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Comments ( 20 )
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Well, even though Luna sounded a little off that was epic as shit, eh. :moustache:


Not that Luna is much better, Celestia required a full on Mind Rape to be taken down, but Luna? She was overpowered by an unicorn, and in the end Sombra snatched a victory vanishing the Crystal Empire.


He negated the Crystal Empire to the princess, robbing their "victory" of any meaning, they wanted to free the Empire and he avoided that, maybe isn't a victory, but isn't also a defeat.

3323886 Nightmare moon didn't banish the empire. Sombra did. Nightmare just "killed" him. It does not explicitly say that she did it.

3325291 I don't think so. He just shows them their worst fear. He doesn't know what they are.

I kinda think he does because he questions Luna as to why Celestia fears her. I think he can choose to see the fear visions or not. That's just my theory and it is used in the later chapters of my first story. Or mabye he just heard Celestia speaking, but I think it would be another bonus from dark magic if he could see the fears.

3827322 Okay. I'm still kinda new and learning about this site.

I agree with you on that. He didn't see Twilight's nor Spike's or else he would have used that little bit of knowledge to his advantage. I can't think of how, but knowing Sombra, he could very well have.

3307092 I liked it. Though I really wish the trailer had been honest about who was going to be the focus. I was certainly not expecting Luna to be more prominent in the battle against Sombra.

3827492 Holy balls, I completely forgot aboot this thread, eh. :twilightoops: I thought Luna did her part pretty well, but I would've preferred to see Celestia interact with Sombra than her, eh.

3827518 Yeah. I mean, the promotion for this made it look like Celestia would be the focus. If they wanted to focus on Luna that was fine, but they needed to be honest about it up front. Promoting your product as one thing, and then having it turn out to be something else, usually doesn't bode well.

3827537 Yeah, I kinda expected something a little more grimdark with Celestia and Sombra going at eachother, eh.

Wow. That was really different from the actual thing. I noticed Sombra spoke a bit more and gave a better outline of what he is in the trailer. He doesn't say most of that in the full one. And it completely got rid of that scene with Luna caught in the crystal up on the wall. Never knew they were so different.

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