King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Lately I thought of an Idea for something Sombra Related whilst still writing on something else, So I began to write down other ideas, and a Sombra fic slowly came into reality.
Though now I am thinking, that once I get to work more on it, I will also need to figure out what Tags to place it as... and that suddenly stumped me.
Do you use the Sad Tag, If there is a good amount of Sadness from your characters? Would you use the Comedy tag, if you try to even thing out from the Pits of depression with moments of glee?
Or would you just scratch both of them and Call it an Adventure, even if there isnt that much adventuring going?

What do you think?

Group Admin


I'll add a sad tag.

I don't think comic relief counts as comedy, after all, it is a 'relief'. Too much sad and depression can weigh in on the reader so it's always good to get a moment of happiness here and there, but if that comic relief starts to come into each and every chapter without fail, then it would fall into a comedy with bits of sadness.

It sounds logical at least.

Yea that would make sense. So I will have to rethink things a bit to see weither or not it deserves a Comedy tag. :rainbowhuh:

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