Godzilla Has Return 564 members · 136 stories
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Just some odd factoids to both know and maybe use in stories if you guys feel like doing something that's obscure, but still 'canon'.

1. Anguirus had a heat beam
During the production of 'Godzilla Raids Again', the Big G wasn't the only one packing heat. Originally, to make the fight more even, Anguirus was going to have the exact same powers as Godzilla, this included a breath attack. Why it was cut isn't well known, but some rumors speculated it was cut for time or they had problems mounting the same spray mechanism in the Anguirus head they used for Godzilla. Artwork for this attack still exists and is easily visible in early posters for the movie, especially before release. In the manga adaptation, Anguirus still has the ability. Having identical powers might explain why Godzilla's heat beam had nearly no effect on Anguirus during their fight.

2. The American Godzilla 2000 sequel
Due to G:2k having a decent success in the states, there were plans to do a US-Japanese co-production for a direct sequel. The title supposedly would have been 'Godzilla: Reborn' and would have taken place directly after 'Godzilla: 2000', with the US team doing most of the shooting and Toho doing the effects. In it, seismic activity awakens a flying volcanic monster named Miba; and Godzilla travels to Hawaii to fight it. Unfortunately, complications in pre-production made the project fall through and Toho went on with their own project as a continuity reboot (again).

3. Godzilla Junior returns-ish
Originally, 'Godzilla: Final Wars' was written as a direct sequel to the Heisei series, with the titular character being the grown up Godzilla Junior. Supposedly this was done to try and recapture the 1990s' series success, as the Millennium era wasn't as financially successful (GMK and G2K aside) as the former entry. Somewhere down the line Toho decided to make it another continuity reboot, but a small nod to the original idea is present. During the opening when we see clips of all previous Godzilla films, the last one that overlays the film's Big G is the reborn Junior at the end of 'Godzilla vs. Destoroyah'.

4. Varan and Anguirus, exit stage left
'Godzilla-Mothra-King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack' is a long time fan favorite of the franchise. However, while the core story did remain the same, the original roster would have been much different. The original title was (oh boy..)
'Godzilla X Varan, Baragon and Anguirus: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack'
As the title suggests, Mothra and Ghidorah were the replacements for Anguirus and Varan. The reason for Shusuke Kaneko including the original roster was because he felt it would make the fights between the Guardian Beasts and Godzilla all that more tense if the former were visibly smaller than Godzilla. This was changed due to Toho wanting the more popular Mothra and Ghidorah to attract more attendance at the box office, due to the Millennium series not being hugely successful. Still, Kaneko's idea of size playing a role did carry through, which is why Ghidorah is much smaller and weaker than his normal incarnations. Some other changes did carry through, such as some of Varan's facial features ending up on Ghidorah. Another removal from the movie was the Gotengo drill ship, as the studio thought a more realistic human would would be better. The only reminder of the ship's departure is the drill tipped missile that survived into the final cut. It's still unknown if the final fight would have played out similarly, or if one of the two latter Guardian beasts would get a power up like Ghidorah did. It's generally accepted that Varan was replaced with Ghidorah and Anguirus with Mothra, but still unknown. [If anyone can clarify, shoot]

5. Heisei Age Anguirus
Anguirus is probably the most popular kaiju outside of the 'Big Four' (Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah). So it shouldn't be to much surprise that like the other four, he was planned to return for the Heisei series. Planned to appear in the unmade 'Godzilla vs. Ghost Godzilla' project in some form, some concept art for the spiny ankylosaurid made it's way out of the Toho vault and both into a fair and a recent book.

6. Godzilla vs.... John Carpenter's The Thing?
There were a lot of planned movies that hit the cutting board for Godzilla's big send off at the end of the Heisei era just after his 40th Anniversary. Godzilla vs. Bagan, Godzilla vs. Ghost Godzilla; even a rumored film with a new King Ghidorah was considered before we finally got to Destoroyah. However there is one proposed film most G-fans never even heard of until it was mentioned and shown in the recent book mentioned above, 'Heisei Godzilla Perfection', Godzilla vs. Barubaroi.
Barubaroi was a very odd kaiju that basically worked like a combination of Biollante, Hedorah, and The Thing; absorbing nearby lifeforms to add to its mass and take their traits. Very little about the film is known, other than Junior would have appeared, but still in toddler form instead of a teenager, and that Anguirus was also going to be in the film at some capacity. It is notable that some elements of this bizarre kaiju survived past its shelf life. The idea of a form changing monster that starts man-sized and grows huge remained in Destroyah, and the concept of a life form absorbing creature was a core concept for the original (and MUCH better) draft of the 1998 American Godzilla movie's antagonist, the Gryphon.

