The Collab Cage 651 members · 141 stories
Comments ( 52 )
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Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

Welcome to the General Chat (GC) thread! More or less, the only rule here is to play nice. So talk, post vids or pics or .gifs, make some friends, discuss ponies, or games, or even politics (though that’s risky)--whatever. We’re all friends here!

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

My sports team is far more superior than your sports team. Bam. Check and mate.

Your sports team exists, thus it is better than mine lol

Oo ooh! I has a contribution!


We're watching this now.

475054 I... have the strongest urge to write a short involving cool guy strolling through Equestria and Fluttershy thinks he is chasing her.

So, anyone excited for any movies coming up? I know I am!

474890 Oh yeah well...well...I GOT SHINY WHITE TEETH!

Did everyone have a good Halloween/Nightmare Night?

476594 I did, wrote chapter 18 for my main fic and relaxed. happy night.

I had to explain to several people that you're never too old for free candy.
Only one person had seen Derpy when I asked if anyone had seen a wall-eyed pegasus.
I traveled back in time to find the place loaded with perception filters.
So yeah, pretty good night.

477109 You had to time travel to find the perception filters? Hmm...

I had suspicions that I left Derpy in a different time zone so I asked what year it was if they hadn't seen her.
They all said 1876, but the technology was way to advanced for that year.

So anyway, I want to make a swanky and original 'breaker'. Typically people just use *** but I want to do something that stands out. Perhaps even differing for each story. What I have is this: ~( ! )~ but that might be kind of weird. Thoughts?

well there is "hr" in brackets like this: [ which makes a horozontal line, thats what I use. Ive seen this too:
--~~-- or _/T\_ it was a door or something

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

I use a variety of things, just whatever I feel like. Just do whatever, but I suggest not using characters like punctuation marks. It feels like you're trying too hard, heh.

476594 I dressed up as the Slender man. People got out of my way as I walked through my school and I even got a few kids to scream and retreat from my door :rainbowlaugh: best reactions I've ever had for a costume.

So has anyone here ever been involved in dinner theatre? I joined the annual one at my school. The early-morning rehearsals are kinda why I'm reluctant to commit to any writing as of late.


No, but I think my girlfriend was in drama for high school. I'm sure she knows how you feel.

I remember a kid at my school who dressed up as Jason and would add a little more to it each year. On his last year, he carried a dummy with him, and tore out its 'heart' for the crowd. Everyone got out of his way too.

482131 My school has a thing on anything "alluding to a weapon" so a machete would be taboo. But that sounds like a wicked display.

I thought I'd post this in here, for it wouldn't eve extremely relevant if I posted it in the Dream Team discussion thread.
If any of you collabers want to contact me regarding The Dream Team or any other collab, or just to talk, or even to play around (other than FiMFiction), then here's where you can:
Steam Name: Sir Dippingsauce (Steam Username is toxicrystal)
Skype Username: toxicrystal (Skype Name is Dew)
Facebook: Lolno. If you want it, you'll have to PM me YOURS.
PSN: toxicrystal
(Note: From 6:50 AM to 3:30 - 4:00 PM EST on Monday through Friday, I will not be available on Facebook, Steam, Skype, iMessage, FaceTime, or PSN. Those are my school hours.)

Don't be shy, guys. Add me!
I mean what.

Okay, I don't think it was a good idea to allow three new contributors in. Some of the older collabs were already getting very little attention, and now they are getting buried under these new ones. Even since they were added, the amount of people joining my collab stopped abruptly. We should set a limit on the amount of people at one time. 5 maybe?

Agreed, there has to be some sort of limit. We've only just started, and even doing three of them I still feel like I'm missing a ton of good ones.

It was originally two... :facehoof:

Yeah, that's true. But now that the new collabs are here, we can't just get rid of them. It sucks.
I doesn't help that there are a couple other threads and that Peregrine has a handful of collabs of his own all running at the same time. There's just too much going on at once.

Yup... Maybe we should ask people if they wouldn't mind waiting to continue theirs? Though I doubt they'll agree.

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

486806 486816 486780
Two things: one, this sort of thing is better suited to the discussion thread about the group itself; two, already working on it--this is what I get for being unable to say no. There were always going to be limits, originally I was just going to do mine, just until we got one or two of them done. Considering how little attention even mine are getting--despite so much interest after The Album and considering the over ONE HUNDRED members we have--I personally don't think we're hurting on it yet.

Also, this is why time limits are important. Note, mine haven't even officially started yet. They're simply up there for advertising.

