The Fillyfoolers 3,495 members · 3,960 stories
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How many of you are actually gay girls? Are most people here straight guys who like lesbians?

Please tell me I'm not the only legit lesbian here.

And honestly, if you're a straight guy, why do you like lesbians so much? It's kinda strange, and I've never understood it.

I'm pansexual, not lesbian, but I know at least three lesbians and a bisexual girl on this site. :rainbowdetermined2:

Well, I'm a Bi guy. And if I could magically be a girl instead, I would. That would probably be the only way I would want to date a girl, was if I was one.

I'm a bi girl, though I lean more towards other girls.

5219588 I am! :rainbowdetermined2: *high fives*

5219588 I'm not sure I understand it myself, and I am male. Rather than speculate, I can offer that generally it could also be a matter of there being more f/f pairings contextually.

I've also noticed that younger folks insecure in their own sexuality will often use slash pairings or homoerotic material with the opposing gender in the duality to explore their own sexuality via proxy because it's safer. Degrees of separation, I guess.

Group Contributor

Straight guy here. It is more than me just liking lesbians, I like girls, and girl on girl action is hot. I guess it's a bit like this: If I can't have the girl, I would rather see her with another girl because it's hot.
But I also find it cute, I read them and I write F/F stories where I try for things to be cute.

5219588 Straight Guy, and I can't answer that question, I'm not a bigot but usually with any other franchises I ship M x F,

I guess it may have to do with that PinkieShy artwork got me into the fanbase........

Group Contributor

Bi woman in a hetero marriage here.

And most of my straight male shipper friends just like the characters and think they'd work well together romantically. It's also worth noting that the fandom as a whole has a lot more men than women, so they're likely to make up a majority in pretty much every subculture.

> Romance Fics Are About Connections Between Characters
> The More Developed The Characters, The More and More Meaningful Connections Can Be Built Between Them
> Almost All of the Best Developed and Most Interesting Characters in MLP Are Female
> Ergo
> All of the Best Romance Stories in This Fandom Will Most Likely Be Female/Female

Or, alternatively;

> Romance Fics Are About Connections Between Characters
> Almost All The Characters Are Female
> Ergo
> The Majority of Possible Interconnections Between Characters Will Be Between Two Females
> Ergo
> The Majority of Romance Stories Will Probably Be Female/Female

This is also why if a male character shows up they will almost be shipped immediately with everything under the sun, but those fics will rarely mean anything. Even if they have only two lines or are canonically married. There is just a dearth of male characters of any real note, so people who want to write about male characters have to basically stretch what they have.

Also, for full disclosure, I'm not that big on gender or sex, but I loves me some romance. Make of that what you will.

5219588 It's not that I like lesbians. As a writer, I like to expand my horizons a bit, and I try to write about everything I can. It's not about thinking "OH MAN THOSE TWO CHICKS SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE SEX", it's more that when I see two characters that I think could have some nice chemistry, I write it despite what the sex of each character is. Going into a story excited that you'll be writing about lesbians is weird, you should just be excited to write a good romance or clop story.

A good example would be that while I thought Marble x Big Mac was cute, I also think that Trixie x Starlight could be pretty cute now, because they displayed a bit of chemistry in the latest episode.

*Stands up.*

Um..Hi. :P

I think why guys like girl - on - girl action is...well...It's double the girls. They like girls and with lesbian stuff they get double.
But I don't know. :P I'm not a straight guy. Plus with MLP just seeing their favourite characters being shipping with ponies of the same sex, is sweet.

5219588 Considering this group currently has 2,620 members, being the only lesbian here is statistically impossible. I'd be surprised if some of the members are gay men who just like lesmarian stories (I don't really like using fillyfooler) and lesbian doesn't seem quite right for stories about ponies (and other species with varying degrees of human characteristics).

5219588 I'm actually bi, but my preference would actually lean towards straight women. Reason is, if I am in a relationship with a woman, if she is lesbian, she won't have any interest in me sexually, and a bi woman at times might desire what I'm unable to provide, due to not being a woman.

That being said, I suspect a big chunk of why man love lust after lesbians might be a secret desire (or not so secret) to bed a lesbian couple. That, and they find the sight of two women making out to be highly arousing.

5219588 I'm a bi girl leaning more towards girls.

5219588 Its not so much that I, a demisexual man with tendencies towards women, likes "lesbians". I like cute and adorable and sweet couples and I love most characters on the show which happen to have mostly girls. So, I like having those girls fall in love with each other and all the trials, tribulations and cuteness it brings.
I also like homosexual guy things, if they are well written and enjoyable.
Personally, I just like to shake things up sexually in my stories. When I add a pair of side-characters, I basically write them and then I think "Should I change one's gender just for fun?" or "Can I make that into a cute side-ship?" and then I do it.
And let's be all honest: It doesn't matter our gender, what reproductive organs we have or what we like... WE ALL WANT TO DO THE SMOOZE... darn, dapper, sexy slime...

Lesbian Flexable ty very much... or at least that's as close to my orientation as can get *giggle*

Comment posted by Alchemystudent deleted May 7th, 2016

I'm a normal vanilla straight male.
Not sure what my fascination with femshipping is. I've always found female characters more interesting than male ones, so that could mean something.
I only do F/F shipping probably because of that. Not sure
also f/f poneships are so cuuuuuuuuuute
The last one is probably explains my views of Fluttershy.

