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Of all the various science fiction universes, which is your favorites?

one of my favorite is warhammer 40K:pinkiehappy:

sure, it may be grimdark as all heck (it coined the term :twilighoops:) but I find it quite fascinating

for one, there is INSANE amounts of lore from everything from the simple laspistol to the mighty Titans of the mechanicus; enough to fill entire black libraries full of information.

and it has stuff that no other universe has

like the baneblade and its eleven barrels of funs:pinkiecrazy:

or an 11 foot tall superhuman riding a massive wolf like a horse

A baneblade? It would take some sort of tactical genius-


But seriously, I'm also a fan of Warhammer40k, although I wish it was cheaper.

Doctor Who is pretty good, I've got to admit.

And I personally need to read the series that coined instrumentality... whose name I forget right now.

(There are more, but my memory fails me.)

As much as I want to love WH40K, I can't get past how shitty Games Workshop's business practices are. These are the guys who tried to copyright "Space Marine" and threatened to sue anyone who used what they viewed as their 'intellectual property', like they came up with the idea (despite the fact that the term was first coined in the 1930s in Sci-Fi fiction magazines).

As for me, I'm a Trekkie through and through, with Mass Effect coming in at a close second.

Red Dwarf

4307698 Earth: Final Conflict and Battlestar: Galactica


Outta curiosity what faction is your favorite

4307874 I think I was pretty clear on my stance with Warhammer...

Series? Probably Revelation Space or the Xeelee sequence.

Uh... Star Wars. (Hardcore)

Star Trek (Noob)

Doctor Who (Haven't even watched the episodes)

Mass Effect (1,2,3 all played.)

WH40K (All I know comes from Wikis and this site.)

Anything not listed here is things I don't know.

Schlock Mercenary. Daily updating comic since 2001, with a tabletop RPG book on the way. It's all the right combinations of madness, superscience, galactic politics, more science, did I mention the explosions, the continent-slinging warships and the science? (no, seriously, everything, no matter how farfetched, is grounded in actual physics, with all the terms researched and rationalized. No technobabble here)


Because Atom-Punk is the best thing ever.

Star Trek, Universal Century and Anno Domini Gundam for me. UC Gundam and AD Gundam both have really cool scifi concepts that might be too magical for some.

Curse it Rin, there needs to be a Fate/ IN SPACE! so I can say that.


I'm more of a guard man.... Heretic:trixieshiftleft:


How could I forget wha got me into bronies


(I may prefer the Tyranids, but I still like the memes based around the Guard. It's as if some tactical genius conv-


A Night Vale fan? Awesome!

All hail the glow cloud. All hail the glow cloud.


Stalingrad? You mean Tuesday?

I... actually haven't gotten that far in Night Vale. :(


THat was actually more of a joke at the imperial guard

Easy, Doctor Who and Stargate.

Star Trek is up there for me.

Also I adore the Honor Harrington series. I actually am a member of The Royal Manticoran Navy (the HH fan club) and my current in-progress sci-fi pony story is heavily inspired by the Honor Harrington books. (Any other Honorverse fans out there?)

Eclipse Phase. Your mind is software. Program it. Your body is a shell. Change it. Death is a disease. Cure it.

4307698 Halo universe is my motherfucking jam its so good! Halo 5 looks like its gonna be damn interesting.


Yeah, SPark, I'm an Honor Harrington fan, also a member of the fan club. Also a life-long Trekkie (Thanks, dad), to be honest. Among my other favorites are the Wing Commander franchise, Battletech, and the webcomic Schlock Mercenary.

Got to go with Halo.

Perry Rhodan. Poul Anderson's Polesotechnic League. Eric Flint's Grantville series. David Weber's Honorverse. Isaac Asimov's Robots, Empire and Foundation stories.

Yeah, apologies up front. I'm going to be acerbic here (and as a grognard it is my privilege), but it bugs me when people say "science fantasy isn't scifi". Seriously? Go read E.E. 'Doc' Smith's Lensman novels. Yeah, they're space fantasy, very much the originator of the type. But they're also a big part of the genre's roots, and claiming they're not "real science fiction" is a good way to start fights about the genre. That same protection, by extension, holds true to most its descendants. (The Jedi of Star Wars, in particular, are just Lensman with laser swords instead of the Lens.)

Seriously; just...go read the classic authors. E.E. 'Doc' Smith, Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert. Look up their books. Read them. You won't be disappointed.

That said, I'm going to add the caveat that Warhammer 40,000 only half-counts. Even in the first edition rules, it's pretty obvious that GW simply did a scifi re-skin of their Warhammer Fantasy setting. But it gets points for a combination of that first edition's raw effort and the insanity of the later editions. Besides, at this point it's so ubiquitous that we really can't avoid counting it. (Much as we may want to.)


Ha. Fraggin' ha. No, Lensman isn't big on explaining it's tech beyond it's relation to the plot. When I say Jedi are "Lensman with laser swords", it's not a joke or an exaggeration. Jedi use "The Force", Lensman use "Psychic Powers" (with an assist from the titualr Lens), but both are just magic by another name. Lensman is the ur-science fantasy, the first true space opera. It is larger-than-life, over the top bombastic good-versus-evil fantasy with spaceships. It's weapons get so ridiculous that it leaves Warhammer 40,000 in the dust. (The trope is Lensman Arms Race, after all.)

It was first published in 1948. Everything done by works like Star Trek and Star Wars had the foundation laid by the Lensman books, which are considered some of the founding works of the science fiction genre. So when people say "science fantasy isn't real scifi", I get annoyed because it shows a great ignorance of the genre.


By your own rules, the technology in the main Star Wars canon (The trilogies, Clone Wars and Rebels) is consistent, ergo it's science fiction. Yes, it has magic, in the form of the Force. But that's not a technology, so it doesn't count. Yes, the technology amounts to glorified cars and guns (or anything needed to sell toys), but it's still consistent. It's a space opera, so you need the technology to carry that off, thus making the technology integral to the setting. By your rules, it's scifi.

Lensman isn't consistent, but it does scrutinize just enough to justify a ship moving at the speed of plot or the destruction of a planet. The only piece that isn't is the Lens itself. Yes, there's magic in the form of psychic ability, but again: doesn't count, because it's not created technologically. The Lens is only an amplifier. But again, space opera, and requires the technology for it to be space opera. By your rules, it's science fiction.

Doctor Who will scrutinize the consequences of technology or actions taken using technologies (Looking at you, Davros!), but never more than the plot demands. It's got the internal consistency of a hurricane force wind. But it's still science fiction because the TARDIS is technology necessary to the plot.

Do you kinda see what I'm getting at here? This is why I get bent out of shape when people say "It's science fiction only if it follows such-and-such rules". People never actually take the time to look at those rules, and realize just how easily they're bent out of shape. Science Fiction is the genre, but it's got thousands of sub-genres. It doesn't follow one set of rules.

STAR TREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a huge fan of space opera:
1) Star Trek: "To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before."
2) Star Wars: “You underestimate the power of the dark side”
3) Honor Harrington: "Oops."

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