King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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If Hasbro gave you the rights to direct a two-parter for the return of King Sombra, how would it go? What would be the plot, theme, feel, and Aesop? How would Sombra be portrayed, or if he'd be in it at all? Would there be new faces? What would he say or do?

How would you execute a 'King Sombra Returns' Two-Parter, if given the chance?

Edit: By 'new faces', I'm mostly talking about minions of his. But victims and others count too.

3454967 Sombra is ressurected v.i.a a secret cult that worships him. The first part would revolve around the mane six racing to stop the cult from reviving Sombra, and the second part would revolve them stopping Sombra once and for all. Sombra would say very little, but would be ruthless, cunning, and unforgiving. He would inflict suffering on everyone, regardless of what they may or may not have done to him.

The aesop would be, that even when things may look bleak, we must never give up. And that sometimes, we must fight for what we believe in.


Fade into Canterlot, spanning from the top of the palace to the bottom and it shows the streets, where foals are playing tag together. A colt is chasing another colt and as they run off, they reach the outskirts of the city. The colt being chased trips and falls over something, thus leading the chaser to catch up. When both are together, they investigate what was the cause of the tripping and they see a strange, curved horn laying on the ground. Not sure what it is, they fiddle around with it and then after a moment, find it uninteresting, then leave. But, as they leave, they don't see the horn begin to shake and spark alive, and as they disappear, the horn then lets out a menacing laugh.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight is with her friends and they are out together. It is one of the few times they're all together at the same time now, especially with all the things going on in their lives. But, in the middle of their time together, Spike receives a letter from Celestia, requesting Twilight's presence immediately, alone. Twilight questions it, but she obliges and goes to Canterlot, with Spike to accompany her.

When she arrives, she rushes into the throne room with Spike and she sees Celestia staring at the stained glass window of her coronation. When she questions Celestia on why she requested her so urgently, Celestia begins to laugh, first quietly, but it soon escalates to maniacal and it frightens Twilight and Spike. Then, much to their horror, Celestia turns around and reveals her eyes are bloody red with bright green corneas while purple flames erupt from her eyes.

Then, when Twilight is so overcome by shock, Celestia sparks her horn alive and changes her appearance, revealing none other than King Sombra, who is still laughing in his usual, evil manner. He finally ceases, then grins maliciously as he asks Twilight, "Did you miss me, Princess?"

That's how I would start it, at least.

3458581 That would be the kind of scene would play before the incredibly upbeat opening titles, or the upbeat credits sequence.

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