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When you fix something that changed in time back to the way it was, then time fixes itself so you aren't in the past anymore.

5255500 A paradox maybe? I'm not sure. Good question.


I want to call it "mend" or "blending" time, but I think there's a better term for it.

Temporal Snapback?

It's called a grandfather paradox, I think.

If you go to the past, you become and established part of the past. You could mate with your grandmother and become your own grandfather, thus producing yourself in the future. I think this is what you are referring to. Unless you're talking about no longer existing in the future, and only existing in the past where you have gone. This is just called 'temporal re-establishment', which refers to the fact that the timeline will re-established around the time traveler.

A temporal reset? The loop in the timeline collapsed to reset to before the instigating event happened to resolve a paradox? That's the beauty of sci-fi time travel, all the terminology is yours to invent, just as long as you apply it consistently within your work.

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff.

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