Would I be crazy for postulating that Scootaloo and Featherweight are perhaps related? It's the small stature and wings that lead me to this thought. Scootaloo's wings are too small, while Featherweight's wings happen to be in proportion to his frame. There don't seem to be any other foals with under-developed characteristics.

Be honest, guys. What's wrong with Tales of Equestria?


My friend, there have existed far crazier fan ideas. Snails is a crossdresser, Vinyl and Rarity are cousins, Rainbow Dash is actually a man, Chrysalis is Christian.

You are not crazy.

I'm no expert, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it (I've only seen a few posts of your thread), but the problem may be that not that many people in this group have heard of Namco's Tales series. I haven't, and some people may not want to write something that they are not perfectly familiar with. Hope you find a way out of that problem.

490033 Cross-dressing Snails.... interesting thought.... As for Vinyl and Rarity being cousins, I can see the reasoning there.

488935 I've heard of the series, but that's it. My ex and her friends are fans and I was sometimes around when they'd talk about it. I'm guessing it's easier to cross with FiM than say... World of Darkness would be?

490212 I'm a bit speechless... That is really well done, especially the eyes. My first thought of it was current Snails wearing a dress and that dopey expression of his.



Before I run the risk of filling this thread with pictures of a very (very) pretty Snails, perhaps someone should change the subject.

So....Thanksgiving. Anyone have any plans for that? Or are you skipping it and already getting ready for Christmas?

Or Hearth's Warming Eve, in some cases.

People are apparently missing the fact that the thread game now has a second page. So many conflicting additions....

Can we get someone to regulate that?

490733 Yeah... Uh. No plans for Thanksgiving as I had it last month, here in weather-conflicted Nova Scotia, Canada.


I have noticed! I just don't want to post often because I don't want to come off as...overbearing, or something.

Ah...Canada. My nation's (America) allies! (Salutes)

491931 Since I can't get the image to work, I shall text salute as well! (Salutes)

I have a cool little idea for a thread.
Basically, each day, each member posts an interesting word from the dictionary along with its meaning. This could also be used if people are looking for strong words to replace weak ones. For example, if someone wanted to find a sort of comedic synonym for walked, they could look in there and find the word skylarked. Yes, that is a word.

I have no idea where else to post this, so I'm putting it here:
If anyone is interested in helping me out with creating canon for an alternate universe (kinda like The Conversion Bureau or Chess Game of the Gods) and working out the kinks of the canon being made, message me! I'll reply with the answers to any questions you have as well as a short ("short" can vary) story telling of the events leading up to it! All I can tell you, since I'd like to keep a lot of major details under the radar, is that I will be referring to it as Project Ununpentium instead of the name I've made for it.
So, who's in?

493775 I could lend a bit of help, I took over and restructured Ponyearthverse, and am now in charge of the storyline for that group. So I have some experience with setting design.

494213 Sweet. I'll send you the backstory.
Once I actually write it up. I have everything done BUT that!

If you would like to be a writer for The End of it All, please tell me right away in a PM, as well as your e-mail. I need your e-mail because I'm currently making an e-mail address for the story so I can send out announcements to those that have signed up. These announcements will be weekly, being sent out on Saturdays around noon EST. They will include progress reports of chapters, locations, enemies, & characters, reminders to those that need to send things in, and other things. Announcements sent on any other days will include majorly important updates that cannot wait or delays in writing things. When you sign up, there will be a "conformation" e-mail, asking if you are the user on FiMFiction who signed up.
This e-mail can also be used to send things in to. For instance, if you're writing a chapter, and you want to let me have a check on how it's being written, just shoot me an e-mail. Another way to use this is if you want to warn me of days you'll be off doing normal life things, or if you have any questions.
If you want to ask about the e-mail "service" itself, send your questions to
Have a great day!

Holy gawd you guys.
So I vanished for a while. I'm going to vanish for a while after this. I'm not going to finish any of the stories I signed up for. Sorry. School sucks. The end.

Much like 527103, I've been inundated with school and other pursuits. Needless to say, I feel guilty as buck. Hooray for Advanced Placement Literature.

I am working on a small project, and am looking for someone who can cowrite as an ancient blueblood. (just after the founding of equestria) please read the following and tell me if youd be interested. Arianna

Hey, I just wanted to apologize to everyone for not being here at all. I've gotten, and lost, a job, and gone through exams and a bunch of other stuff since I was last here, which is why I haven't posted much. I hope, now that I don't have to worry about work, and since school is coming up (because for some reason I write more during school instead of less.), I'll be able to contribute more to this group.

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