The Cake Family 196 members · 256 stories
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Alpha Scorpii
Group Admin

Well, first and foremost: Welcome, and thank you kindly for joining this group :twilightsmile:

This thread will explain how this group works, because I thought that having the rules in the main page wasn't very pretty.

First and foremost, and something I want to leave very clear, is what this group is about. This group is not just about the characters. This is not a group about Mrs Cake, Mrs. Cake and the Twins as separate characters, at least not entirely. This is a group about all of them together, about the Cake Family. This group is dedicated to the bond between these four ponies, plus Pinkie and Gummy if you want. Thus, the objective of this group is to defend and promote those family ties we see in the show.

Now, this doesn't mean that I only want fics about the Cakes doing happy family stuff together. I'll accept fics where one or more members of the family go on adventure. I'll accept fics about only one of the Cakes as he/she does other stuff. I'll accept comedies. I'll accept Alternate Universes where Mr. and Mrs. Cake are superheroes instead of bakers, as long as they still love each other (see the Rules below for more information). I'll even accept fics where Mr. and Mrs. Cake have a (non-violent)fight, as long as everything is solved at the end and the Status Quo is restored.

What I won't want here are fics that negate and/or break the family ties mentioned above. What I want here is a group dedicated to family values, just as the show itself is dedicated to the values of friendship.

I apologize if I'm sounding too strict here, but this is how I want my group to work. I hope you understand.

Now, the rules...


1. No gore.

2. No clopfics. Mr. and Mrs. Cake love each other very much and there's nothing wrong if they decide to express their love in a physical way. Also, I'm not judging clopfics nor the people who like them. With this said, I don't want clopfics here. Hugs, kisses and cuddles are allowed. Non-explicit intimate scenes may also be accepted, if they are non-explicit enough.

3. No domestic violence. Fanfics can have as many fights as you want, as long as they don't involve Mr. Cake beating on Mrs. Cake, or vice versa. Or they beating on the twins or Pinkie. Or vice versa.

Actually, the first three rules can be summed up in the following sentence: No grimdark and no mature content. There you go.

4. No stories where it's implied that Mrs. Cake cheated on Mr. Cake. Mrs. Cake didn't cheat on her husband, that's the canon here. And of course, Mr. Cake didn't cheat on her either, that goes without saying. If the story is a comedy, and thus not supposed to be taken seriously, it might be accepted.

5. No stories where it turns out that Pound and Pumpkin are evil and have demonic powers. But we'll accept comedies about that, if they're silly enough. Just like in Rule 4. If the twins have demonic dark powers but they don't use them for evil, the story will be also accepted.

6. No stories where Mr. and Mrs. Cake don't really love each other. This is not the place for them. This group is dedicated to the Cake Family as it appears in the show: happy and functional.

7. No incest. You probably saw this one coming from a mile away, didn't you?

8. No polygamy. Yes, I am a close-minded puritan and I hate freedom. Deal with it. Until the show proves otherwise, it's just Cup Cake and Carrot Cake. No extra mares nor extra stallions.

9. No stories where a member of the family dies. The logical conclusion of Rule 1 and Rule 3. BUT, if the death is treated in a proper, serious and adult way; the story will be accepted. The best example of this is I Will Be Strong, one of the few stories which almost made me shed a tear.

10. Although Magic Duel confirmed the existence of the Rock Farm and showed that Pinkie's parents are still alive, and there seems to be no evidence that she doesn't get along well with them; stories where Pinkie is adopted by the Cakes are also accepted.

Now, you're probably wondering if these rules are set in stone, and the answer is... mostly. I mean, if the conflicts with the rules are not too big, and if I consider that the story is a very good Cake fic; I'll turn a blind eye and I'll let it pass.

I'm not an ogre. Most of the time.

Of course, if you try to add a 'Mature' story where Mr. Cake kills his wife, I'm obviously not going to accept it. The first three rules are non-negotiable.

Well, the Content Rules are done. Now, let's see how things are Organized in this group:


We have five folders, to divide the stories and have this place a bit more organized.

Important: a story can only be in ONE folder. I know other groups put their stories in several folders, but I don't like that. I think it's messy and it gives the impression that we have more stories than we actually have. So, read the following rules before adding your fic, to know where it goes.

If even after reading these rules you are not sure where your story should go, PM me. :pinkiesmile:

For stories where the twins are the main characters, either the two of them or just one. If a story features the twins and another member of the family, but they're clearly the main characters and/or the story is told from their perspective; it goes here too.
And yes, we'll accept stories where Pound and Pumpkin are grown up. They're not gonna be babies all their life, after all.
Example of what goes here: Short Cakes. This story gives "screentime" to all members of the family, even Gummy, all of them narrated from the character's point of view. However, Pound and Pumpkin get more time and are clearly the main characters.
Example of what DOESN'T go here: Lightning Bugs. Although Pumpkin is an important character and the plot revolves around her, Mr. Cake is clearly the main character and the story is narrated mostly from his perspective, even if it's in third person. A story like this one should go in...