(left is Barubaroi, middle and right is Anguirus)

4282055 I didn't know about Anguirus originally had fire breath that new to me, but the rest is old news to me. I'm still a fan of the Heisei Anguirus design. I wish the made the american sequel to Godzilla 2000. I wonder what Millennium Varan would look like?

Not a fan of 'Godzilla vs. Barubaroi'. I like they're was a monster that towers over the king of monsters, just wasn't fond of it look or concept. Biollante was always better in that sense.

I also hear the was going to be animated Godzilla movie wither that be Hanna Barbera version or some other company, I don't know and neither will the rest of us.

Godzilla Junior was going to have a 3D Animated sequel entitled 'Bio-Godzilla' which would pitted an adult Godzilla Jr. against a Godzilla-hybrid clone that mix Battra and Destroyah DNA.

Before 'Godzilla:Final wars' and after 'Godzilla,Mothra and Mechagodzilla:Tokyo SOS' Director Masaaki Tezuka said that he wanted his series to be a trilogue and the final part would have pit the modern Godzilla against the 1954 Godzilla clone. That would have been Awesome!!! This news came from the now gone Monster Zero News websites long ago.

Godzilla 3D To The Max would have been a Modern sequel to 'Godzilla vs.Hedorah' which pit Godzilla who they describe as the queen of the jungle (That right they would had Godzilla the Japanese version as a female.) against Deathla which is the brother kin to Hedorah. Deathla is describe as look like humaniod Hedorah with a Human-like skull with bone spikes coming from it's back and shoulders while the color was slimly purple and red (Later they describe it only red but it was originally Purple and red to to show it's poisonous). It had three forms, First form is a swarm of locus with Hedorah shaped heads eating Chlorophyll from plant in the forest, second form would had been similar to the land Hedorah form, final form would be the humanoid form that would towered over Godzilla. the film would bring back the infamous Godzilla flying ability and a new attack call the 'Ultra Spin Tail Attack'. Deathla's Mushroom Form was a concept for a early script.

Hear some fan art to Deathla


When the Godzilla 2014 was being made the same company that was making 'Godzilla 3D To The Max' was going to do the same treatment to Gamera which had Gamera fight a polluted monster with the two named "Namagon" and "Gaira." Which basically Deathla with a different pitch.

Here what the real monster concept look like.


There is a batch of surviving models for the GAVB Varan and Anguirus

One of the pics didn't show up for some weird reason. It's neat how they had some of that stuff.

4282055 I know about Anguirus originally had fire breath because they had him shot fire in Godzilla: Unleashed and was planed Him and Varan in GMK. BUT I didn't know about Anguirus was planned to return for the Heisei series, a sequel to Godzilla 2000, and a Godzilla vs The Thing (not the what they called Mothra in the dub version of Shōwa's Godzilla vs Mothra nor the Thing of the Fantastic Four.) Man I would like to see that!

Group Admin


Did you know that Titanosaurus was originally supposed to appear in Tokyo S.O.S, but was replaced my Mothra? Titano was supposed to be a good guy!

Group Admin


Did you know that Titanosaurus was originally supposed to appear in Tokyo S.O.S, but was replaced my Mothra? Titano was supposed to be a good guy!

4283730 No, I didn't. I'll bet you didn't know King Kong was supposed to be in Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster instead of Godzilla, but it was scrapped. Yet Godzilla retains King Kong's affinity for lightning.

Group Admin

Actually, I did! That's also the reason why Goji appears to have shown a liking for the woman he picked up before he was attacked by the Condor.

4283833 Yea, now that I think about it, I'll bet alot of people knew it. I feel akward.:twilightsheepish:

4283734 Yes , actually Titanosaurus and or Gorosaurus was also rumor to be in Final Wars, but was replace with Zilla from Godzilla (1998). Of course Titanosaurus can be seen as stock footage in the prologue of Final Wars.

Actually In Tokyo SOS the dead carcass was suppose to be a Mosasaur , but no one would be familiar with it so the change it to Obscure kaiju Kamoebas from "Space Amoeba" or in english "Yog, Monster from Space"

Here pictures of the concept art.

4283734 In actually in "Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)" They describe Titanosaurus as a gentle dinosaur being under the controlled of the mad scientist and his Cyborg daughter. So in a way it sad when Godzilla if he killed off Titanosaurus because he's an innocent monster being used for evil suppose. Some want to wish to see Titanosaurus again to be one of Godzilla allies. I one of them.

Group Admin

I'm a Titanosaurus know it all, so yea, I knew that too. I'm also one of those people that want him to be a good guy and fight alongside Godzilla. I personally believe Titano survived because of how he just fell into the ocean, his natural habitat.

Also, before Mosasaur was even thought of, Anguirus was originally in that spot. Toho, thinking it would enrage fans seeing Godzillas past ally thrown away like trash, so they took him out.

