The Collab Cage 651 members · 141 stories
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Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

Welcome potential collaborators! This thread will host a list of general information (such as how we even work!), the group rules, and remain a place for any questions on the group itself to be asked and answered.

What Is a Collab?

So, we’ve mentioned the word several times--heck, it’s in the group name!--but what is a ‘collab’?

A ‘collab’ is short for collaboration, basically a teamwork effort amongst two or more--in this case--authors. In the pony community, the musicians are most known for working with one another--to a lesser extent so too are the visual artists. Collabs happen with
authors, but it’s not near as well advertised. That’s something this group seeks to change.

A collab can be as simple as two authors writing a story together or as complicated as a massive, multi-part project (such as The Album, which is specifically an anthology). The former has the benefit of being a more complete piece, you get one single work out of it; the latter has the benefit of being a little easier to run, since each author is responsible for their own part. There are many ways to collaborate with your fellow authors--all ways are welcome here.

Furthermore, collabs can be a new challenge for an author. You’re brought up against different writing styles or story preferences. There are often rules or limitations set to test your abilities. So not only are collabs good for fostering inter-author relations, but they can help improve your skill as an author.

How Does This Group Actually Work?

The way this group will be run is going to change over time, as we discover what doesn’t work and what does. So, please, check up on this occasionally to see if any major updates have occurred.

First off, it is heavily suggested you watch the Group Profile, The Collab Cage.

Initially, I--Peregrine Caged--am going to be the only official Collab Organizer. Once we’ve accomplished a few projects and I find others I feel can run their own, this title will be handed out to others. I've officially opened the first six Collab Organizer slots.

As you know, FiMFiction grades group members in three fashions--Admins, Contributors, and Members. How do these relate to us? I’ll explain right now:

+Admins...There will always be only a handful of Admins. They are not necessarily Collab Organizers, though I expect they often will be. These are the group monitors, problem solvers, and general managers. Respect them, they’ve been chosen for a reason. However, if an Admin is giving you problems, please PM another Admin. Do not ask to be an Admin--we will ask you.

+Contributors...For us, this tier will represent Collab Organizers. This is a temporary position and will be kept limited (a limit that will expand as the group expands) so as to help keep the group organized. If you wish to organize a collab, and there is a slot open, message an Admin and tell us of your interest, explain your project in as much detail as you can, and wait for us to approve your idea. You can find a list on the front page.

+Members...These are the rank and file--the authors that really make the group run. If you join, we encourage you to be active! Join collabs, help flesh one out in an idea thread, read collabs already posted... We’re all Authors and lovers of ponies, so be friendly, be talkative. Make this community really shine. Furthermore, members: if you join a collab? Once it is finished, go to the List of Collab Organizers thread and tell the entire group what you thought!

So How Will This Group Actually Make Collabs?

Now for the meat of the group--how we’ll go about running projects through this group. I’ll try to keep it as straightforward as possible, but if you have questions, PM an Admin. Let’s get started.

If you want to run a Collab, and there is a Collab Organizer slot open, as stated above, message an Admin with your idea. And make note: Organizers do not have to participate in their own collabs. Give them as much detail as you can: how many authors are you looking for? Is each author doing their own section or are you working in tandem? Will this be themed? What sort of Genre tags will it contain? And any other details like that.

Why give such details? Well, our Admins can help you with a few basic organizational suggestions before you actually post a thread calling for recruits.

When an Admin has approved your Collab Organizer status, you have permission to post a new thread--make it the title (even if it’s only a working title) of your project Discussion (Example: The Album’s thread title would be ‘The Album Discussion’). We strongly suggest this not only be a recruitment thread, but also used to discuss with interested authors on the details of your Collab.

Make your thread post as detailed as you can. Keep it clean and neat-looking--you’re basically a manager here, so take a little pride in your product. Explain the goal of the Collab and any specific rules you are planning to enforce with it. VERY IMPORTANT: your collab must have a time limit, one you've discussed with an admin. This is not necessarily to say when the collab itself will be over, but this limit is for how long your thread can stay before your Organizer slot is opened again.

From here, the burden is on the shoulders of the Organizer himself--you are responsible for planning, collecting, compiling any and all entries into a finished product. When you are satisfied your project is finished (or finished enough) and ready for posting, PM an Admin. The Admin will grant you usage of the group profile for posting.

Note: You are allowed to post your collab on your own profile, if you wish. But choose one and only one. We, of course, would love if you posted it within this group, since that is part of our purpose, but we’re not going to make you. However, make sure the authors who have joined in clearly understand your posting intentions.

Once you’ve posted, we’ll remove your Organizer status so as to allow someone else to run a project. Whenever you have a new project, simply start this process over again. Good luck, and we look forward to a variety of collaborations!

