Why? Because using another companies franchise in the very expensive world that they have invested so much time and money in. Why? Because that would make things very complicated for marketing and merchandising, and a big enough disagreement between the two companies could derail any project that they are working on.

In short I just don't think that Marvel would even consider putting Transformers into their MCU unless they owned Transformers. Maybe they will in the future, but for the time being they don't.

4082757 What toy company has been making Marvel toys and what comic company started the Transformers mythos?

I don't know, never purchased any marvel based toys. But I can guess from the way you put that question the answer could be Hasbro, and any other companies they make deals with? And Marvel may have started the comics (and lost it over 20 years ago) but the cartoon was a joint effort between Marvel Productions and Sunbow Productions, that latter of which is pretty much now owned by Hasbro.

And here is a question. Who is the original creator of Transformers and co-owns the Transformers brand with Hasbro?

4082060 And I still think there's a low chance of it. It's got nothing to do with who own's what at this point, it's more about what Disney really needs for it's universe. They don't really need the Transformers. On top of that, as bad as the recent Transformers have been, they have been making way too much money for the owners, don't know or care who that is, to even consider selling. Disney might get them and might use them in the Marvel Universe. I just don't think it's likely at this point.

4082936 Transformers fans hate the Transformers movies and seeing as Michael Bay is not going to make the next one they might as well make a deal with Marvel to make a greater Transformers movie.

4082986 Okay first, I know the movies have sucked so far, that's not the point. AS bad as they were, they made a lot of money from a younger audience. Why would the company that makes them hand over that gold mine to a rival company. It's a bad business decision. Second, now that Bay is out of the picture, the next one might be better.

4084763 How are they rivals?

4084937 Again, I don't know who has the rights to Transformers, but it doesn't matter because in the film industry everyone is rivals with everyone else. Disney has the upper hand now, but in ten years who knows. There might not be a Disney and maybe Universal will be in the spotlight or Sony could make a huge come back. The point is, right now Disney is dominating the film industry and none of their competitors are going to give them a leg up if they can avoid it. Sony was backed into a corner which is why they made a deal. No one else is doing that bad. Whoever is footing the bill for the Transformers movies has been raking in cash despite the bad movies. I don't know what the reason is behind Bay not making the next one, but it doesn't matter. Personally if I was running the company that owned Transformers and we were starting to go under and selling Transformers was THE ONLY option I had to keep my company going, I would sell to Disney's Biggest competitor. I think that would be Fox at this point. MY reasoning is that if I sell to Disney That just puts them even further beyond anyone's reach. If I sell to a leading competitor, I can still sell the franchise at a high price and they can give Disney a run for their money while I make a profit on smaller budget pictures and wait to make a play for the top spot again. For these reasons I think it is unlikely that Disney is going to get the Transformers. Not saying they won't eventually get sold, but I just don't see anyone wanting to Disney anymore favors. Now I don't mean to be rude, but I am done with this discussion that was dredged up from about three and a half months ago. Good day sir.

4085227 Not good day sir because Sony and Marvel have made a deal to let Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Sony did it for free. Also Universal and Marvel still have a deal for the Hulk to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I think it's possible for the X-Men to be added to the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Hugh Jackman retires from being Wolverine. But I also see a possible for DreamWorks and Hasbro Studios to make a deal with Marvel to have the Transformers in it but I'm not saying it should be right now but I am saying it should happen someday and that day comes you are going to apologize for saying all these mad things to me.

4085441 I'm not mad, but I'm starting to feel a little annoyed. I said I'm done. I Am Done. Conversation over.

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