4285117 It pretty much would. I'm making an alternate ending of Terror of Mechagodzilla on Fanfiction.net. I still writing it where Titanosaurus break out of controller and join in with Godzilla to fight Mechagodzilla.

4285140 Well did you know in the Original screenplay Titanosaurus was originally going to be two dinosaurs called the Titans and merge into Titanosaurus? Also do you know that in the tv show Godzilla Island Gigan was one of Godzilla's allies?

4285392 did you know in that show Spacegodzilla reached a super form similar to a freaking super sayian his shoulder crystals turned gold and everything

4282462 ok deathla still needs to be used that concept (the first one is the best) should still be used its too awesome to pass up

4285392 I'm aware of the concept, I glad the didn't went it it. I love transforming monsters like Mothra, Hedorah, Destroyah and Bagan. Yet Titanosaurus don't need to be a combined monster even if it is a half aquatic and half land monster so was Godzilla and he's perfectly fine as a single monster. I think Titanosaurus meant to be compared to Godzilla in it's way.

Gigan was allied with Godzilla on Godzilla Island?!!!! :applejackconfused: I seen the opening of that series but never watch it. That certainly new to me. I have a hard time seeing Gigan being allied with Godzilla being a enemy along with being an alien cyborg.

Group Admin

What episode of Godzilla Island was this? I watched the first 10, and there was no evidence of it.

4285620 I like the first , but also like the second and fifth version they just need a little twit. Like make it more like a cross between Hexxus (Frengully), Hedorah, Tar man (Return of the Living Dead) and Monster X. As I said it suppose to be Slimly Purple and Red color.

4285837 i know it looks freakin awesome and your also one of the 5 children who watched feengully before the nc reviewed it like me

4285725 Really you saw Godzilla Island how?

Group Admin

Someone uploaded a bunch of episodes from like 1-48. Dunno if they are still there tho.

4286246 Can you give me a link?

Group Admin

Also, the Giant Octopus from King Kang vs Godzilla was supposed to appear in Final Wars. There's even Concept Art. I would put a picture in, but I don't know how. :twilightblush:

4291140 And yet, the giant octopus appeared in Frankenstein conquers the world.

Group Admin

I never saw it, but from what i know, he only appears in the alternate ending.

4291195 I've seen it a few times and I've seen the alternate ending. War of the Gargantuas was especially awesome.

Group Admin


'Godzilla-Mothra-King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack' is a long time fan favorite of the franchise. However, while the core story did remain the same, the original roster would have been much different. The original title was (oh boy..)

'Godzilla X Varan, Baragon and Anguirus: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack'

As the title suggests, Mothra and Ghidorah were the replacements for Anguirus and Varan. The reason for Shusuke Kaneko including the original roster was because he felt it would make the fights between the Guardian Beasts and Godzilla all that more tense if the former were visibly smaller than Godzilla. This was changed due to Toho wanting the more popular Mothra and Ghidorah to attract more attendance at the box office, due to the Millennium series not being hugely successful. Still, Kaneko's idea of size playing a role did carry through, which is why Ghidorah is much smaller and weaker than his normal incarnations. Some other changes did carry through, such as some of Varan's facial features ending up on Ghidorah. Another removal from the movie was the Gotengo drill ship, as the studio thought a more realistic human would would be better. The only reminder of the ship's departure is the drill tipped missile that survived into the final cut. It's still unknown if the final fight would have played out similarly, or if one of the two latter Guardian beasts would get a power up like Ghidorah did. It's generally accepted that Varan was replaced with Ghidorah and Anguirus with Mothra.

What I don't get is if Toho wanted to make more money, and if this is the reason they got rid of Anguirus and Varan with Ghidorah and Mothra, why not replace Baragon with Rodan or someone else that's more famous? Or why not keep Anguirus, the most well known of the three? That would have surely brought in more money than Baragon. And maybe if they had bothered to put Baragon in the FREAKING TITLE OF THE MOVIE would have brought more bucks.

Group Admin


As far as I know, he is only in the alternate ending. And 1962 is his first appearance.

4291245 It still counts as an appearance.

Group Admin

Never saw WOTG either. But I prefer Sanda over Gaira. He just seems less violent going off of the Rulers of Earth comic series.

Group Admin

i used the word from as in it was his first appearance. I wouldn't say
Pikachu is from Super Smash Bros., I would say he is from Pokemon.

4291267 Considering that Sanda was raised around humans, then yea. And okay.

4282055 I'm glad that it wasn't junior in final wars, that movie was terrible.

You got one thing wrong: King Ghidorah replaced Anguirus, role-wise, and Mothra replaced Varan, role-wise. King Ghidorah simply got Varan faces because people in FX liked the monster so much.

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