5219597 sup:yay:

5219588 I'm bi, not lesbian. But I think the reason straight guys find lesbians hot is because double the girls:rainbowlaugh:

There I stand up, I'm gay af. Like if no one knew...

Now why would you need information like that? Suppose I said "OK, I`m a lesbian." What next? It`s not like you have any reliable way to verify it`s true or not.

As for why straight guys like lesbians? They don`t, to put it simply. Rather, they work on abridgment of logic which translates "two girls interested in each other" into "totally a chance of threesome". In short, they like the mythical "lesbians hungry for hard dick".

I could wax poetics for a long time on how this logic actually works in detail, but salient points are such.
1) Primary consideration for sexual attraction does not factor in availability factor.
2) Confirmed close bond with another girl implies strong possibility of participation of both in events of sexual nature.
3) Willingness to "be lesbian" implies predilection towards sexual experimentation.

Between those three and "it`s my fantasy, dammit", the popularity of lesbians among straight guys is sufficiently explained, I believe.

5219588 I'm a lesbian. Also very, very slightly attracted to guys but not really so I don't count it as being bi. And I'm not transgender or anything.

5219588 Female into females here :) Though you might count me as bi since I have met exactly two guys I've liked, but since both were supper girly types (one of whom crosssdresses as his normal clothing), and I never did anything with them cuz it was just a crush, I am not sure if that counts.

Also, as far as strait guys liking lesbians, you are overthinking it. Men are simple, they are not women. Here's how my best friend explained it to me. "Alright, you see this chocolate bar? I love chocolate, it's awesome. Oh snap, look! another chocolate bar, and it's on top of the other one! This is twice as awesome!"

It realy is that simple. It's not even about the girls being gay, it's about there being two girls present for sexy times. Two things they like plus another thing they like. It's one cool unit higher than one girl present for sexy times.

Well... I go by either androgyne or agender (still figuring that stuff out, but I wa born male, but lean more towards the female "stereotypes")

And I'm Aromantic and Asexual xD So I got no clue why I joined...

5220067 That is one simple, yet accurate explanation xD

5220112 It's amazing how guy logic can usually be explained in 2-3 sentences, but girl logic takes about a paragraph. I think that social complexity level must be a part of human sexual dimorphism.


Well, as a straight guy, I can tell you the main reason I first liked lesbians was because two hot women for the price o one.'s because i view it as anohter ship that I lie to read about.

It's rather like how come there are so many yaoi's in shonen and comics out there. Girls find the characters to be either sex y or cute togheter and will ship them right away. Quick, go to and tell me how many straight Nami and Luffy ships thee are, now tell me how many Sanji and eZorro fics there are?

See my point? Guys and dolls just like shipping people they finsd sexy together because there is more sexy to go around.I wish I could find a chart that shows how muich Yaoi and Yuri there is in comparison to how many male and female members are in the cast.

Or, to put what you said in layman's terms: "two nekkid ladies is better than one nekkid lady"

If you're accepting of a MtF trans-woman saying she's a lesbian, then you may add me to the roster.

5219588 as a guy my thoughts on the matter of why guys like lesbians are rather limited. This is due to the individual nature of the human race. For me though it's a kind understanding to a point. Lesbians are interested in women and so I am so there is some common ground to discuss certain things. Also because I am not Bi myself it's just easier in some ways for me personally to write female/female ships.

That and I have exactly two male O.C.s one of whom needs a lot of work.


I'm a pansexual dude.

Lesbianism is just another sexuality to me. I think part of the affinity I have for these characters is what drives some of the lesbian ideas I have for stories, as I tend to be more interested in what makes the person the person, and the flirtation and intimacy than just the sex itself. Seems almost like the doorway to a special part of the person, if that makes any sense at all (and doesn't sound totally nuts).

Comment posted by Fyseris deleted May 8th, 2016
Comment posted by Fyseris deleted May 8th, 2016

...Why do you people care? Sexuality's not supposed to be a big deal, and aren't we here for the content?

Most fandoms tend to have a lot of female shippers and quite popular m/m ships. And even if you look into the "LGBT" category of the kindle store you will find, with very little exception, sexually loaded covers of topless guys displaying unrealistic body ideals, and guess what, it's Romance AND Young Adult so the audience has to be probably 98% female, most of which would be straight. Sound familiar? It's exactly the same as "lesbian porn" (you know, the content that is made by straight male producers with straight female actresses for a straight male audience), only in reverse. Not that I'm judging though.

And in this fandom, we have the rather rare situation (though you get this with some anime, or touhou which is not an anime) that there's an overwhelming amount of male readers and writers who are interested in romance stories, so this is what you get. Do I understand it, really? Nah, who knows what's going on in straight people's heads. I'm just here because I enjoy cute stories, and to me "because it's cute" is the perfect reason :pinkiesmile:.

I really like that term, lesmarian. :D

5219588 Nice to meet you, @Oddish, I am an Asian lesbian in her 30s. :D (who apparently does not know how to tag.)

I must confess I think I'm a lesion as well. I mean all the evidence points to it but I've never been with a girl... so yeah you're not the only one! :heart:


5219588 Well i'm bisexual, though after my last relationship, it's really 25/75 with favor for girls.

Yes, I am very much a lesbian :rainbowkiss:

I'm bi but im thinking im asexual now


*Raiser her hand*

Pansexual girl here!^_^ I like all genders. Preferably all at once.^_^ I'll chase anyone that catches my eye. Some of my friends have told me I'm a female Captain Jack Harkness actually.^_^

*Smiles and giggles*

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