King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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Just say he comes fully back to life and gets his hooves on The Alicorn Amulet?

I think all bucking hell would be unleashed.

It would be awesome! Someone talented writer gotta write that!

He's probably become as powerful like the dark lord Morgoth.

I already got that planned as a future development in my story. Before I go on, I'll warn you, it's a HiE story, and I'm at a point where he's brought back as a human by taking over the body of another.

So if you ain't into that, then hopefully someone else may be able to satisfy ya.

Now, I haven't gotten to it yet, as I like to pace myself when I write (trust me, if i wrote any faster, it'll be rushed and bullshit.), but it goes like this.

It'll turn out that he MADE THE DAMN Thing. He'll end up tracking down the last person to use it: Trixie, and then he'll eventually find Zecora, the one who REALLY has it. He'll find her hut, and tear the place down looking for it, and even destroy her home out of anger that she already took it, being one step ahead. Alas, he'll get his hands on it eventually, and take down Celestia with ease.

The conjuntion of Sombra and the Alicorn Amulet reminds me a bit at Sauron and the One Ring. Maybe Sombra has created the Alicorn Amulet as a meanst to turn himself into an alicorn, and it backfired badly, which is why he now wears a cape - maybe it even went horribly right and he wears the cape to hide his true nature.

774595 I shall consume your idea and incorporate it into my own.

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