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So I've searched Sombra a few times on deviant art and I've come across two views on him, one where Sombra's mane is part of the black part on his muzzle, and where the black part is just part of his helmet.

Here at the two examples.

The one with the mane going onto his muzzle.

And the one with his helmet being the muzzle part and his 'side burns'.

What do you all think? How does Sombra's mane work?

Im convinced he has a fabulous mane and even more fabulous sideburns. :pinkiehappy:

I agree. I think he has side burns, but not the muzzle thing. I also think part of the 'side burns' shown may be part of his crown covering any actual side burns. That's just my opinion.

I don't know but he looks majestic as hell with sideburns.

3458514 Well, I never noticed this until now... but for the moment I'll have to go with that he has awesome sideburns, but the dark muzzle bit is part of his helmet/crown, eh.

I went and did a little more research and I'm still at a loss!
Here are a few screenshots from the season 3 premeir that show Sombra's mane to be on his muzzle and sideburns.

One could say that these are just because of the way the show is animated since things have to be layered over one another since that is exactly what happens in the comics.

Here we see King Sombra without his black muzzle but still having sideburns. Later in the comics when he puts on his battle crown, he has that black pentagon back on his muzzle.

In conclusion, we are back where we started :rainbowlaugh: I personally sketch Sombra with his mane being part of his muzzle along with sideburns. We're all welcome to our own interpretations of him however. :twilightsmile:

3818049 Well, back to square one I guess, eh. :pinkiecrazy:

Both look good though! I mainly go by these for nose and sideburns. They are pictures from the Youtube video The Tale Of One Shadow

I'm a huge believer in the fact that king sombra's sideburns are real, whereas the part on his muzzle is from the helmet. Reason being is that while the sideburns look natural, the muzzle part seems too well cut for it to actually be a mane. So i believe the muzzle part is just for show, it's not actually meant for anything.

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