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This was originally two posts in the Dark group, both gaining a lot of answers, and I loved it. But I thought, since this is also a horror group, I'd ask the same questions here:

What's your favorite horror movie?
What's your favorite horror game?

As for movies, mine's Ju-On/The Grudge. I love both the Japanese original called Ju-On, and the American remake The Grudge. Except the third movie, that one is just awful. Anyway, I'm terrifyed of Kayako, the ghost in the movies. Her white face, big unblinking eyes and terrible death rattle scares me shitless. Which is exactly why I love the movies, because they scare me, which is very rare.

The worst part is that I believe in ghosts. Kayako is a ghost. So in my world, ghosts like Kayako can exist.
And that thought is utterly horrifiying.

For favorite game I have this:
Silent Hill 2. Not because I think it's scary(though it still manages to creep me out), but because of the brilliant story, the well-written characters and the amazing symbolism and hidden meanings. I love the entire franchise as a whole, even the bad less-liked ones like Homecoming. Not a great game, but I honestly had fun with it.

And let's not forget the music of Silent Hill. My god, what beautiful music. The theme of SH2 is probably my favorite video game theme of all time.

I just love Silent Hill 2 to death. It's not just a game, it's a piece of art. A tragic love story, a macabre love letter to a broken man with no hope. It's equally parts disturbing as it is beautiful, and in my opinion, one of the best games ever made. Period.

I could go on for hours about this game, but this thread isn't about that, it's about your favorite horror games, so let's hear it!

So yeah, go ahead and talk about your favorites :twilightsmile:


I guess my new favorite horror film has to be Brightburn. It takes the superhero genre and puts a sinister spin on a story that many know and love, and I thought it was well handled for the most part. It does have a few issues that I wish were cleaned up a bit, but it was handled well for the most part.

As for horror game... ehh, I guess FNAF is one of them, but I have to say, I'm getting into Bendy and the Ink Machine. Just this dark spin on something child-like and friendly turned scary, just seems cool to me. :scootangel:

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If I were forced to pick a horror, I’d probably go with 1408. It’s got its frights, but it’s also about character (as is to be expected of a movie based on a Stephen King novel).

As for horror games, I’ve played quite a few, but not many of the recent ones. My favorite has always been Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly. A classic that I’d love to get my hands on again.

Friday the 13th movies 1-9
Friday the 13th: The Game

I remember enjoying John Carpenter's The Thing, mainly for being more subdued in it's horror than some of the other horror movies.

My favorite horror game would be either The Haunted Mansion or the first Luigi's Mansion game.

Favorite Horror Movie: Silence of the Lambs if you consider it horror. If not? Hmmmmm probably either Alien, The Orphanage, or Pan's Labyrinth.
Favorite horror game: Silent Hill 2. No contest for me on that one.

My favorite horror film for this year is Hereditary. Fave fright flicks from other years are Session 9, Ginger Snaps 1 and 2 and It.
Since my Xbox one died, I haven't played games in years, but I did enjoy blasting monsters in Doom 2016.

My favorite horror movie is Trick 'r Treat(2007). Yea, know, it isn't technically a very horrific movie but god how I love its atmosphere and up to today I haven't found one movie that feels like this one. I literally watch it every Halloween for nostalgic sake.

for my fav Horror game that would be Soma. This is a horror game, right? I just love its story. Is so bad that it isn't that popular.

Scream and Dead By Daylight. (IF DBD doesn't count then Resident Evil 4.)

SotL all the way! Although, if you don't think that's horror, I do love both The Shining and The Night of the Hunter.

I'm too lazy today to answer everyone individually, but I wlll say that you all made some excellent choices, and it's great hearing what others think about horror in general :twilightsmile:

My favorite horror movie. Honestly it’s a tie between 3 movies. Slither 2006, The Thing 1982 and Alien 2 1986
My favorite horror game is simple. Prey 2017.
I have always loved sci fi horror.

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