ALTERNATIVELY: I've decided that two months (read: eight weeks) is generally a good length of time for an individual project to remain active via a thread and official Organizer status. Once you've hit that limit (unless you've talked to an Admin and discussed otherwise), we ask that you move all the relevant information for your collab elsewhere (such as a central GDoc, for example) and delete your thread. You may then PM that link to an Admin for inclusion in the Directory, where members can still find your collab while we can open up a space for a new collab.


Alas, the Cage can not guarantee participation in your collab. All we offer is a place to advertise and seek members and share ideas. Honestly, if you want a stronger promise on people helping you out, help them out first. Trade off! The more you talk and be helpful, the more likely you will find people will help you.

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

Group Rules and Punishments

First up, the Group Rules. Please, play nice and abide by them. We’re all friends here, right?

1. Listen to the Admins--they’re Admins for a reason. If they ask you to do something (or to stop doing something), listen to what they have to say. Their responsibility is to be there when this list fails to cover situations that will undoubtedly come up.

2. Play nice. Do not insult, belittle, or harass fellow members. If you have any issues, please PM an Admin--preferably with proof (screen captures, witnesses, etc.).

3. Collab Organizers have all final say in their respective collabs--they set the rules, they are responsible for organizing and completing it. If you have an issue with an Organizer, you may PM an Admin.

4. If you join a collab, do your part. Whether it’s a collection style or a combined style, do your part to complete the collab to the best of your ability. Do not leave a bunch of work for your Organizer that is rightly your responsibility. If you find you are unable to complete your bit, tell the Organizer and step out as soon as possible.

5. Do not create any new threads without Admin permission. Generally, we will say yes but we want this done in a clean and organized manner.

6. If you are commenting in a thread, please stick to the Original Post(er)’s (OP’s) purpose for the thread itself. Some conversation is allowed, we’re not dictators, but try to avoid posting a bunch of unrelated videos, pictures, or .gifs. That distracts from the purpose of the post and even slows things down for other members. Those sorts of things are to take place in the group’s General Chat thread.

7. Do NOT go telling a FiMFiction Admin your story has been plagiarized. When you join a collab, you are becoming a part of a team and offering up some ownership as a result. On the other hand, Organizers--do NOT claim sole credit/fail to grant credit. This is an instant banning offense.

With rules, unfortunately, come punishments. Unless otherwise noted, each of the above offenses will grant you one increment from 0 to 4, depending on your record.

0. Clear: You’ve broken no rules, your record is clean.

1. Warning: When you break a rule, you get one warning. An Admin will message you, explaining which rule you broke and how you did so. We expect you to treat this with discretion and respect. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary action. Respond to the message, preferably with an apology--but at least acknowledge that you have been warned. A warning will remain on your record for three months.

2. First Ban, Two Weeks: If you’ve a Warning on your record, you will now be banned for two weeks. An Admin will message you to declare your ban and set the official time you may return. If we find out you’ve shown up before then--through an alternate account, etc.--we will take disciplinary action. A First Ban will remain on your record for three months.

3. Second Ban, One Month: If you’ve a First Ban on your record, you will now be banned for one month. An Admin will message you to declare your ban and set the official time you may return. If we find out you’ve shown up before then--through an alternate account, etc.--we will take disciplinary action. A Second Ban will remain on your record for six months.

4. Third Ban, Forever: If you’ve a Second Ban on your record, you will now be banned from the group forever.

Special: If you are an Organizer and you reach a First Ban, you will lose your Organizer status and be unable to get it back until your three months are over.

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin


Updated as Needed

Q) I took part in a collab, but I'd also like to post my part on my own individual profile. Can I do that?
A) This is a detail that's up to your Collab Organizer. While, generally speaking, we prefer you to not do that if the collab has been posted through the Group Profile, the only person who has final say on that is the Organizer himself. All Official Group Collabs will ask that you do not post on your own profile, unless otherwise stated.

Q) Hey, that's not a collab--that's a collection/anthology!
A) And that's an accusatory statement, not a question. A collaboration is defined as two or more people working together to create a single intellectual entity. Yes, things such as The Album and the Mini-Monthlies are anthologies...which is a more specific way to say they are a collaboration. They are built around a central theme or goal that all the individual pieces seek to accomplish or exemplify. So yes, while the authors might not work with each other (but they are working with the Organizer, you should recall), they are all striving to accomplish and/or create a single intellectual goal. Which is the definition of a collaboration, period.

Q) I want to run a Mature collab, can I do that?
I have few restrictions. More or less, just go through the process as is normal. If it crosses any lines, I will be sure to let you know. A few things off hand that I will likely deny? Foalcon (underage clop) and incest are out (there are some very specific exceptions, and I will be watching you closely). Nothing else comes to mind offhand.

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