The same as the previous folder, but with Carrot and Cup Cake.
Example of what goes here: A Sweet Taste of Cake. The story focuses on Mr. and Mrs. Cake's relationship and how they met. Pinkie appears too, but she doesn't get as much screentime as Cup and Carrot, who remain as main characters through all the fic.
Example of what DOESN'T go here: Tummy Ache. Although Mrs. Cake is the first character introduced and she plays an important role, the focus of the story is Pinkie and her stomach ache, with later hints at Pinkie's overall relationship with the Cakes. A story like this one should go in...

This is for stories where Pinkie is the main character, but at least one member of the Cake Family appears as a co-protagonist or as a secondary character. Also for stories that dwell in Pinkie's relationship with the Cakes, as long as it's Pinkie the one who's the main focus of the story.
Example of what goes here: Pinkie's Trio of Tales for Trots. Actually, this is an example of a story that stands in the edge between this folder and the following one, but still belongs to Pinkie & the Cakes. Pinkie has the most important role in the story, even as the narrator sometimes. Mr. and Mrs. Cake don't appear much, but the twins have an important role and the overall story is about Pinkie telling them stories so they go to sleep.
Example of what DOESN'T go here: Pink With Your Heart. Although Mrs. Cake plays an important role, she only appears almost at the end. Plus, the focus of the story is Pinkie and other pony. A story like this one should go in...

Three types of stories go in this folder:
- Stories where the Cakes appear but the story is not entirely focused on them and the main character is somepony other than Pinkie, or they share the spotlight with somepony other than Pinkie. Example: No Destiny.
- Stories that contain both Pinkie and the Cakes, but the plot focuses on Pinkie and other ponies. Example: Cupcakes, Chaos and Crushes.
- Collections of short stories where at least one of them is about the Cakes. Example: Mingled Days

Ok, this is probably our most problematic folder. I'm not even really sure of what goes here, but I'll try to explain...
In theory, this folder is for stories where all the members of the family appear (with ot without Pinkie and Gummy), all of them get more or less the same amount of screentime and all of them have the same importance.
Example of what goes here: Mary Poppins Pony Parody. All Cakes appear and have more or less the same importance.
Example of what DOESN'T go here: Party's Over. Although Mr. and Mrs. Cake have a very important role in this story and both of them get quite a lot of screentime, the twins don't appear so much and Pinkie is obviously the main character. So, although this story is on the edge, kinda like "Pinkie's Trio of Tales for Trots", it ultimately belongs to Pinkie & the Cakes.

Remember, if you're not sure where your story should go, ask me. I check my account at least once a day and whenever I get a PM I try to reply as soon as possible. As the tyrannical overlord of this group, I'll know which folders suits you.

And that's all. Again, thanks for joining, and I hope you'll have a lot of fun in this group.:twilightsmile:

If you still have any doubt about the rules, ask here and I'll answer the best I can.

All right I've got a small change and that's just for when I am running the show.
When and IF Alpha Scorpii comes back he can change it back but I have a little some thing to say.

7. No incest. You probably saw this one coming from a mile away, didn't you?

8. No polygamy. Yes, I am a close-minded puritan and I hate freedom. Deal with it. Until the show proves otherwise, it's just Cup Cake and Carrot Cake. No extra mares nor extra stallion

Number 7 Is allowed as long as it is tasteful, It can not be clop for clop sake there has to be a story behind it like; Tatsurou's Pound My Pumpkin

Number 8 is also allowed as long as it is tasteful, again no clop of clop sakes there has to be a story to it or a part of a story like Aegis Shield's Stallions on Strike!

Remember, if you're not sure where your story should go, ask me. I check my account at least once a day and whenever I get a PM I try to reply as soon as possible. As the tyrannical overlord of this group Current Protector, I'll know which folders suits you.

All right? No complaints?


Honorable Mentions

This folder is for that Cake Family if they play an important part in the story but were not secondary or main character(s).

Like if a story was started by one of the Cake Twins or Mr. and or Mrs. Cake decides to have a heart to heart that helps the character(S) along in the story.

This does not mean any story that contains a mention they have to contribute to the story in some way but are not man or secondary Character(s).

Some Examples are; The Smarty Complex by by jojijijmz
This is where the story was initiated by Pumpkin

My Little Pony: Friendship is Shining by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof
In this case it was only on chapter but it was an important part.

If there is any question then just PM me.

I need help:twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:

:applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry: I need help

3458219 Sorry:twilightsheepish: What do you need?

its ok I need help with that I cant add stories to my fav

3459261 OK you mean your personal fav or to the group?

my personal fav stories that I like that people made

3459292OK on the story you will see a star button.
I will be grayed out.
Press the star button and the start will be yellow and they and that's how you fave.

that's the problem I cant get it to turn yellow :twilightangry2:

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